
美 [tɪp]英 [tɪp]
  • n.小费;尖端;消息;主要用于英式英语
  • v.倒;使翻倒;给…小费;使倾斜
  • 网络异质弹尖型;秘密消息;镶齿的

复数:tips 现在分词:tipping 过去式:tipped

southern tip,eastern tip


n. v.

末端end of sth

1.尖端;尖儿;端the thin pointed end of sth

2.(装在顶端的)小部件a small part that fits on or over the end of sth


3.指点;实用的提示a small piece of advice about sth practical

4.(informal)(尤指有关赛马的)内幕消息,指点a secret or expert piece of advice about what the result of a competition, etc. is likely to be, especially about which horse is likely to win a race

5.(informal)举报;密报;线报secret information that sb gives, for example to the police, to warn them about an illegal activity that is going to happen

额外的钱extra money

6.小费;小账a small amount of extra money that you give to sb, for example sb who serves you in a restaurant

脏乱处untidy place

8.(informal)脏乱的地方an untidy place


on the tip of your tongue

话在嘴边上(却一时想不起来)if a word or name ison the tip of your tongue , you are sure that you know it but you cannot remember it

the tip of the iceberg

(问题的)冰山一角only a small part of a much larger problem


异质弹尖型tipped)扩张型弹头,这种弹头于前面两款弹头一样,弹尖都有填塞物质,除了降低风阻增加射程之外,重点都在 …


《Friends》词汇表A ... tipped n. 顶, 尖端, 梢, 倾斜, 轻击, 末端, 小费, 秘密消息 filter n. 滤波器, 过滤器, 滤光器, 筛选 ...


消息-的英语翻译-bab.la词典 ... 消息来源 source 秘密消息 tipped 消息灵通人士 source ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... tipped n. 顶, 尖端, 梢, 倾斜, 轻击, 末端, 小费, 秘密消息 filter n. 滤波器, 过滤器, 滤光器, 筛选 ...


Arab-American from Michigan crowned 2010... ... venture 冒险 Tipped 镶齿的 beat out 打败,在评选中胜出 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... tipped n. 顶, 尖端, 梢, 倾斜, 轻击, 末端, 小费, 秘密消息 filter n. 滤波器, 过滤器, 滤光器, 筛选 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... tipped n. 顶, 尖端, 梢, 倾斜, 轻击, 末端, 小费, 秘密消息 filter n. 滤波器, 过滤器, 滤光器, 筛选 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... tipped n. 顶, 尖端, 梢, 倾斜, 轻击, 末端, 小费, 秘密消息 filter n. 滤波器, 过滤器, 滤光器, 筛选 ...

In years to come, economists and historians might hark back to this week as the moment the balance of world power tipped toward China. 未来几年,经济学家和历史学家也许会想起那么一个礼拜的那个时刻,那个世界力量的平衡倾向了中国的时刻。
Like a game of dice, the garden cubes contain smaller cubes tipped on edge on a grass carpet, each one full of flowering plants. 喜欢一场骰子的游戏,花园立方体包含在一张草地毯上的边缘上被装顶端的较小的立方体,充满开花植物的每一个。
While filming with a video camera, the team tipped the tank on its side so that the spiders either stayed put or slipped just a bit. 他们将鱼缸的一边倾斜,以便观察狼蛛是静止不动还是稍稍下滑,并用摄像机将整个过程拍摄下来。
"This year, the scales are tipped, " he said. "And I think you're going to see a lot of Republicans voting for Obama this year. " 今年,天平的重心变了。你会看到很多共和党人今年将投奥巴马的票。
One day, however, the bottle tipped over and she released her grip on the dog for just a moment to wipe up the mess. 然而有一天,因为瓶子倾斜,使得液体流到地面,她只好先把狗放开,准备清理地面。
Mr Mubarak's son Gamal is often tipped as the old man's successor. 通常认为穆巴拉克的儿子贾迈勒会成为其接班人。
The skinny man said he was more polite because he always tipped his hat to ladies. 瘦男人说他是更有礼貌的因为他经常为女士行礼脱帽。
Smelling the aroma of a festive meal, he figured that someone from the office had called his wife and tipped her off. 闻着盛宴的香味,他猜想办公室有人已经打了电话给他妻子透露了消息。
And Chinese exports, which had been growing steadily after last autumn's collapse, tipped down once again. 而自去年秋季暴跌后一直稳步增长的中国出口,也再一次出现下降。
There was an artful configuration of a sink that, when filled, could be tipped up so that its contents would spill into the toilet below. 有一只奇巧的台盆,当盆里装满水时,脸盆会倾斜过来,把水溢出到底下的马桶里去。
Daisy's face, tipped sideways beneath a three-cornered lavender hat, looked out at me with a bright ecstatic smile. 黛西的脸在一顶三角形的浅紫色帽子下面歪向一边,满面春风、心花怒放地朝我看着。
A three-story building has been tipped over on its side and the only sign of its former existence is the hollowed shell made of metal beams. 另一栋三层楼高的建筑翻倒在一侧,只有已被掏空的钢筋外壳能证实它之前的存在。
And if I had a quarter for every person who's told me he or she now tipped more generously, I would be able to start my own foundation. 有不少人告诉我,他们给小费的时候比以前大方多了,要是我为他们中的每个人拿出25美分,那么我自己的基金会都可以建立起来了。
Throw-out: A folded, tipped page which opens out to a size larger than the book size. Also called Foldout, Gatefold. 折叠插页:屈接的插页;张开时,它较书本或杂志的尺寸为大。
Jenkinson arrived from Charlton in the summer and has helped ease the Gunners' injury crisis at the back, and is tipped to be a future star. 詹金森今夏从查尔顿转会来到阿森纳,减轻了后防线伤病的困扰,并认为是一颗未来之星。
but then something strange happened, at some mysterious and critical point, the crime rate began to turn, it tipped. 但是有些奇怪的事情发生了,据某些神秘而又带有带有批评味道的观点,犯罪率开始转降低了。
A waitress's lipstick or lack of it appeared to make no difference in how female patrons tipped. 无论女服务员涂什么颜色的口红,或者有没有涂口红,对女顾客来说都没有影响。
Chelsea are being tipped to go back in for Juventus defender Giorgio Chiellini after failing with a summer swoop. 在夏天出价求购失败后,切尔西现在预备再次向尤文后卫吉尔乔•基耶里尼出价。
"Michael and Randy don't want you just to witness their ceremony, " said the minister, a petite lesbian with spiky platinum-tipped hair. 一位神职人员,她有著刺猬头又身材娇小的女同志说:「麦克及雷迪并不想你们只是见证他们的婚礼。」
the weapons of the standing soldiers are the spear tipped halberd and crossbow; the general also occupies the middle, in command. 立阵的兵器主要使用戟弩以利远战,将帅也是居中指挥。
despite the publication date not being known , the book is tipped to be a big seller , like the rest in the series. 尽管出版日期还不明了,像系列中的其他六本书一样,这本呼之欲出的“大结局”应该会名扬畅销榜。
The spy was tipped off that the secret meeting would be held in London. 间谍得到情报说这个秘密会议将在伦敦举行。
Someone unknown tipped off the police about the plan to rob the bank. 一匿名者向警方报告有人打算抢银行。
She would become a fairy godmother, with a sparkling pink dress, a golden crown, and a magic wand tipped with a shining star. 这样她就可以成为身穿金光闪闪的粉色长袍,头戴金色王冠,手持带有闪烁星星魔法棒的教母仙女了。
Sure, there was one other guy who tipped the scales above 200 pounds, but he was tougher, more Irish, less nerdy. 当然,还有另外一个超过200磅的家伙,但他更强壮,更爱尔兰人化,而更不nerdy。
Then a board tipped up and the body slipped the few feet from a lowered aircraft carrier elevator into the sea. 航空母舰降下升降机,甲板倾斜,本拉登的尸体滑了几英尺,落入海里。
With a mocking air, he tipped his cap towards relatives of some of his alleged victims in the public gallery. 他在公共走廊举帽向其中一些受害者的家属致敬,这真是非常嘲弄的气氛。
After the words were complete, the body was placed on a prepared flat board, tipped up, and the deceased body eased into the sea. 训言完毕,尸体被放在一个准备好的平板上,翻倒并丢进大海。
Bajrami's decision to move to Holland shocked many in Sweden, as he was tipped to move to one of Europe's biggest leagues. 巴伊拉米转会荷兰的决定震惊了很多瑞典人,尽管他被建议转会欧洲五大联赛之一。
But Bush and his wife, Laura, had been tipped off and were waiting outside for them. 而布什和他的妻子劳拉已经得到消息,在外面先行迎接了。