the river

  • 网络河流;大河;神秘之河

the riverthe river

the river


王明台_百度百科 ... 1995 《飞天》 Accidental Legend 1997 《河流The River 2001 《你那边几点》 What Time Is It There? ...


外国电影【2178】(不含中国电影) ... 游戏的规则 La Regle du Jeu 大河 The River 法国康康舞 French Cancan ...


● 《神秘之河》(The River)的常规演员Paul Blackthorne及来自《法律与秩序:犯罪倾向》的Jamey Sheridan加盟CW试映集 …


G229怒河春醒(THE RIVER) 1984 135G230铁面无私(THE UNTOUCHABLES) 120 G231午夜牛郎(MIDNIGHT COWBOY) 110 …


该影片《灵动:鬼影实录4》剧本出自《神秘河》(The River)制作人扎克?埃斯特林(Zack Estrin),由亨利?


河底(The River),玩家易犯两个错误:1、明显会输的牌也跟注;2、轻易弃牌。很显然,轻易弃牌损失更大。


河牌(The River) - 第五张也是最后一张牌被摆在牌桌中央 德州扑克奥玛哈高牌 奥玛哈高/低 7张牌梭哈 5张牌梭哈 -当然一桌只 …


优质影片 – Mtime时光网 ... 钢琴别恋, The Piano 大河之恋, The River 孔雀, Peacock ...

When the ferry he was on reached the middle of the river they were crossing, he noticed somebody standing in the boat. 当他乘坐的渡船到了河中间的时候,他注意到有一个人站在船上。
Like a rock that fails to stem the river in its flow, so the death of a loved one should not stop life in its stride. 就像一块石头,它不能阻止江河的流动一样,心爱人的死亡不应当阻止你大踏步地前进着的生活。
"I cannot keep your waves, " says the bank to the river. "Let me keep your footprints in my heart. " 岸向河说:“我留不住你的波浪,让我在心里留下你的足印吧。”
The big Klaus went into a bag with rocks to reach the bottom of the river as fast as possible. 大克劳斯钻进口袋,为了能尽快沉到河底还在口袋里装了些石头。
She had just been for a row on the river, and the sun that netted the little waves with gold seemed to have caught her in its meshes. 她刚刚在河中划了一会船,给细浪罩上一层金网的太阳似乎也把她罩在网中了。
"No one expected Venus to be the poisonous hell that it is, or Mars to have the river valleys that it does, " he said. “在我们进行宇宙探索之前,没有人能够预料到,金星是那样一个充满毒气的地狱,而火星表面却有河谷。”他说。
Phatik wiped his face, and sat down on the edge of a sunken barge on the river bank, and began to chew a piece of grass. 法提克擦了擦脸,坐在河边的船骸上,拿起一片草便开始嚼。
" The scoundrel had a brainwave and said: " The chicken is bathing in the river, and I am looking after its clothes. 歹徒“灵机”一动,说道:“鸡子在河里洗澡,我给它看着衣服。”
This may be a test: try to sell him down the river and the next time you look him in the eye he may be firing you - and serve you right. 或许可以做个测试:设法出卖他,下次碰到他的时候,他可能会炒你的鱿鱼——这是你应得的报应。
He contemplated washing himself in the Thames, but the river appeared to be dirtier than he was. 他打算在泰晤士河里洗一洗,但河水似乎比他还脏。
The little horse came back to the riverside and was ready to cross the river. Then the squirrel shouted loudly: "You don't want to live? " 小马回到河边,刚刚抬起前蹄,松鼠又大叫起来:“怎么,你不要命了?”
She had just been back for a row on the river, and the sun that netted the little waves with gold seemed to have caught her in its meshes. 她刚从河上划船回来,水上那阳光织成的金色浪网仿佛还罩在她头上。
My hometown formerly was a very beautiful place, but since after the creek built up a factory, in the river did not have the fish. 我的家乡从前是一个很美丽的地方,但是自从在小河边建起一座工厂之后,河里就没有鱼了。
So he sat down to take a rest, looking at the river which his father had once told him. 有一天,儿子在河边割芦苇,烈日当空,晒得他头昏眼花,于是他就坐下来休息。
Thornton was in the boat, while Hans and Pete moved along the river bank, holding the boat with a rope. 桑顿在船上,而汉斯和皮特则沿着河岸走,用一根绳索拉住小船。
They all asked me to go there, I said to the television next to the river throwing rocks, you know? 他们都问我去那里,我说在电视旁边的河流扔石头,你知道吗?我很高兴今天。
After such a storm I'm surprised to see that the river hasn't flooded. 经过这样一场暴雨,我惊讶地发现这条河并没有泛滥。
The wind is strongly opposed to "can't, so you're dangerous, a little careful not to fall into the river to drown the right. " 风极力反对“不可以的、那样你很危险、稍不小心就会掉进河里面被淹死。”
He collected rice from his land and, thinking the river might be crowded, made bold to borrow your family's official insignia. 因从庄上运些租米,怕河路里挤,大胆借了老爷府里官衔。
A little further down the river was a sort of beach section, with a cycle path leading past it and a recreation green. 河的下游不远处有一片沙滩,旁边有条环形小路直通那里,还有个绿化带。
Once the algae, fish can be clear enough to see the children playing in the river speaking, bliss. 从前河水清澈见底,游鱼水藻都可以看得一清二楚,三五成群的小孩子在河里嬉戏、打闹。
And when a flood came, the river broke out against that house, yet it was not strong enough to shake it, because it had been built well. 到了洪水氾滥的时候,河流冲击那房子,也不能摇动它,因为盖造得好。
A temporary repair job got us across the river and a few miles further, to a small river town called Zhongtang, where we got stuck again. 在临时修理之后,我们过了江。往前又走了几英里,来到一个叫做中堂的江边小镇,车子又再次抛锚。
As airpower took over, thunder and lightning lit up the sky while the two platoons forded the river and climbed up to the Korengal Outpost. 空中开始电闪雷鸣,雷声和闪电照亮了天空。而此时两排正涉过浅滩,向科伦加尔的边区村落前进。
It was quite a feat for her to swim across the river. 她游泳横渡那条河是十分了不起的壮举。
Once he saw a turtle someone was getting ready to eat. He felt sorry for it, so he bought the turtle and took it to the river. 一次,他看到一只乌龟即将被人吃掉,感到很难过,就把它买下来,并带到河边放生。
I walked slowly to mention in the river, the cool breeze began to blow down these days stuffy in the heart of the mind. 我缓缓地在河提走着,凉风吹起了这几天闷在心底的心事。
The sun had been up for several hours and the mist had not yet gone, and the river, like some mysterious being, flowed on. 太阳已经出来了好几个小时,而雾还没有散去,那条河就像某种神秘的存在一样,继续向前流去。
It's not easy to make the river clean again, but our government has made up its mind to get rid of the pollution completely. 使河流变清不是件容易的事,但我们的政府已经下定决心要清除污染。
It had effect on both the normal work of the stations along the river bank , and disturbing the order of communication . 既影响江岸电台的正常工作,又扰乱无线电通信管理秩序。