
英 [wang]
  • n.
  • 网络汪;宏;先生



Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 兰 lan wang 邢 xing ...

名字 中国人姓名_百度文库 ... 王 : WANG : WANG 微生 : WEI SHENG ...

粤音检字法 cantoneseAID ... 温 Wan Wang 互 Wu ...


Program Schedule - Virginia Satir ... Law 罗 健文 博士 Wang 王 东升 先生 Chang 张 玑如 女士 ...

每个姓氏 的香港英文写法_百度知道 ... WANG 宏 WANG WANG 纮 ...


【手刹和刹车问题?】_标致207论坛_汽车论坛-易车网 ... haney_wang 积 分: 71 haney_wang 级: 小学生(四年级) ...

转载-中文起源 - 301的日志 - 网易博客 ... 鹏 pang4 wang4 能 neng4 ...

A willow tilted month, even fear rust dream, annoyed cocoon heart, opaque eye Mu Wang, contained less how much sorrow. 一柳斜月,怕是惊了锈梦、恼了茧心,浊眼慕望,载不进多少忧思。
Just a minute while I check our record, Mr. Wang. Yes, it is possible to change it to the twelfth. Thank you, Mr. Wang. 好,请等一等,我查一查我们的记录。王先生,行啊,可以把订房改到谢谢。
The ruling said the site had tried to control the online frenzy by removing personal information from its site about Wang. 判决中说,天涯曾将网站上涉及王的个人信息删除,并对网民的狂热有所控制。
Wang pondered, then said he was actually relieved to leave Beijing. "Besides, " he added. 小王想了片刻,然后说离开北京他倒是松了一口气。
Wang Wan The "Chang Shu-where up to? go goose Luoyang side" of the homesickness of it makes one pity. 王湾的“张书何处达?归雁洛阳边”的思乡之情又让人怜悯。
It was then she found her next teacher, Xiuli Wang, a former Chinese speed skater who guides her to this day. 就在那时她找到了她的下一位老师,王秀丽,这位前中国速度滑冰运动员一直执教她至今。
"You need to learn socializing with the local people, " said Wang. "It was easy to carry out a plan when you had their support. " 王说:“你需要学会和当地村民打交道。有了他们的支持,计划实施起来就容易多了。”
"The best moment was being at Brown's bridal boutique and getting to try on all the lovely Vera Wang dresses, " she said. “最美妙的时刻是在布朗的结婚宴会上还有试穿由王微微设计的礼服,”她说。
Wang's zeal is contagious; soon all his fellow students were busily making posters, inspired by his ardent enthusiasm for the cause. 王的热情传染般蔓延开来,一会儿他的同学都为他燃烧般的激情所触动而在忙着做海报标语了。
Wang Xueqi, who arrived at Cannes on the last day, said he just wanted to "feel the atmosphere of such a top film festival" . 王学圻在电影节最后一天才赶到戛纳,他表示只是想“感受一下这个顶级电影节的氛围”。
One day a scholar named Wang Sheng in Taiyuan met, on his way out, a beautiful girl. He brought her back to be kept in his study. 太原王生,早晨出门遇见一位年轻漂亮的女子,便把她带回家,藏在书房。
I always keep an eye upon Wang Jianwei. "Watching" , "listening" and "feeling" compose the ground of my understanding of him. 我一直在视觉和听觉的边缘来知觉汪建伟,“观看”、“聆听”、“感受”构成我读解的前提。
I wonder how Wang Ning has been doing in London. I haven't heard of him for almost all year. 不知道王宁在伦敦混得怎么样,都快一年没有他的消息了。
If you could pick only one of these three musicians to collaborate with, who would it be: David Tao, Jay Chou or Wang Lee Hom? 如果你只能选和一位歌手合作,那会是:陶哲,周杰伦还是王力宏?
The report said the AgBank officers had agreed to make a loan to a villager named Wang Jian for his livestock farm. 报导说,农业银行干部同意向叫王建的一位农民发放贷款,资助其畜牧场。
He listened to Mr. Wang's story as his wife wiped away the incessant drool from his chin. 贝尔纳普听了王明志的故事,在这期间,王明志的妻子一直帮他擦去下巴上不停流下的口水。
"If it had been used on very young fruit, it wouldn't be a problem, " Wang said. “如果把药品用于幼果,一般不会发生问题,”他说。
Uncle Wang works in a book shop in the middle of the city. The shop is not far from his home. 王叔叔在市中心的一家书店上班,那家书店离他家不远。
How much beef does Mrs Wang get? 王太太买了多少牛肉。
A well-known local chemists, openly ridiculed Wang Yung-ching did not know what the plastic, plastic plant start-up money to be sure! 当地一个有名的化学家,公然嘲笑王永庆根本不知道塑胶为何物,开办塑胶厂肯定要倾家荡产!
Wang hain in and holding draft explained that this provision is to prevent the elderly, the children of eating one cause suffocation. 王海宁手拿草稿解释说,之所以这么规定,就是防止老人、孩子一口吞导致窒息的事件发生。
Finally, Karin stood in front of Wang Lee Hom and he looked really puzzled as if he had seen an alien. 现在,开宁站在了王力宏面前。他的表情有点奇怪和迷惑,就像看到一个外星人——能不迷惑吗?
Wang said he had not decided whether to apply again if he failed this year but did say his childhood dream "deserved his best try" . 王称,他还没有决定是否会再次申请,如果今年失败。但强调说,这是他孩童时的梦想,值得他付出一切。
The novelist Wang Meng, who was then the Minister of Culture, got out of it by claiming ill health and checking into a hospital himself. 当时的文化部部长,小说家王蒙,称病住院躲过这一要求。
Wang said he had walked out of the store and was passing by the scuffle when a bottle hit his head, causing a gash. 王说当他从商店走出来并穿过混乱的人群时,一个瓶子打中了他的头,并划了一个口子。
"Now we're ready for Expo to have a bit of a rebound, " says Ms Wang. 王女士说:“现在,我们期待世博会能带来一点反弹。”
The measures have made some progress and moderating the pace of property gains would be an achievement, Wang said, the report said. 政府的政策措施已经取得一些进展,并放缓财产收益的步伐,这将会是一个成就。
Master Wang, Thank you for having us here, and a very happy Chinese New Year to each and everyone one of you. 感谢您邀请我们来到这里,并希望您们每一位渡过一个非常愉快的中国新年!
One day one of her friends called and said enthusiastically: Karin, I have got free tickets for you to meet with Wang Lee Hom! 有一天,她的一个朋友打了个电话给她:“开宁,我有张门票给你,你可以见到王力宏了!”
Wang Qi then go with you to get off. The girl sitting in the car, looking at your face into the Residence building. 王启于是跟你一起走下车。女孩坐在车里,侧脸望着你们走进公寓大楼。