
美 [ˈʌltɪmət]英 ['ʌltɪmət]
  • adj.最后的;最终的;终极的;极端的
  • n.最好(或先进、伟大等)的事物;极品;精华
  • 网络根本的;最大的

ultimate goal,ultimate aim,ultimate responsibility,ultimate source,ultimate victory


1.最后的;最终的;终极的happening at the end of a long process

2.极端的;最好(或坏、伟大、重要等)的most extreme; best, worst, greatest, most important, etc.

3.根本的;基本的;基础性的from which sth originally comes


高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... tendency n. 趋向,趋势 89. ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的 undergo v. 经历,遭受 91. ...


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终极(ultimate)的事件,更呈现出先知的信息如何开启了神终极的计划。 1.5.3 圣靈浇灌:这是本論文所要处理的中心议题, …


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高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... tendency n. 趋向,趋势 89. ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的 undergo v. 经历,遭受 91. ...


大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... constitute vt. 组成,构成 ultimate a. 最大的;终极的;最终的 indignity n. 侮辱 ...

If handled correctly, the IMF said, the ultimate cost of the global government financial bailout may not be as high as often supposed. IMF说,如果处置得当,各国政府救助金融业的最终成本可能不会像人们常常认为的那么高。
While Mr Murdoch said he accepted ultimate blame for the misconduct at his company, he described the News of the World as "an aberration" . 默多克表示自己为公司的过错承担最终责任,但他称《世界新闻报》为“迷途者”。
But the ultimate nature of the kind he has given up the idea of revenge on the next generation, rescue others, but also to save themselves. 但最终本性的善良让他放弃了在下一代身上报复的念头,拯救别人,也拯救了自己。
Dragons are referred to as the divine mythical creature that brings with it ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune. 龙被提到当作带来最终富裕,繁荣和好命运神话里的生物。
Even without Hollywood's ultimate accolade, it is hard to fail to see that The King's Speech has built its own legend. 就算没有问鼎好莱坞大奖,也不难发现《国王的演讲》创造了它的传奇。
Every technical device is always developed to its limit and the ultimate speed for spaceships is the velocity of light. 每一个技术发明都会发展到极限,而宇宙飞船的最终速度是光速。
And if the timing is elastic, how much might these variables alter the ultimate date of passage: by years, or only by days? 如果时间是弹性的,这些变数会多大程度上改变行星X最终过境的日期?是以年计,还是月计?。
however, this was just a taste, or down payment, of the ultimate fulfillment. 然而,这只是终极应验的预尝或预付款。
And the major concern about this novel is the reason of degeneration of mankind and the ultimate form of antagonism between classes. 主要着重于探讨其揭示出来的阶级对抗的极端形式和人类退化原因的意义。
In morden Chinese language, dao di, as a mood adverb, indicates strong requirement for the ultimate nature of things. 现代汉语副词“到底”是一个表示语气最终追究的极量词。
For all the buzz of CPAC, however, the straw poll has never been a reliable guide to ultimate success. 抛开党内的喧嚣,民意调查测验对最终的胜利并没有多大的指导意义。
The ultimate choice for a man inasmuch as he is driven to transcend himself is to create or to destroy to love or to hate. 因不得不超越自我之故,人类终极的选择,是创造或者毁灭,爱或者恨。
The Court's ultimate decision in MGM v. Grokster is very likely to be one of the landmarks of this term. 法院在米高梅诉格罗斯特案中的最终判决可能成为这一任期具有划时代意义的判决之一。
The OECD warns this may come "at the expense of a sustainable capital structure and risks to the ultimate solvency of the company. " 经合组织警告称,这可能“以牺牲可持续资本结构为代价,并可能最终面临公司丧失偿付能力的风险。”
The Dark Lord's concept of ultimate power is to break the rules of the universe. 黑魔头对于终极力量的概念是打破宇宙的规则。
Therefore, we have to ask if it would be feasible for you to disclose who would be your ultimate buyer. 因此,我们要问,如果它是可行的为您披露您的最终买家会是谁。
He might well become the subject of the ultimate quiz question: which man has led both the United States and China into global battle? 他可能成为一道最佳的竞赛题目:是谁将美国队和中国队带入世界杯决赛圈?
On the face of things, capital punishment ought to be the ultimate deterrent. But it does not seem to be. 表面看来,死刑应是终极的威慑,但实际似乎不是。
Yahoo! seems to have come up with the ultimate response to Microsoft's heavy-handed attempts to purchase the internet portal. 看上去雅虎终于对微软收购其互联网门户的重拳出击有了回应。
For me, it's way too early to have to make that determination, and it's not at all clear to me that that is our ultimate destination. 在我,下这样的判断为时尚早,而且我还没有完全把握说那就是我们的结局。
Such a sudden, catastrophic change is the ultimate health risk that must be avoided at all costs. 如此迅疾的灾难性变化才是人们要不惜一切代价设法避免的威胁健康的危险因素。
I do not see that any other policy can be accepted or indeed stands any real chance of ultimate success. 我看不出有任何其他的政策能被接受,或是有赢得最后胜利的任何真正的机会。
Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blue prints of your ultimate achievements. 珍爱你的幻想与梦想,它们是你心灵的孩童,是你最终成果的蓝图。
Novell committed the ultimate folly for a software company: trying to attack Microsoft head-on, with its own desktop applications. Novell犯了一个对于软件公司而言愚蠢至极的错误:试图用它的桌面应用软件,向微软发起正面攻击。
China has ample reason to do so to help its own economy, even if it has no Cartesian anxiety about the ultimate creditworthiness of the US. 为了帮助本国经济,中国有充足的理由这么做——即使它对于美国最终的信誉没有笛卡尔式(Cartesian)的忧虑。
For the economist in our party, it was the ultimate puzzle: a man with no desire to increase supply to meet relentlessly rising demand. 对于我们之中的经济学家来说,这是最大的困惑:有人无意增加供应,去满足急剧增大的需求。
Faith in the General and the army was still strong. Confidence in ultimate victory never wavered. But the war was dragging out so long. 人们对这位将军和他的军队仍抱有坚强的信念,对于最后胜利的信心也从不动遥可是战争已拖得够久的了。
It was the ultimate Oprah moment. She announced that she was leaving and urged her fans to stay. 这是奥普拉时代的终结。她宣布即将离开,同时也尽力挽留观众。
The ultimate purpose of financial stabilization, of course, was to restore the normal flow of credit, which had been severely disrupted. 金融稳定的最终目的当然是恢复已被严重破坏的信贷,让信贷正常流动。
And that as people who create places, the ultimate way to help wasn't to pontificate or to make up scenarios, but to help right now. 对于建筑师来说,最终施与帮助的方式不是武断的发表意见或者虚构一些方案,而是立刻采取实质性的行动。