
美 [ˈtaɪni]英 ['taɪni]
  • n.小孩子;【医】癣;【女名】女子名
  • adj.极小的
  • 网络微小的;最微小的

比较级:tinier 最高级:tiniest

tiny fraction,tiny bit,tiny minority,tiny piece,tiny space



2002-2008年考研英语已考过的高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... tightened 固定,使紧密;拉紧 tiniest 微小的, 极小的 tough 坚韧的;困难 …


2002-2008年考研英语已考过的高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... tightened 固定,使紧密;拉紧 tiniest 微小的, 极小的 tough 坚韧的;困难 …


宇宙里最小的东西是什么_BBC_新浪教育_新浪网 ... infinitely 无限的 tiniest 最微小的 minute 极微小的 ...

When buying window screens, choose those made of a fine mesh to prevent the tiniest mosquitoes from entering. 买纱窗的时候,买细一点的,连细小的蚊子也跑不进去才可以。
If you had a magic microscope that could see how things work on the tiniest scale in nature, you might get a bit of a surprise. 如果你有一个神奇的显微镜,可以看到自然界最小尺度上的运作方式,你或许会深感意外。
Bugs are a part of the daily life of every programmer because even the smallest loops and the tiniest function calls can have bugs in them. bug是每位程序员日常生活的一部分,因为就算是最小的循环和最简单的函数调用之中也会有bug。
Even the tiniest poodle is lionhearted, ready to do anything to defend home, master, and mistress. 就算是最迷你的贵宾狗,也会跃跃欲试地要保卫家门以及男女主人。
And the jar of pills he had, he said, were the tiniest little pills he could find, so small you could barely see them. 这罐药,他告诉我,是他能找到的最小的安慰药片,小到你几乎看不清它们。
He had the tiniest little shack imaginable, stuffed in every corner with treasures of every sort and then some. 他有一间小得不能再小的小屋,各个角落里堆满了各种各样的宝贝。
Any conversation with him is about hours of work, about refusing to be satisfied until the tiniest things are absolutely right. 同他交谈,内容是工作时间;是拒绝满足,直到最微小的事情都绝对正确为止。
Without any tiniest distracting thoughts into mind, my heart is just like a clear spring flowing slowly into a limpid brook. 没有一丝杂念的进入思维,就像一泓清泉,缓缓流入清澈的小溪里。
The tiniest survivor was cold and wet. She was crying, but she was believed to have suffered no other injuries. 这个弱小的幸存者全身冰冷潮湿,正嘤嘤啼哭,不过大伙发现她没有受到其他伤害。
He was the tiniest in his class, but he developed a warm, outgoing nature and was popular with his peers. 在他们班上,他是最弱小的一个了,但他培养出了一种热心、外向的性格并且在同龄人中,他非常受欢迎。
Staff were being tremendously careful when caring for him, because the tiniest jerk of his head would have killed him. 医护人员在护理他时需要非常的小心,因为对他头部一个轻微的拉动作都有可能夺走他的生命。
Surely, you know that all things come for a good reason, and that God sends even the tiniest detail to guide us. 想必,你也知道,冥冥万物自有因果,而且我们每走一步,皆有上帝的指引。
After that, what happens in adult society may be just as complex, but not nearly as wondrous, as the inner workings of the tiniest minds. 从那之后,成人世界里发生的事情可能和婴儿小小脑袋瓜中的运作一样复杂,却远不及其神奇。
That's right, Sandra Bullock, the star of the movie, was parsing the tiniest details of her character's costume with the designer. 不错,桑德拉布拉克,电影明星,她在和设计师解读主人公着装的那些最细微之处。
That means anything that gives off the tiniest electrical charge has to be checked out - including all living creatures in the sea. 那意味着任何释放最微小电势的东西都能被检测出来–包括海洋里的所有生物。
Life in the oceans ranges from the tiniest plankton all the way up to giants like sharks and whales. 海洋里的生物从微小的浮游生物到巨大的动物,如鲨鱼和鲸鱼。
Life in the ocean ranges from the tiniest plankton all the way up to giants like sharks and whales. 海洋里的生物中从微小的浮游生物到巨大的动物如鲨鱼和鲸鱼都有。
In reality, though, the scariest menaces for humans in space are the tiniest: fast-moving elementary particles known as cosmic rays. 不过事实上,人类在太空中最恐怖的威胁是小得不得了的东西,即高速的基本粒子:宇宙射线。
In effect, she is saying that she is so confident of finding a new job that she refuses the tiniest imposition on her. 实际上,她是在说,她非常有信心找到一份新工作,所以她一点儿都不会屈就。
So if you're micromanaging at all, even the teeny tiniest little bit, step back and take a long, hard look. It's a sign of deeper problems. 所以如果你确实是在微观管理,哪怕是纤若毫厘的程度,退回一步,仔细而长远地看看,你会发现它是深层次问题的标志。
But another certain consequence would be a deadly - and unnecessary - accident if the car hit even the tiniest pothole or sliver of ice. 但另外一个肯定的后果则是,一旦汽车碰上即使是最小的小坑或者一点冰,将导致一场致命而且不必要的事故。
Life in the oceans ranges from the tiniest plankton entirely up to giants like sharks and whbrewskies. 海洋里的生物从渺小的浮游生物到巨大的动物。如鲨鱼和鲸鱼。
Life in the oceans ranges from the tiniest planktoon all the way up to giants like sharks and whales. 海洋生命包括微型浮游生物一直到像鲸鱼和鲨鱼那样的庞然大物。
The tiniest speck of dust that you could see under an ordinary microscope would still contain about ten billion atoms! 你在普通显微镜下看到的最微上的尘埃颗粒仍然会包含着大约100亿颗原子!
And for a company that doesn't ignore the tiniest of details, the most mundane of components are the most advanced available. 对于一个不放过哪怕最细微的细节的公司来说,最平凡的部件也要选同类产品中最先进的那一个。
As long as they receive decent after-care, kidney donors suffer only the tiniest increase in their own risk of dying of kidney disease. 只要他们接受适当的病后护理与治疗,肾脏捐献者死于自身肾病的风险只有微小的增加。
And then, at the bottom, you would find, in the tiniest possible print, "in the hand of Edith Wilson. " 在文档底部,你能找到能打印出来的最小的字,“出自伊迪丝·威尔逊之手。”
Another is that the geometric perfection of the design allows the viewer to see the tiniest of imperfections. 另一种解释是这种设计在几何学上的完美让观看者可以看到最微小的瑕疵。
It's hard for me as a mother to realize that for all I try, my kids may only remember the tiniest glimpses of time from these days. 作为一个母亲,去意识到我所做的所有的努力,我的孩子们可能只记得从前那些日子的丁点,这是很难的。
We watched this cat from the time she was little, dance, jump, and walk on the tiniest edge of everything. 从这猫小时起,我们就目睹她在各种最小平面上跳舞蹦走。