
美 [twik]英 [twiːk]
  • n.拧;力扯;妙计
  • v.扭;用力拉;(吸毒者发毒瘾时)神经质地抽搐

复数:tweaks 现在分词:tweaking 过去式:tweaked



短文10_瑞欧英语_新浪博客 ... bashful 害羞的 tweaked v. party school 混日子的学校 ...

The Lakers said the right ankle Kobe Bryant tweaked during Tuesday night's game was not a problem and that he would play tonight. 另外湖人官方还表示,科比在周二晚上的比赛扭到了的脚踝并没有什么大碍,他铁定会参加今天晚上的比赛!
The greatest tweaker of his generation did not care to be tweaked. 在自己的时代里,最伟大的巧匠并不喜欢被微调。
The schedule of events as you call it has been tweaked again to allow more impact and produce a wider acceptance of what will take place. 杰斯,是的,我在这里。你所讲的事件计划已被再次调整来产生更多的影响,并让大家对将要发生的事形成更广泛的接受。
If I had a dollar for every time I visited a blog that had been tweaked to the point of looking terrible, I'd be as rich as Bill Gates. 如果每浏览一个被其主人扭曲到惨不忍睹的博客,我都有一美元入账,那我现在已经富比盖茨了。
If any of these constants had been tweaked at all, the universe would likely be empty, with no stars and no life. 如果这些常量中的任何一个被扭曲了,这个宇宙很可能是空的,没有星星,也没有生命。
One of my favourite pieces of his is a certain iconic French ashtray subtly tweaked so that it says, not "Ricard" , but "Richard" . 我最喜欢的一幅作品就是一个标志性的法国烟灰缸,微微有点扭曲,使得上面的字看起来不是“茴香酒(Ricard)”而是“理查(Richard)”。
The team crunched huge amounts of data about user behaviour to see which areas needed to be improved and tweaked. 她的团队分析了大量有关用户行为的数据,看看哪些地方需要改进和调整。
Things like performance and stability, which will no doubt be tweaked, well, we tend to give companies the benefit of the doubt. 像性能和稳定性之类的属性,他们无疑将被进行适当的调整,我们倾向于假定公司是无辜的。
A few examples have had to be tweaked to give the books an American context. 为了使教材更加本土化,原本的一些教学例子中的文化内容须要作出调整。
Mr Deasy looked down and held for a while the wings of his nose tweaked between his fingers. 迪希先生朝下面望去,用手指捏了一会儿鼻翅。
Now you're ready to create a test XFS filesystem tweaked for optimal performance. 现在,您即将创建调整成最佳性能的XFS测试文件系统。
"It is an expectation that things will be tweaked, but to what extent and how significantly, that remains to be seen, " says a spokesman. 一位发言人表示:“预计将出台一些调整,但调整到什么程度,以及会产生多大影响,仍需拭目以待。”
I suppose that the people responsible for the coffee mug would say that they'd merely tweaked the wording of the original a little. 我猜想负责给咖啡杯刻字的人会说他们只是稍微扭曲了一下这话的原意。
Michael mentioned that the rule can be tweaked only when there is a strong reason behind it like better productivity or more developers. Michael提到只有当你有足够充分的理由的时候,比如生产力提高了或者有了更多的开发人员,你才可以打破那条规则。
Adding a table row or moving the headings to the top should be simple to do without messing up a carefully tweaked layout or color schema. 添加表格行或把标题移动到顶部,做起来会很简单,不会弄乱精心调整的布局或颜色方案。
Yes they'll be similar, but with a new set of Medieval ones. We've also tweaked and improved the system. 是的,相似的。但是有一个新的设定。我们也转变,改进了系统。
That policy is continued one-party rule and a state-run economy that will be tweaked, rather than radically reformed. 政策依旧是一党专治,同时经济形式也仍将是被调整过的国家控制经济,而非进行根本意义上的改革。
A great big beetle came up underneath the lily leaf and tweaked the toe of one of his galoshes. 一个大甲虫游到那个百合叶子下面,拧他在橡胶鞋套里的脚趾。更详细。
The front bumper has been tweaked, the front grille is changed, new headlights and side mirror repeaters were installed. 的前保险杠已经扭曲,前格栅的改变,新的头灯和侧视镜中继器安装。
Tweaked to provide, among other things, a more realistic rate of increase in the value of the voucher, it could be workable. 如果进行微小的调整,提供(比方说)一个更加契合实际的医疗券额度增长率,那该计划或许可行。
Curbishley added: "He swung his leg to clear the ball and has caught his boot on somebody and tweaked his medial knee ligament. " 库比什利补充道:“他大脚开球时提到别人身上,扭伤了膝盖韧带。”
The list can also be tweaked to include results from a particular manufacturer or of a given minimum quality or popularity level. 这个结果列表可以按照特定的制造商,最低的品质和流行程度来细微的调整。
Oil-ministry officials have recently tweaked plans for a long-awaited licence auction in December, to make it more attractive. 为使许可证更具吸引力,最近石油部官员拟出计划要让长期枯等的许可证在今年十二月公开招标。
We've tweaked a few other areas. If you're interested, take a look at the rulebook. 我们还做了一些其他的改变,如果你感兴趣,就点击这里。
And she wishes she had tweaked the big shoulders on one of her Parisian dresses instead of giving it away. 她后悔当初不该把她的一件巴黎连衣裙处理掉,而是应该调整一下衣服宽大的肩部。
Not only have I tweaked the design, I've also scaled it down considerably, and cropped the bottom of my canvas to get wider view. 不仅我优化的设计,我也大大缩减下来,并出现底部的我的油画得到更广泛的观点。
To keep the focus on the message of protesting sexual violence, the name of the march was tweaked in Hindi to "Shameless Front. " 要继续抗议性暴力的消息的焦点,游行的名称是调整了印地语,以“无耻的接待。”
He says that it would be "virtually impossible" to make the Irish vote again on a tweaked version of the treaty. 他认为只要对条约加以进行一定的修改,完全可以让爱尔兰人投票通过。
As you can see, the back of the model is very hard tweaked to make it look good with the camera, but not so good in other angles. 从后面打的相机的角度看角色的动态是很不错,但从其它的角度就不一定好了。
Bankers had been under no illusions that the tweaked Paulson plan would cure all the financial system's ills. 银行家们对妥协后的鲍尔森的救市计划会治愈金融系统的疾患不抱幻想。