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wall street journal


华尔街日报》 (Wall Street Journal) www.wsj.com5、杂志方面: 《新闻周刊》 (Newsweek) www.Newsweek.com《时代周 …


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美国华尔街日报(Wall Street Journal)日前的报导则引述任天堂总裁Satoru Iwata在1月份分析师会议上所言,指该公司已经耕耘3…


帕特尔森是华尔街时报(Wall Street Journal)的资深撰稿人以及《资金暗池:高频交易员、人工智能强盗、及其对全球金融系统的 …


在线报刊 ... USA Today 今日美国 Wall Street Journal 华尔街报 U.S. News Online 美国新闻与世界报导 ...


...fect),其 从 1976 年和 1977 年的华尔街期刊(Wall Street Journal)所搜集得来的 季盈余资料,以未期望盈余的标准差化(stand…

And a cap-and-trade system sounds "a bit like buying indulgences from the ancient church, " he told the Wall Street Journal. 而总量管制与排放交易系统听起来“有点像从古代教堂买恕罪券。”他告诉《华尔街日报》。
The Wall Street Journal's editorial page called it a "bipartisan strategic muddle ginned up for domestic political purposes" . 《华尔街日报》的评论版文章称该报告是“服务于国内政治企图的两党战略乱象”。
Tim Cook has made only minor changes since he took over as permanent Apple CEO in August, reports the Wall Street Journal. 华尔街日报报道称,自8月TimCook接手苹果以来,苹果只发生了些微小的变化。
On this point I find myself in agreement with The Wall Street Journal editorial page, not usually my favorite handbook on press conduct. 在这一点上,我发现自己与《华尔街日报》社论版——而不是我通常最喜爱的有关新闻界行为规则的手册——意见一致。
The money banks would be required to allot to mortgage modification would be "extorted, " declares The Wall Street Journal. 《华尔街日报》宣称,要求银行为抵押贷款修正拨付资金就是“勒索银行”。
Mr. Zoellick's remarks weren't timed to be part of a U. S. offensive; rather he answered questions posed to him by The Wall Street Journal. 佐立克说这番话并不是要给美国压人民币升值的努力站脚助威,而是在回答《华尔街日报》向他提出的问题。
Automotive opinion pieces in the Wall Street Journal always seem to come out against the Volt, but this one takes the cake. 汽车舆论件华尔街日报似乎总是出来的电压,但是这需要一个蛋糕。
Mr. Drake spoke to The Wall Street Journal from his home in London about lilac socks, well-dressed men and his plans for the future. 德雷克在伦敦的家里接受了《华尔街日报》的采访,谈及了淡紫色袜子、男士的衣着品位以及他本人未来的计划。
By June, Steve had recovered enough that he allowed it to be leaked to the Wall Street Journal that he would return by the end of the month. 到六月时,史蒂夫已经恢复的差不多,他方才允许消息泄露给华尔街日报说自己将在月底返回。
None of this would have mattered much if the Wall Street Journal had not run a powerful series in 2006 about backdated stock options. 如果不是《华尔街日报》在2006对于股票期权倒签做了一个强有力的系列报道,也许就不会发生任何事情了。
The Wall Street Journal said the Apple chief executive would be returning to his job on schedule, but may initially work part-time. 《华尔街日报》称,这位苹果公司的首席执行官将如期返回公司,但最初可能还无法全职工作。
Busch IV declined to comment on both incidents for a 2008 profile of him in The Wall Street Journal. 在《华尔街日报》2008年对布希四世作个人简介时,他拒绝就上述两次事件置评。
I knew nothing about stocks. But I read everything she wrote and would scan the Wall Street Journal for mentions of her name. 那时我对股票一无所知,但是我读了她写的所有文章,而且还会去流览《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)上面提到她的名字的那部分内容。
He made the remarks ahead of a visit to the US in a rare written interview with the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. 在他即将访美之前,他罕见地接受了华尔街日报和华盛顿邮报的书面采访。
Company documents reported by the Wall Street Journal said the plan would add one billion dollars a year in sales. 根据《华尔街日报》报道,麦当劳公司的文件称,该计划将为公司增加十亿美元的销售收入。
Wang Lijun, a garlic broker, told the Wall Street Journal that garlic beats any other kind of investment, including stocks and real estate. 大蒜经纪人王力军告诉《华尔街日报》,大蒜市场强过其他任何投资,包括股市和房地产。
The Wall Street Journal has a piece today declaring happiness is not all it's cracked up to be. 今天的《华尔街日报》上有篇文章宣称幸福根本不是传说中的那么回事。
But several people contacted by The Wall Street Journal said they were unaware of any new requirements. 但《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)联系到的几位人士均称不知有新规范出台。
Wall Street Journal article also reported that iPhone users download web data at a rate of two to four times that of other smartphone users. 华尔街日报的一篇文章也报道说,iPhone用户下载网页数据的速度是其他智能手机用户2到4倍。
Murdoch's newspaper holdings span the globe, from the Australian to the Wall Street Journal and to his News International stable in London. 从《澳大利亚人报》到《华尔街时报》和伦敦的新闻国际,默多克控股的新闻资产遍布全球。
Though China is known as an exporter, 'Chinese users will be a huge buying force, ' he said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. 虽然中国是一个出口大国,但田毓中接受《华尔街日报》采访时说,中国用户将成为一支庞大的购买力量。
Joining us now is editor of the Wall Street Journal Speakeasy Culture Blog, Christopher John Farley. Good to see you. 现在加入谈话的是来自《华尔街》杂志“地下酒吧文化博客”的编辑克里斯托弗·约翰·法利,你好。
Google CEO Eric Schmidt revealed Monday to The Wall Street Journal that the company is 'thinking' about returning cash to shareholders. 谷歌首席执行长施密特(EricSchmidt)周一对《华尔街日报》表示,公司正在“考虑”向股东派发现金。
The Wall Street Journal praised him for providing cutting-edge fashion female, and he rapidly rises to fame as a fashion sector. 《华尔街日报》推崇他为都会女性提供尖端服饰,成为时装界迅速崛起的新秀。
In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Geithner said the world sorely needs to agree on guidelines for exchange-rate policy. 盖特纳接受《华尔街日报》采访时说,全世界迫切需要在汇率政策的指导原则上达成一致。
We want you to take 50 million of us as seriously as you take one reporter from The Wall Street Journal. 我们只希望你能像重视一位来自华尔街日报记者的那样,认真对待我们中的五千万人。
In September, he said in a statement to The Wall Street Journal that despite his losses, he remained bullish on the stock market. 9月,鲍尔森在的一份声明中对《华尔街日报》说,尽管他的基金出现亏损,但他仍看涨股市。
He said this in near-perfect English, telling me excitedly about his future plans and asking about The Wall Street Journal. 他用一口近乎纯正的英语向我兴奋地讲述今后的打算,还问起了《华尔街日报》。
Mr. Samuelson, in a March interview with The Wall Street Journal, took aim at those trying to quell the financial crisis. 萨缪尔森今年3月在接受《华尔街日报》采访时谈到了努力平息金融危机的那些人。
Today she was in the New York Daily News and the Daily Mail; yesterday it was the Wall Street Journal. 昨天她登上了《华尔街日报》,今天她上了《纽约每日新闻》和《每日邮报》。