
美 [tɒŋ]英 [tɒŋ]
  • n.钳子
  • v.用钳子(夹)
  • 网络童;仝;佟

第三人称单数:tongs 现在分词:tonging 过去分词:tonged



名字 中国人姓名_百度文库 ... 同 : TONG : TONG 钭 : TOU ...

(TONG)沛林和仝沛印那个名字读起来好听,顺口.请大家帮忙选择下2007-06-03 10:35 仝沛林评论| 小东风2008 |五级采纳率12…

名字 中国人姓名_百度文库 ... 通 : TONG : TONG 同 : TONG ...

粤音检字法 cantoneseAID ... 托 Tok Tong 娃 Waa ...

每个姓氏 的香港英文写法_百度知道 ... TONG 棠 TONG TSAM 沁 ...


舞台英文术语 ... Stipple Sponge 点刻法海绵 Tong 钳子 Tong Heater 钳子加热器 ...

每个姓氏 的香港英文写法_百度知道 ... TONG 唐 TONG TONG 汤 ...


钻井工程英语词汇快速提高 - 豆丁网 ... 井口工具 rig tool 大钳 tong 吊卡 elevator slip ...

Captain Tong makes his way upstream toward the magnificent temple called Shibaozhai or Stone Precious Temple. 佟船长速将前往的宏伟庙宇名叫石宝寨。
Harvard still gained the top spot, but the number of British universities in the top 20 rose to twice that of the Jiao Tong rankings. 根据这个方法,哈佛仍排在头位,但英国大学在前20强中的数量是上海交大排名的两倍。
His way of doing academic research was under special conditions with studying and reading intensively of Zi Zhi Tong Jian. 季平是从特定条件下研读《资治通鉴》走上学术研究道路的。
When he was just a child have the last time out, North Hongran wall collapsed, the dust stirred up by Tong Shi Meng-an . 当他刚刚把最后一个小孩子抱出来的时候,北墙轰然倒塌,激起的灰尘蒙了童世强一身。
Tong said he expects regional economic integration to be at the core of the APEC agenda this year. 唐伟康表示,他预期地区经济一体化将是今年APEC议程的核心内容。
Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong is, therefore, right: If you don't speak good English, foreigners would not be able to understand you. 所以,吴作栋总理说得有理:你不讲标准英语,外国人便听不懂你的话。
Qing Tong now looks back on the more than two years that she spent at the Foxconn plant with the more detached attitude of an observer. 回首在富士康工厂度过的两年多时间,青桐如今能够采取较为超然的观察者态度。
The Reverend Ernest Leong Gie (usually known as Leong On Tong) was one of the two leading Chinese Methodist ministers in Melbourne. 牧师欧内斯特梁苏迪查(通常称为梁对塘),是其中的两大主导中国卫部长在墨尔本。
Tortured by his double life, Tong studied various medical books, trying to figure out what was wrong with him. 来自两种生活的折磨促使佟研究各种医学书籍,试图弄清楚他到底出了什么问题。
However, in Su Tong, where clues to the evolution of this disappeared, replaced by that of the eternal nature of man. 但是,在苏童那里,这条进化的线索消失了,取而代之的是那个永恒的人之本性。
" The next day the teacher to see, is still crooked crooked. He asked Tong Tong, " you don't hit format it? “第二天老师一看,依然是歪歪斜斜。问童童,”不是让你先打格吗?。
The sight of others toiling strenuously made Old Tong Bao feel even warmer, so warm that he began to itch. 看着人家那样辛苦的劳动,老通宝觉得身上更加热了;热的有点儿痒。
Mr. Tong said he had been approached about buying the floor earlier, but didn't think the owner was serious about a sale. JacintoTong说,此前曾有人就购买这个楼面接触过他,但他没想到业主对出售持认真态度。
Kuai Tong was one of the political strategists in the Warring States Period. He lived in seclusion during the reign of the Qin Dynasty. 蒯通是战国纵横家的一员,秦朝统治时期处于蛰居状态。
At the beginning of the video an intercity through train also passed Kowloon Tong Station but is in opposite direction. 在影片开始时亦巧合有一班城际直通车驶经九龙塘站前往广州东。
Will it not have to stipulate that its other projects should have plot ratios similar to that of the Kwun Tong town centre project? 日后市建局推行其他项目时,亦须提出与观塘相近地积比率和空间感作为发展条件。
CHUNG mistakes TONG for an illegal immigrant at first. With her passionate entreaties, he eventually agrees to put her up temporarily. 冲误会当为偷渡者,但最终经不起她的恳求而暂时收留她。
Immobilization of the elbow joint after manipulation was accomplished by means of a sugar tong plaster splint. 固定肘关节操作完成后,通过一个糖塘石膏夹板。
Such a shame in the middle they lost in the spin, but so much there to admire, dream like performance, from Pang and Tong. 很遗憾在旋转中间失去了同步性,但是还是有很多是值得敬佩的地方,梦幻般的表演,来自庞和佟。
He also appealed against the harshness of the penalty, which included a fine, Mr. Tong said. 童伟说,他还就刑罚(包括罚金)的严厉程度提起上诉。
Although it is said can handle bosom Tong like this, merely whether scatter to go out, the face of oneself also throws not and softly. 虽说这样可以处置了怀彤,但若是传扬出去,自家的脸面却也丢得不轻。
Liu Xie's concept of "Tong Bian" of literature writing is closely related to his concept of literature development, but not the same. 刘勰文学创作论的“通变”观与他的文学发展论的“通变”观密切相关,又不尽相同。
Even so, Mr. Yang said the outlay for Tong Tong was modest compared with what his friends and colleagues spent on their children. 杨说,与他的朋友和同事在孩子身上的投入相比,他们在童童身上的开销还是少的。
Chen Tong, editor-in-chief at Sina, China's leading news portal, said there was no point being surprised about the crackdown. 中国领先新闻门户——新浪的总编辑陈彤表示,对此次整治感到吃惊是没有意义的。
Are play in the industry known as "eat crabs" Tong Kun group, in terms of eliminating backward nature is the yield to nobody. 被业内戏称为“勇吃大螃蟹”的桐昆集团,在淘汰落后方面自然是当仁不让。
See smdns, Zhou Tong's first reaction is: don't have to be a model for an increase in exports of domestic prices for copper plate! 看到短信,周彤第一反应就是:随之而来的一定是铜版纸出口量增加,国内铜版纸价格上涨!
Tong Chun is only one, but the spirit of Tong Chun is like a sky full of the stars, the Dow could not finish, countless. 唐俊只有一个,但唐俊的精神就像是满天的繁星,道不完,数不尽。
He took the Kwun Tong Vocational Training Center photography course and graduated there. 他参加了观塘职业训练局的摄影课程,其后修毕了这课程。
He Tong, spokeswoman for Nestle China, said on Monday that the company would work with the local government to investigate the problems. 雀巢中国区发言人贺童周二表示雀巢将与当地政府共同调查该问题,
and a communicated threaded-out gap groove is formed on the needle passing pinhole at the top part of the tong head. 钳头顶部的过针孔形成有连通的出线豁口槽。