two week

  • 网络两个礼拜的;为期两周的;双周抛

two weektwo week

two week


高一英语必修3内容要点... ... three-year-old (三岁大的) two-week (两个礼拜的) one-way (单行的) ...


英语..急需..要有解释_百度知道 ... A. on bid on 投标竞价 B. two-week 为期两周的 C. as 和---一样 ...




征询 - 环境安全 - 6SQ.Net ... 1 周内发生 Weekly 7 2 周内发生 (半月) Two-week 6 1 个月内发生 Monthly 5 ...

After the steepest two-week rally in more than two years, the S&P 500 is at the top end of its range for the past two months. 标准普尔500指数过去两周的涨幅为逾两年来最大,目前已经处在两个月来交投区间的顶端。
The excavation team revealed over the weekend that it had found a crypt after a two-week search at an abandoned convent in Florence. 挖掘队伍上周末公布,经过近半月的搜寻,他们发现了葬在废弃的佛罗伦萨修道院内这具骸骨。
If you think so i might invite you to a one or two week vacation this year. 如果你认为可以,我今年可以邀请你度假一到两周。
I have decided to take a two-week holiday and live it up in a tropical resort. 我已经决定去度两个礼拜的假,在一个热带的度假区尽情享受。
Brock's last long holiday was more than 10 years ago, when he took a two-week drive across the country. 布鲁克上一次享受长假是在10多年前,那时候他用2周开车进行全国旅游。
How much is a two week vacation in Hawaii worth to you? 到夏威夷度假两个星期你要花费多少?
Two-week and NCD prevalence rate of 65-age group was the highest, and there was no difference between female and male. 两周患病率和慢性病患病率女性与男性之间无统计学差异,均以65岁年龄组最高。
The plight of Christians in the Middle East was the subject of a two-week meeting of Roman Catholic bishops at the Vatican in October. 东困境中的基督徒是在一周的会议主题天主教罗马两十月主教在梵蒂冈。
Dow Chemical Co. also confirmed it had a two-week phenol shutdown at its plant in Oyster Creek, Texas, earlier this year. 道化学公司也证实说,今年初,他们在德克萨斯的工厂也有过两周的碳酸断供。
Today, I got a surprise call from LA Fitness saying I've been signed up for a two week pass. It's from my boyfriend. 今天LA健身中心突然打电话来说我注册了一个两周的课程,是我男朋友给注的。
a stable body weight over the two week period -- but they were specifically instructed to attempt to do so. 在哥本哈根研究中,男人们在两个星期多内保持了稳定的体重——但他们是被特别指示尝试这样做的。
Almost two- week -long holiday, in the happiness of others, but I seem to suffer in hell . 长达几乎两周的假日,别人在快乐,我却好像在地狱受罪。
Look for a group with a trained leader that meets in regular sessions (20 to 60 minutes long) over at least a two-week period. 参加一个有受过专业训练领导者的团体,至少每两周开一次20到60分钟的常规会议。
She was about to leave on a two-week vacation. 她当时正打算度过一个两星期的假期。
During a two-week follow-up after the end of treatment, alkaline phosphatase levels rebounded slightly, he said. 他说,在为期两个星期的的治疗结束后随访,碱性磷酸酶水平略有回升。
The S&P 500 fell for a second day after hitting its highest level in nearly three years on Friday at the end of a two-week rally. 标普500指数在上周五触及近三年最高后连跌第二日.该指数在本周一终结为期两周的涨势。
Approximately 1, 500 people signed up to court arrest during the two-week action outside the White House, which begins on Saturday morning. 白宫外,于周六上午开始的为时两周的抗议活动中,大概有1,500人被逮捕。
At dawn of a two-week lunar day, Edwin Aldrin strides across a small crater near one of Eagle's foil-wrapped landing probes. 在一个长达两周的太阴日的拂晓时分,埃德温·奥尔德林大步迈过鹰号那锡箔包裹着的登月舱边上的小陨石坑。
Protests and street violence in early September led to a two-week state of emergency being declared in Bangkok. 9月初的抗议活动和街头暴力导致曼谷实行了两个星期的紧急状态。
That was only a prelude to a two-week sojourn that historian John Lewis Gaddis would characterize as "a surreal extravaganza. " 这只是历史学家约翰刘易斯加迪斯两周内短暂被誉为“一个超现实主义的狂妄家伙”的前奏。
If I have a week to do a shot, I'll spend the first day completely away from the computer. A two-week shot might get 2 days of planning. 如果一个镜头期限是一星期,我就花上一天时间远离电脑来做完整的计划,如果有两周那我就用两天。
Initially, Chris reported very little about the false event, but over a two week period, he constructed a detailed memory of it. 最初,关于这件子虚乌有的事情,克里斯说不出来太多东西,但在两周以后,他的回忆记录越来越翔实。
The incident is the latest to plague China's Olympic soccer team during its two-week stay in London. 在中国国奥队停留伦敦的两周内,这个事件将一直困扰他们。
Y: Over three-hundred subjects were assessed in terms of their emotions for a two- week period. 研究人员就三百多个受测者进行了两个周期的情绪测试。
Captain Bonenberger prepared plans for the summer fighting season and for his own two-week leave in June. 上尉Bonenberger已经准备好夏天的作战计划,并且申请了六月份的为期两周的休假。
Then, after a two-week hiatus , they were retested with one of the other types of olive oil. 然后在两周的间隔后,他们再接受和上次不同的三种橄榄油之一的测试。
The U. S. Open is held every year over a two week period in late August and early September. This year, play began on Monday. 美国公开赛每年都举办多在八月下旬和九月上旬的两个星期内。今年,日(星期一)开始发挥。
Lump in the tornadoes that occurred the next week and there was over 500 tornadoes in a two week period. 把下周发生的龙卷风归结到一起的话,在两周里就有超过500次的龙卷风。
But the researchers also found evidence of a spread among five patients in adjacent hospital wards over a two-week period. 但研究人员也发现了这样一个病例:住在毗邻医院病房的5个病人在两个礼拜的时间内相互传播了细菌。
Japan's Honda appears to have put an end to a two-week strike at its Guangdong parts plant by raising basic pay by almost a quarter. 日本本田(Honda)似乎结束了其广东部件厂为期两周的罢工,提高基本工资近25%。