time flies

  • 网络时光易逝;光阴似箭;时光飞逝

time fliestime flies

time flies


给些英语谚语吧_百度知道 ... A cat has 9 lives. 猫有九条命 1. Time flies. 时光易逝。 2. Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金。 ...


proverb ... Time cures all things. 时间是医治一切创伤的良药。 Time flies. 光阴似箭。 Time is money. 时间就是金钱。 ...


Heroes 英雄 S4E02 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... believe: 相信 time flies: 时光飞逝 no problem: 不用谢 ...


珍惜时间的名人名言英文_百度知道 ... Times change. 时代正在改变 Time flies. 光阴似箭,日月如梭 Time has wings. 光阴去如 …


唯美英文网名和英文... ... Call me maybe❤ 这个是一首很红的歌配歌词== Time Flies 时间飞逝 Fallen angel Lilith 堕天使莉莉丝 ...


Translation ... Time flies. 光阴似箭,岁月如梭。 Time tries all. 路遥知马力,日久见人心。 ...


乌,乌字的解释,查字典 ... 乌洞洞[ pitch-dark] 乌飞兔走[ time flies] 乌黑[ raven;jet-black;pitch-black] ...

Time flies, two years of university life is like a glass of the hourglass, a little bit of engraved in memory. 光阴似箭,两年的大学生活就像一杯沙漏,一点一滴的铭刻在记忆中。
Time flies, we began to understand : Good thing is usually to be hang on the wall for us to miss or retained in our mind to yearned for ! 生活了大半辈子的我们有一天会明白:美好通常是用来挂在墙壁上想念或留存在心里去向往的!
Time flies, Years as the song. everything, like snow, no traces of melting, like the wind, Passed no shadow. 光阴荏苒,岁月如歌。一切,如雪,雪化无痕,似风,风过无影。静夜。
B: yes, it was wonderful but it's already been a year. How time flies! 嗯,那段日子真是开心,不知不觉已经过去一年了,时间过得真快啊。
I looked at it, always remind myself, time goes by, the flight of time, time flies like a shuttle. , must cherish the time. 我看着它,总会提醒自己,时间在不断的流逝,光阴似箭,日月如梭,一定要好好珍惜时间。
Time flies by and a new year is coming. Let me say "Happy New Year" to you. I wish you progress in your studies, may all things go smoothly. 岁月匆匆,时光流逝,新的一年又来临了。让我向你问声“新年好”,愿你学习进步,一帆风顺。
Time flies, all of a sudden the sun would no longer hiding, revealing that it was the smiling face. 时间过得飞快,一下子太阳公公不再躲藏,露出了它那整个笑眯眯的脸。
However, as time flies, I understand gradually that giving up to choose is just one of those choices. 但是随着时间的流逝,我渐渐明白了,不选择本身也是一种选择。
Time flies and a year has gone, I wish you guys all the best! 不知不觉已经又过了一年,祝大家一切顺利!
How time flies! It seems as if it was only yesterday when you got off the planes. And now you are leaving us. I'm really sorry. 时间过的真快,我感觉就像你昨天刚刚才下飞机一样,真遗憾,你现在就要离开我们了。
Time flies, suddenly a year has passed. Sometimes you fall a little, but then, after that, you will prepare to soar again. 时光飞逝,突然地一年就过去了。有时候你们有些失落,不过接着,在那之后,你们会再一次准备翱翔。
You'd know, how the time flies. Only yesterday, was the time of our lives. 莫道荏苒流岁月,余生所忆惟昨前。
Time flies ah, like a father and uncle took a small bucket filled with fish. I had to be reluctant and dad home. 时间过得真快呀,好像不一会儿爸爸和舅舅就把小水桶装满了鱼。我只好恋恋不舍的和爸爸回家了。
Not allowed to doze off, flew to the other side of the sea, notes, records that the time flies moment. 不许打瞌睡,飞到海的另一边,笔记中记载着时光飞逝的瞬间。
Time flies, 2011 will soon be past, looking back at the past one year, the heart can be filled with a thousand regrets. 时光荏苒,2011年很快就要过去,回首过去一年,内心不禁感慨万千。
How time flies! I have been a member of Class 1 Grade 1 for a year. 时光飞逝,斗转星移。转眼成为高一一班一员已快一年。
Time flies, the dizzy catch the sky of the west, now evening reminding it was time to go back to the. 时间好快,夕阳晕染了西边的天空,此刻的黄昏提醒着是时候该回去了。
How time flies, so transient, like the long river vanishing to the horizon. 信由光阴难留住,长河远去赴天涯。
A feeling of how time flies is always with me nowadays . I try to bak to the days full of passion, only found I am old. 最近,我总有一种感觉,觉得时光在我不知不觉的时候,从我的指尖划了过去。我试图回到那激情燃烧的岁月,发现自己垂垂老已。
Time flies, time of light shallow, the memory of those innocent like old photos, the yellow light gradually. 时光荏苒,岁月轻浅,记忆里那些纯真如同旧照片,泛着黄色的光影渐。
Clive: How time flies! We have been lovers for nearly a year. We hit it off instantly. 克莱夫:时光飞逝,我们成为恋人已经快一年了,很投缘喔。
How time flies! The first month of this term has passed. And another monthly exam is around the corner. 时间过得真快,这学期第一个月就这样结束了,又一次月考也临近了。
Benjamin : How time flies! Now you are a college student out of a little girl. 本杰明:时间过得多快啊!你现在都是个大学生了,不再是个小女孩了。
How time flies! Every time I examine the pictures shot in Qingdao, I cannot help singing praises for its beauty. 时间匆匆,一张张定格在我镜头中的画面,让我为青岛的美景赞叹!
Time flies, Simba has grown into a healthy, smart little lion, and could be his uncle Scar but have not given up his grudges. 时光飞逝,辛巴已经长成健康、聪明的小狮子了,可他的叔叔刀疤却一刻也没有放弃对他的嫉恨。
Time flies. I saw her standing on the stage all by herself, confidently delivering the notes of her presentation. 时间过得真快。我看到她站在舞台上,脱胎换骨,信心满满,自由掌控现场同学观众得情绪…
See time flies, I pray that tomorrow, would like each of us a little dream, are able to gradually achieve! 看时光飞逝,我祈祷明天,愿我们每个小小的梦想,都能够慢慢地实现!
Maybe it is not the first massage you have received , I have sent all my love to it even though time flies like an arrow . 也许那不是收到的第一份信息,但是它寄予了我所有的爱,即使时间像箭一样飞逝。
How time flies ! Now you are a college student out of a little girl . 在贵国,您认为大学生创业应具备的素质是什么?。
Time flies, three years have already passed. Now I'm a junior student, who has learned so much during the passed three-year learning career. 转眼间过了三年,如今我已是一个大三学生,在三年的学习生涯中我学到很多。