this is it

  • 网络就是这样;未来的未来;天王终点

this is itthis is it

this is it


豆瓣电影250 ... 与狼共舞 / Dances with Wolves 1990 就是这样 / This Is It 2009 爱在日落黄昏时 / Before Sunset 2004 ...


麦可杰克森“未来的未来”(This is it)DVD今天全球发行,自从“索尼音乐娱乐公司”(Sony Entertainment)于22日将前述影片 …


神甫 你会在迈克尔杰克逊的天王终点This Is It)中看到什么?照片男 刚才我妈给我打电话说,看完杰克逊《就是这样》,哭 …


英语口语8000句16 -... ... 美梦成真! It's a dream come true! 就是这个! This is it! * 听起来不错! Sounds great! * ...


... 1845. Help me,please! Someone,help me! 请帮帮我!救命,救命! 1846. This is it! 就这样了 1847. Oh,my God,Jack! 上帝 ...


...,麦可杰克森赴伦敦为七月的演唱会宣传,演唱会名为「到此为止」(This is it),他对歌迷说「到此为止了!我说的是真的…


谁有2010年的歌曲啊?来推荐一下 - 已解决 -... ... In Your Eyes( 杨丞琳) This Is It( 迈克尔·杰克逊) BREAK OUT!( 东方神起) ...

I'm not used to move others. As you said, I was like a child. If this is it, I wish you happy to be together with a child. 我不会去感动一个人,也许正如你所说,我还是一个小孩,我只能说,愿小孩可以给你带来快乐和幸福。
Would you not say that you KNOW in your heart that this is it? This is THE CHANGE. This is the final rinse . . . so to speak. 难道你不会说在自己的心中知道就是如此么?这才是真正的改变。这是最后一次漂洗过程。。。可以这么说。
It's a very complete summary of what you can expect in Perl 6, and if I had to pick just one chapter out of the book, this is it. 它是对Perl中可期待内容的完整总结,如果您不得不从本书中只选择一章,那么就是这一章。
However, on the way there you will come across places which are no less curious. . . and forgotten. Like this. Is it a store? 然而,沿途你会遇到一些依旧很奇怪…并且被遗忘的地方,像这里,这是一个商店吗?
Are the Republicans any more serious? Not really. If ever there was a race to the bottom in economic dialogue, this is it. 共和党人的态度是否更为严肃一些?并非如此。如果说经济对话中存在什么“逐底竞赛”的话,那么这件事就是。
Sometimes I wake up in the morning, alone in bed, and think: What if this is it? What if I never find someone else? 有时候我在早上醒来,独自一人在床上,不禁想,如果只能这样了?如果我再也找不到其它意中人了?
John Branca, a co-manager of the Jackson estate , said that after making 'This Is It, ' a wealth of unreleased material surfaced. 杰克逊遗产管理人之一布兰卡(JohnBranca)说,《天王终点》上映后,大量未公布的资料浮出了水面。
I think we're revelling in the fact that this is it- the last one. I get quite emotional just thinking about it. 这是哈利波特电影的最后一集,一想到这点我就非常激动,我觉得我们都陶醉其中。
Or the really rare ones, the endemic endangered ones. This is , it seems a bit dull you know . 这个嘛,看起来很不起眼它的颜色有点暗淡,并且相当常见。
No attempt at diversion can change the fact that this is it, it is over. Three months trapped on a bus have vanished. 再多花样也改变不了面临的事实,旅行就要结束了,三个月在巴士上的时间就这么消失了。
The box office returns of his concert rehearsal film, "This is It" , were great all over the world. 杰克逊的演唱会彩排片段随后被剪辑成电影《就是这样》,在世界各地均取得极佳票房。
If ever there were a time to see a doctor or start a fitness regimen, this is it! 要是有时间去看医生或建立一个健康养生,就是这个!
It's just -- in fact, if I was Coca Cola, I'd be pretty distressed about this, but -- (Laughter) but -- but basically, this is it. 这只是…事实上,如果我是可口可乐公司,我一定为此非常郁闷笑声但是基本上,就是这么多
"But you also have the sense that this is it, you are not going to get another chance to do it, so make the most of it. " “不过你也有种感觉,机不可失,以后再也没有机会做这个了,因此要抓住机会。”
But as sad as this is, it is only the beginning of the toll - especially for women. 但是更糟糕使得事情是,这次事故仅仅是女性厄运的开始。
This is it folks, I came to regain the power of my planet and if you stand in our way be prepared to be removed. 就是这样,各位,我前来收复我的星球的权力,如果你阻挡我们的路,请准备好被清理。
This Is It has apparently taken one of the last slots available for 2009, and will open on 28 October, in line with the rest of the world. 《ThisisIt》显然拿到了2009年最后几个名额之一,并将于10月28日与全球同步上映。
So, this is the last thing we expected in the beginning of the year, and this is it. 所以这这是年初我们最意想不到的事,而结果它发生了。
It's so limiting to say, 'this is it for the rest of my life. ' 若说‘这就是我这辈子想做的事’,那就实在太局限了。
However, if you've been unhappy, this eclipse may be the time you decide, "This is it - I have to leave. " 尽管如此,如果你一直过得不愉快,这次的月蚀可能是时候让你做出决定“就这样了——我只好离开。”
"This is it, we're done. I'm sick and tired of this, " says Sherry Davey, his wife. “就是这样,我们完蛋了。我对此已经感到厌烦了,”谢里说道。
Are there 33 clues in his This Is It movie that explain why he faked his death and went into hiding? 在《就是这样》里是否有33条线索解释了为什么他伪造他的死亡和躲起来的事情?
If your body has one major flaw, this is it: It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it's had enough. 如果在你的身体里有一个严重的缺陷,那就是:你的胃需要20分钟的时间来告诉你的脑子它已经饱了。
Whether you're looking for realistic German motoring, or just a really good racing game, this is it. 不管你想体验逼真的德国引擎或者只是想要个好的赛车游戏,选这个就对了!
If ever a situation cried out for the UN to have a standing army at its disposal, as The Economist has urged, this is it. 如果说有情形迫切需要联合国长期派遣部队供其支配的话,《经济学人》极力主张海地就有这个需求。
Staff : This is it. You see the receipt has the phone number of the taxi company, as well as the taxi's number plates. 服务员:对,就是这个,您看这上边有出租车的电话号码,还有出租车的车号。
Kids sitting in front of unimpressed panels, you know, with their resumes, (Laughter) flipping through and saying, "Well, this is it? " 孩子们坐在无聊的专家咨询组前,你知道,带着他们的简历。(笑声)草草翻阅,然后说:“就这些?”
"If they are looking for a safer haven, this is it, " he told The Wall Street Journal in an interview. 在一次采访中,素林告诉华尔街日报记者,“如果他们正在寻找一个更安全的避风港,毫无疑问,就是这里!”
If there ever was an argument for overcoming cabal resistance to disclosure, surely this is it. 如果有争议对于战胜阴谋集团对于揭露的抵抗,这肯定就是它。
If you were looking for a good book, a really good book in every sense, this is it. 如果你正在找一本好书,一本名副其实的真正的好书,就是它了。