too young

  • 网络太年轻;还太年轻;还太年青

too youngtoo young

too young


适合练习听力的英文歌曲 ... 14 甜心 Dear Heart 15 太年轻 Too Young 16 低语的松树 Whispering Pines ...


爵士乐1-纳金高_菜子_人文... ... 《For Sentimental Reasonss- 情爱》、 《Too Young还太年轻》、 、《Unforgettable- …


【数码影音】烛光恋曲 [小提琴、钢琴、人声三重奏] ... Till 直到 Too Young 还太年青 Stranger In Paradise 乐园里的陌生人 ...


一些中译英_百度知道 ... 太慢了 too slow 太年轻了 too young 太贵了 too expensive ...


Chinese translation of lyrics of... ... 7.Wild Irish Rose 爱尔兰野玫瑰 8. Too Young 太过年轻 9. Father 父亲 ...


1974 Film List | Chinese Movie Database ... Thirteen 早熟 Too Young 早婚 The Tournament 中泰拳坛生死战 ...


人教版八年级英语下册第一单元重点词组和句型 ... 38.独自居住_ live alone 39.太小_ too young 40.甚至可能_ even possible ...


第34届台湾电影金马奖 TaiPei Golden Horse... ... 回家 Coming Home 野麻雀 Too Young 嗅觉 Xiu Jue ...

We got very mad at him and tried to argue with him about the taxi fare, but he didn't want to reduce it because he thought we are too young. 我们很生气,想和他理论,但是那个司机看我们是孩子,根本不理会。
It now seems to me that I was too young to understand, though Iwas slightly older than Wordsworth was when he wrote the passage. 现在看来,那时我还太年轻以至于没有读懂,虽然那时的我比华兹华斯写下这首诗时还稍微年长一些。
I think our company was perhaps a bit too young but, whatever the reason, I was one of the people who had to deal with the consequences. 也许是因为当时公司太年轻了,但不论是什么原因,我都是应该站出来承担后果的人员之一。
'You could have had a gesture with your father by swimming for him, but you didn't, perhaps because you were too young. 你本来可以为你父亲去游泳,向他表明你的态度,但是你没有这么做,也许是因为你那时太年轻了。
I was told it tasted like the Host did at Mass, something I was too young to know, as I was still a year away from my First Communion. 他们告诉我说饼干就像做弥撒时圣体的味道,我年纪太小,离初次圣礼还差一年,这些话我还听不懂。
Besides, this girl was too young, about eighteen, whereas Hollis Meynell had frankly told him she was thirty. "Well, what of it? " 此外,这女孩太年轻了,大约十八岁,而荷莉丝‧梅奈尔曾坦白地告诉他她已叁十岁。
The children are too young to see that movie. 这些孩子太小了不适合看那部电影。
That he would propose some day she had never doubted, for she was too young and too spoiled ever to have known defeat. 她从未怀疑他有一天会向她求婚,因为她实太年轻太娇惯了,从来不懂得失败是怎么回事。
He was no player and was looking for a serious relationship; I felt too young to make promises, and stalled. 他不是花花公子,他想要的是一段认真的恋情;我觉得当时我太年轻,不能给予他任何承诺,我们的关系就就此停滞了。
Four in ten childless women say they're not ready to give up their lifestyle - and a quarter still feel too young for a child. 十分之四的无子女的女性说她们还没准备好放弃自己的生活方式,四分之一的女性觉得自己还很年轻,不到要小孩的时候。
It's impossible for you to understand all this. You are too young. 你们不可能明白所有这一切,你们太小了。
Though she was smokingly sexy, she was just a kid, Sinatra thought at the time, too young for him. 尽管她那时性感的冒烟,但只不过是一个孩子,辛纳屈当时觉得对自己太年轻了。
She was too young to understand all that. 她太年轻不能理解这些。
Maybe I'm too young to have "real" regrets, but I do feel a little disappointed in myself when I think of how much time I've wasted. 也许是我太年轻,为赋新词强说愁,但是当想到我已经浪费了多少时间时,我确实对自己有一点失望。
One day when I was sitting with her in her room, she said lovingly, ' You know, David dear, I'm afraid I was too young. 一天,我在她房间坐在她身边,她动情地说:“你知道,大卫,亲爱的,恐怕我太年轻了。”
I knew the artifacts were important, but I was too young to understand that they were the very essence of Chinese culture. 他说,“我知道这些文物很重要,但是我太小了,还不懂他们是中华文化的精髓。”
She didn't seem to mind touching her mother's cold flesh-- she was too young to have learned to shudder at the touch of death. 清照似乎并不在意触碰母亲冰冷的肉躯——她太小,还不会在死亡面前感到战栗。
However, when Jennifer sounded Bradley, 38, out about Taylor he said he wasn't interested and that she was too young for him! 但是,当劳伦斯联系库伯时,38岁的库伯却对此不感兴趣还称斯威夫特太年轻了!
Things like that are too profound and hard to answer. I am too young, too fledgling. So I grasped one of my work and began to finish it. 像那样的东西过于深刻,很难回答我太年轻,太羽翼未丰的。所以我把握我的工作,开始把它做完。
"I'm too young to have had any bone-shaking experiences, so I guess it was reading the script of The Sixth Sense, " he replies. “我太小了,还没有什麽令人胆战心惊的经验,如果有的话,我想就是阅读灵异第六感的脚本了,”他答复。
The court was told he could not accept his daughter had always seen herself as a boy and considered her too young to make such a decision. 法庭被告知,他不能接受女儿把自己看成男孩并且认为女儿太小了,不能作出这样的决定。
In 1982 , an American woman had taken me to one side and told me that I looked too young and should " never wear pants " . 2年,一个美国女人将我拉到一旁,对我说我长得太年轻了,应当“永远不要穿裤子”。
And, the experts say, it is wrong to think children are "too young" or "not ready" to learn certain content at certain ages. 并且,专家称,认为孩子“太小”或“未准备”学习特定年龄的特定内容的想法是错误的。
Baby face: In the beginning, I was always getting hassled by patients who thought I looked too young to be a tech. 娃娃脸:在开始的时候,我经常会受到病人的非议,他们觉得我太年轻了,还不能胜任这个工作。
Even though I didn't want to admit it, I knew that I was too young and naive to be able to handle everything on my own. 即使我并不想承认,我知道我又小有天真,搞不定所有的事情。
I had intended to start working, but I always think I still lack of knowledge, and I'm too young, so I plan to continue studying. 本来打算开始工作。但一直觉得自己的知识太缺乏。而且年龄也比较小。想要再继续学习。
A bored waiter poured out a few swallows of pink champagne ( "on the house" ) for everyone but the bride, who was too young to be served. 一个百无聊赖的侍者给每人都斟上了几口粉红色的香槟(说是“本店免费招待的”),唯独没给新娘斟,因为她年纪太小还不能喝酒。
"Get rid of him, " Tyler tells me. "He's too young. " “赶他走”泰勒说,“太年轻了。”
The boys were pulling chestnuts out of the fire for the thieves, but they were too young to know it. 这些男孩在为偷贼冒险,但是他们太小还不知道。
Many parents also rely on the thermometer to tell them how sick a child is when he's too young to talk. 除此之外,在孩子太小还不会说话的时候,许多家长都会依靠体温计来判断孩子的病情。