
美 [ˈjuː ˌən]
  • n.【组】联合国
  • pron.等于 one
  • 网络联合国(United Nations);不;联盟(union)



1.(等于 one)a way of saying or writing ‘one’

联合国(United Nations)

联合国(uN)的协定范本与0EcD范本大致相似,但有一些不同的条款。多边税收协定也有一些,但迄今为止影响不是很大,北欧 …

记单词秘诀 ... (ab 不, (un , (ac 往里, ...


联盟UN) 布里瓦德(BV) 柑橘(CT) 弗拉格勒(FL) 湖(LK) 马里昂(MR) 橙色(OR) 奥西奥拉(OS) 塞米诺尔…

上海捷曦鞋业有限公司(United Nude)

...IX(69SIXTYNINE) · 路姿露迪 · United NudeUN) · 宝达baoda · DJCKAJ迪嘉 · MOSI MERI(摩西米妮) · ASH艾熙 · OLG…



It seems to be sending all the wrong messages to everybody . . . It is likely to lead to more UN sanctions rather than less. 这像是给所有人发出了错误的信号…很可能导致联合国更多的制裁,而不是更少。
Kim Jong Un has yet to be groomed to the extent that his father is ready to let him utter such a phrase. 金正恩仍然未培养到其父乐意让他发出类似言辞的程度。
Humanitarian work for the UN, he concluded at the time, was a fine pursuit so long as it was kept as far away as could be from UN politics. 只要尽可能远离联合国政治,那么联合国的人道主义救援工作就是一项美好的事业。
The number of people needing food aid in south Sudan has quadrupled in a year to more than four million, the UN's World Food Programme says. 联合国世界粮食署称,苏丹南部地区需要食物援助的人数在一年时间里涨了四倍,现在总数超过了四百万。
Olivier de Schutter, UN rapporteur on the right to food, is in no doubt that speculators are behind the surging prices. 联合国食品权力事务特别报告员,坚信投机者们推动了价格的浮动。
Dr Manning said: "The potential for this technique to gently un-pick the chemistry of long extinct species is quite breathtaking. " Manning博士说:“这项技术对于分析已灭绝动物化学特性的潜力是十分巨大的。”
I must admit that at this point I began to fall in love (in an un-chimpanzee like way) with this feisty older lady. 我必须承认,在这一点上我开始喜欢上这个精力充沛的老太太了(不是黑猩猩那样的喜欢)。
China had always been a UN Security Council member, and since 1990 was acknowledged as an economic powerhouse. 中国一直都是联合国安理会的成员国,1990以来一直充当着经济发动机的角色。
We are ready to step up consultation with the relevant parties, the US side included, to help UN reform progress in the right direction. 我们愿与包括美方在内的有关各方加强磋商,引导改革朝着正确的方向发展。
The US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said China was ready to hold "serious" talks with Western powers on a new UN resolution. 美国驻联合国大使苏珊赖斯说,中国准备在新的联合国决议中与西方势力保持“严肃的”对话。
The UN says it wants to get over the message that this simple routine is one of the most effective ways of preventing killer diseases. 联合国称,活动的目的是推广一个健康理念,即:洗手,这个最普遍的日常生活习惯,是预防致死性疾病的最有效方法。
The UN treats the situation in Burma as if it is just a dispute between two sides, and they must mediate to find a middle ground. 联合国完全把缅甸局势看作两派之间的争吵,它们非要居中调停找到中间立场。
Some of Mr Obama's enemies have tried to harness pockets of bigotry by painting him in various ways as un-American. 一些奥巴马的政敌企图利用一团团的偏见把他描绘成一个异国之人。
The relevant statute would be the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which China has ratified but the United States has not. 相关的应该是联合国海洋法公约,中国批准了该公约,而美国没有。
Whether you think the UN can accomplish a little or a lot, a better Security Council would be able to get more done. 不管你认为联合国能够实现的目标是多是少,只有安理会更健全才会更好发挥作用。
A spokesman for the UN high commissioner for refugees said the fighting had led to huge displacement in the area. 欧盟难民署高级专员兼发言人指出冲突已经导致此地区出现了大规模的迁移。
The UN said it was worried about aid supplies being diverted by the regime, though it had no hard evidence of this. 联合国说它对缅甸政权分发救援物资感到担忧--尽管还没有确凿的证据。
She participated in UNICEF Young Leader Program and was one of the delegates to visit UN quarters. 翠盈曾参加联合国儿童基金青年领袖计划前往瑞士日内瓦进行交流活动。
Speaking in the House of Commons, he said: "The UN negotiations are moving too slowly and not going well. " 他在下议院发言时说:“联合国的谈判步伐太慢而且进展不顺利。”
In an address to the UN Security Council, Mr Ban said he was gravely concerned about civilian fatalities. 在向联合国安理会发表的讲话中,潘基文表示,他非常担心平民伤亡。
She had been hounded by the British intelligence and spy services and by Un-American Activities Committees. 她一直受到英国情报部门、间谍机构和美国非美活动委员会的跟踪监视。
EDEN is united, but it does not know whether or not its membership can tolerate the un cooperation of PANAM! EDEN很团结,但也不知道它的会员国们是否能边受PANAM的不合群!
Despite Kim Jong-un's position as a four-star general and the heir apparent to his father, he remains something of an enigma. 尽管金正银拥有四星上将的身份,而且是众所周知的金正日继承人,但他的一切仍然是个谜。
The KMT would like the ROC to join the UN as well, without declaring independence, but Beijing's gratitude only goes so far. 国民党希望中华民国在不宣布独立的情况下也能够加入联合国,但北京当局可不是皇恩浩荡的。
"We're relieved to hear that all civilians have come out of the combat zone, " a UN spokesman said. 一个联合国发言人说:“听到所有平民已经脱离战区的消息让我们略感欣慰。”
The American Congress seems bent on weakening Mr Abbas by withholding funds, to punish him for his UN bid. 而美国国会似乎一心撤回资金来削弱阿巴斯的实力,以惩戒他向联合国提出巴勒斯坦建国申请。
Turkey and Brazil voted against the new UN sanctions, but today Brazil announced that it was reluctantly prepared to enforce them. 土耳其与巴西对于联合国新的制裁投了反对票,但巴西今天宣布,巴西将不情愿地准备实施制裁。
Little is known about Kim Jong Un. This, a rare photo of him is a teenager. He is now in his late 20s. 很少有人了解金正恩。这是一张罕见的他是一个十几岁的青少年的照片。他现在应该已经20多岁。
Pakistan's UN envoy in Geneva said he believed the international community still needed to understand how serious the situation is. 巴基斯坦驻日内瓦联合国特使表示,他相信,国际社会仍需进一步了解形势的严重性。
But over time, Kim Jong-un has also begun to carve out his own leadership style, striving to come across as youthful and more pragmatic. 然而,随着时间的流逝,金正恩也开始形成自己的领导风格,他正努力塑造一个年轻且更加务实的形象。