try out

  • na.(采用前)严密试验;筛矿;量(金属的)纯度
  • 网络试用;尝试;考验

第三人称单数:tries out 现在分词:trying out 过去式:tried out

try outtry out

try out


大学英语四级常用词组 ... try on 试穿;试用;试验 try out (彻底)试验 tune in 收听;调谐 ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... give out 散发,分发,用完 try out 试用,试验 look out 当心,提防 ...


... truth n. 真理;真相;事实 try out . 试验;尝试 Turkey n. 土耳其 ...


人教版高中英语选修6教案Unit 2 Poems ... 2. make up of (多用于被动)构成 3. try out 试验, 考验, 4. let out 发出, 泄露 ...


试_百度百科 ... ◎ 试销[ trial sale] ◎ 试行[ try out] ◎ 试演[ tryout] ...


《高中英语》第三册选修__快乐英语 ... tryout n. 选拔赛;选拔表演 try out 参加选拔 set a new record 创新纪录 ...


中考英语近义短语辨析_百度知道 ... hold on to (参见第32题) try out 试出;(采用前)严密试验;提炼,熬油;筛矿 go on (参见第…

Sign up and try out the service; you may find it works for you and at the least, you get a free book or subscription time. 这时候不妨注册一下,你可能会觉得不错的,而且至少你能得到一本免费有声书籍或一段时间的免费订阅服务。
For the next race, 'I'll try out a new suit, and see if it brings better luck. ' 他说下场比赛会穿上一件新西服,看看它是否能带来更好的运气。
DRM technology becomes an obstacle to users' goals to use the content on the devices they choose, or to try out the content before they buy. DRM技术成为了实现用户目标的障碍,用户将不能在其选择的设备上使用内容或在购买之前先试用内容。
Although I am not brave enough to get a mohawk, I would be willing to try out a faux hawk. 尽管我没有勇气剃光两边只留中间,但我愿意试试“小贝”头。
Now you're ready to build the example application and try out the security examples covered in the next sections. 现在,您已经准备好构建示例应用程序并尝试下一节将介绍的安全示例。
I remember when he first came to try out for our Little League team. The coach took one look and shook his head. 我记得他第一次来到我们少年棒球联合会球队试打时的情景。教练瞅了他一眼,摇了摇头。
If you are reticent to begin using namespaces, consider upgrading your IDE and try out namespaces with a bit of help from your favorite IDE. 如果您还不太愿意开始使用名称空间,可以考虑升级IDE,在IDE的帮助下尝试使用名称空间。
So I I guess their only other option was to ask me to try out. 所以我猜他们只能叫我试试了
The inventor is excited, and he is going to try out his new machine. His idea sounds fine, but we need to try it out in practice. 这位发明家很兴奋,他要试一下他的新机器。他的主意听起来不错,但我们要在实践中试验一下。
A computer, in contrast, "could at best be programmed to try out a series of hypotheses to see which best fit the fixed data. " 相反的,一台电脑“最多也只能通过程序设计来尝试一系列假设,找出哪一种最符合固定的数据”。
That's not always an easy skill to acquire. For those who have trouble saying "no" , here are a few practical strategies to try out. 要获得这项本领不是一件轻松的事情,对于那些不敢说“不”的人们,我在这里可以给你们支上几招,值得一试。
Maybe you already are, in which case you might be able to skip to the next step or choose a second candidate to try out. 或许你已经开始并跳到了下一步或者选择了第二个候选项。
It may be better to try out at least some of them than to pretend that the problem will simply go away. 选择至少一两个措施尝试一下,可能是比假装问题会自行消失更为明智的做法。
It would be nice to try out the LGPL on each library for a while, see whether it helps, and change back to the GPL if the LGPL didn't help. 对每个程序库应用LGPL一段时间进行考察是个不错的主意,看它是否有帮助,如果LGPL没有帮助那就改回GPL上来。
When difficult actor Michael Doresey (Dustin Hoffman) can't get anyone to hire him, he decides to try out for a soap opera. . . as a woman. 当困苦的演员迈克尔•多洛西(达斯汀-霍夫曼)没人雇用无计可施时,他决定试试看演肥皂剧……里的女性角色。
It's easy to get started: upload some family photos to your site and then try out the tagging system on your photos. 人们很容易开始:一些家庭照片上传到您的网站,然后尝试标记系统在您的照片。
He want[s] me to fly out right after the press conference and try out for the general manager job. 他要我记者会一完后立刻飞过去面试总经理一职。
Few could even try out the prototypes, to see how well the ideas worked out with real applications. 极少可以在原型之外进行尝试以查看这些思想在真实的应用程序中工作得如何。
Below are a few places you can feel comfortable bringing guests, and a few you can try out when you're off the clock. 下面的一些地方,可以使你感到舒服,下班后可以去尝试一下。
"Shenzhen has no need to try out a property tax, " ran a headline in the Shenzhen Daily. 深圳日报头条写道“深圳没必要试水房产税”。
Perhaps they pick up a few ideas to try out on their employers back home. 也许他们还会从中获得灵感,待回国后尝试。
I was lucky; I turned the producer down when he asked me to try out for a part. 我真运气,制作人要我试演个角色被我拒绝了。
But, and who can stop at this time of departure, and who can try out of that sweet sorrow? 可是,又有谁能够阻止此时的别离,又有谁能尝出那甜里的乐愁?
The day of the big interview is not the time to try out a new shortcut or investigate an unfamiliar area. 重要的面试日子可不是尝试走捷径或者摸清陌生地方的时候。
This section will discuss only a few of the settings, but feel free to try out some of the other settings not described below. 这一部分只讨论其中很少一部分设置,但检验下面没有描述的其他一些设置也很容易。
Yes. . . My dream initially was to play for Porto, but it was later crucial that I left my country and try out in a better league. 是的……我最初的梦想是为波尔图效力,但离开葡萄牙去一个更好的环境踢球的决定对我来说十分重要。
Or, you could opt to ease jetlag by indulging in traditional Chinese massage or try out the only Oxygen Room in Beijing. 您亦可以享用传统中式按摩或尝试北京城内独一无二的氧气房。
And if your sense of fun lies in current affairs why not try out the World News Quiz page through the link at the top of the page. 如果你喜欢当前实事,为何不尝试一下世界新闻测试页面,页面的顶部有链接。
You'll have a chance to try out the main index page, and then take a peek under the hood to see how some of the components work. 您将有机会试用主索引页,并窥视一下部分组件在幕后是如何工作的。
Could you also suggest a time when it would suit you to visit us and try out the machine? 你能不能提出一个适当的时间到我们这儿来试试机器呢?