
美 [tempt]英 [tempt]
  • v.诱惑;引诱;怂恿;引起(食欲等)
  • 网络诱惑某人做坏事;试探;吸引

第三人称单数:tempts 现在分词:tempting 过去式:tempted

tempt appetite,tempt fate



求《暮光之城》女主角资料_百度知道 ... 浪迹青春 Rennie's Landing 引诱 Tempted 与男孩同车 Riding in Cars with Boys ...


形容词-服务你的词汇多样性1_睿不可当_新浪博客 ... aware 明白 tempted 诱惑 busy 繁忙 ...


优秀考生六级词汇笔记 - 豆丁网 ... take off 脱 衣 服 脱 下 卸 下 B. tempted 诱惑某人做坏事★ C. elicited 引起 激起 ...


我们的软弱(infirmities) 他也曾凡事受过试探(v. tempted) 与我们一样, 。 , 只是他没有(apart from)犯罪(n. sin)。


441 Quiz flashcards | Quizlet ... supposedly 推测地, 大概 tempted 诱惑, 怂恿, 引诱, 吸引 transmission 传输, 传播, 播送 ...


暮光之城卡莱尔与时空旅人之妻男主角是... ... Riding in Cars with Boys 辣妹青春 Tempted 诱惑陷阱 Rennie's Landing 浪迹青 …

In the midst of all these changes you may be tempted to fall into fear as those about you who do not know of these messages react in fear. 在这所有变化之中,当那些你身边并不了解这些信息的人表现出恐惧时,你们可能会被诱导而跌入恐惧之中。
Many people might be tempted to say that the answer depends on which is true: evolution or intelligent design. 许多人可能倾向说,这取决于哪个是正确的:进化论或者智慧设计论。
Kissinger spends little time relaxing at his country home in Connecticut as a man of his years might be tempted to do. 基辛格不能像他这个年龄的人所希望的那样,他几乎没有时间在康涅狄格州乡间的家中放松。
I could see that the US, and to a lesser extent the UK, might be tempted to go down this road. 我能想见,美国和英国(可能性略低)或许会忍不住走上这条道路。
Benitez insisted it would take a 'massive' offer for him to part with Alonso and he was not tempted by a proposal from Juventus. 贝尼特斯坚持认为要阿隆索离开默西塞德几乎是不可能的事,而且去年夏天他也没有为尤为图斯的转会提案而心动。
It's a good thing God doesn't let you look a year or two into the future, or you might be sorely tempted to shoot yourself. 上帝不让你看到一两年后的事情,这是好事,要不然,你可能非开枪自杀不可。
Countries with high debts and a history of poor macroeconomic management would be most tempted to leave. 那些高负债以及宏观经济管理一直较差的国家将最有可能退出。
A pair of sunglasses immediately tempted me. It was chic, stylish, and looked perfect on me. It was not too expensive either: $150. 一副墨镜立即吸引了我,别致、时尚,而且看起来和我的风格很搭,而且也不太贵:150美元。
He was tempted to feel that his life was nothing but trouble and bitterness, that there was no meaning to his existence. 他受到试探,认为自己的生命了无生趣,只有烦恼和痛苦,他的生存已毫无意义。
There's always going to be something of indeterminate age in your kitchen, and you may be tempted to sniff, poke, and then taste it. 总是会有些不确定因素存在于您的厨房,并且您可能会受到诱惑,闻,戳,然后品味。
Eve awakes and tells Adam about a dream she had, in which an angel tempted her to eat from the forbidden tree. 夏娃醒来便告诉亚当昨夜的梦,梦里有一名天使诱惑她吃知识之果。
He said , if this was the case , he would be tempted to try. 他说,如果情况是这样,他颇有跃跃欲试之感。
Mr. Bingley had not been of age two years , when he was tempted by an accidental recommendation to look at Netherfield House. 当时彬格莱先生成年还不满两个年头,只因为偶然听到人家推荐尼日斐花园的房子,他便来到这儿看看。
Inviting the men might as well say the move is the most primitive desire, a woman is tempted by a move prior to the brain. 男人动心了还不如说动了最原始的欲望,女人动心了是之前动了脑筋。
He had not only twitched his shoulder but clenched his fist, as if tempted to use it. 他不止是扭动他的肩膀,还握紧他的拳头,大有动武之势。
Looking at the screen that the money, no one glistening not to be tempted. 看着银幕上那白花花的银子,没有人不动心的。
But as tempted as I am to be a coward and escape by crawling back home, I have resolved to give it a good month's trial. 然而,虽然我很想当一个懦夫,悄悄地溜回家,但我还是决心尝试着干一个月。
He traveled to the Sith world of Ziost, where the energy of the dark side tempted him to give in to his basest instincts. 本来到西斯的星球锡奥斯特,在那里,黑暗面的能量引诱他屈服于最原始的本能。
Some of you may be tempted to put your newspaper down and pretend to pay attention. 你们当中一些人或许放下报纸,假装看安全短片。
I was tempted to glance at the growing pile, just to check the size, but I knew that idea would not be helpful to my no-vomiting strategy. 真想瞟一眼那令人恶心的肉槽,目测一下尺寸,但我知道这个主意对我的拒绝呕吐的计策没有帮助。
Tempted by a dream of happiness, he had yielded himself with deliberate choice, as he had never done before, to what he knew was deadly sin. 他受着幸福的梦境的诱惑,经过周密的选择,居然前所未有地屈从于明知是罪大恶极的行径。
This is the kind of device that does not disappoint, and I'm already tempted to put down money on a preorder. 这是一个不会让你失望的机器,我已经忍不住要放下一个预购的钱。
Carragher is thought to have been tempted out of international retirement by Fabio Capello ahead of this summer's World Cup. 卡拉目前正在考虑重返英格兰队参加国际比赛,以追随卡佩罗参加今年夏天的世界杯。
Keep your list in your wallet, and pull it out every time you are tempted to trade what you want most in life for what you want this second. 把你的清单放在皮夹中,每次你有要用你人生中最希望得到的东西和此时此刻要得到的作交换时,就把它拿出来。
Her mother tempted her with tasty meat dishes, and herfriends told her the diet would be bad for her health. 她母亲用美味的肉食去诱惑她,并且她的朋友告诉她这种饮食将是对她的健康不利。
He's tempted to look things up in his other dictionaries, comparing definitions, which slows his progress. 谢伊还不时翻阅其他字典比较释义上的不同,使得他的阅读速度变慢。
It is all freely available software, so one will not be tempted to use pirated software and set a bad example. 这是一套免费使用的软体,所以我们不用去下载盗版软体,树立不良的示范。
They tempted him to join the company by offering him a large salary and a company car. 他们用高薪和公车吸引他加入公司。
On account of your rebellious manner to me I was tempted to go further than I should have done. 当时因为你对我那样桀骜,我做得可就有些出格了。
The country's citizens have very few investment options and are being tempted into a market that has quadrupled in less than two years. 中国人的投资选择很少,而一个不到两年就涨了3倍的市场充满了诱惑力。