trust you

  • 网络相信你;信任你;伊藤由奈

trust youtrust you

trust you


通灵王的所有音乐.歌曲?_百度知道 ... Northern light《 北极光》 Trust you相信你》 Northern light 柔和版《北极光》 ...


=========兔年新春征文24题=========_杰艾吧... ... 14,Time After Time( 一次又一次) 15,Trust you信任你) 24,Secret…


歌名首个字母为t的所有歌曲 ... The phantom of opera - 歌剧魅影主题曲 Trust you - 伊藤由奈 Tae Sa Bi Ae - 殆死悲爱 ...


钢弹 OO S2的第二首片尾曲trust you)很好听


/ViViD _SILENCE._百度空间... ... 一直一直 same feeling 期待着你 Trust you 只是募集着无法见面的痛苦 one day ...


/ViViD _SILENCE._百度空间... ... 无论何时都 same feeling 很想见你 Trust you 无可救药地深爱你 Darling Darling ...

But, as me with you, I resolved to trust you to set my wishes above your gratification. 不过,以你我的关系来说,我决定相信你,认为你能把满足我的心愿放在满足你的欲望上。
It's a vote of confidence, as though people are telling me, 'We trust you and expect you to continue to do your best. 这是一个自信心的投票,尽管人们告诉我‘我们相信你,我们希望你系继续做最好的你!’
I do not trust you to the others, although I am not the best, but I know no one more than I love you more real. 我不放心把你交给别人,虽然我不是最优秀的,但是我知道没人比我爱你更深更真。
I said, "Let me just concentrate on getting this done for you, and we'll settle up later. I trust you to be fair. " She agreed. 我说:“让我集中精力在如何为你做好这件事情上吧,我们会很快完成的。我相信你会是公正的。”她同意了。
VCs won't trust you, and will try to reduce you to a mascot as a condition of funding. 风投不会相信你的能力,他们只把你当成一个骗取投资的小丑。
I suspected that you were lying to me but I'm still trust you. I hope that you won't deny what you've done. 我觉得你好像有一点在骗我但是我相信你没有真的骗我。我希望你敢作敢当!
He is testing you to see how much he can trust you with in eternity. 他在考验你,看他究竟能信任你多少。
I'm giving this worry to you and I'm going to trust you to take care of this. 我现在把这个忧虑放你这儿,并且,我相信你会‘照看’好它的。
When you establish a revocable living trust, you are allowed to be the trustor, the trustee, and the beneficiary of that trust. 如果你设立的是可撤回生前信托,你本人可以是委托人,被委托人,和受益人。
and I wouldn't trouble you only I know I can trust you to see a thing done, and I wish I could say the same of every one I know. 我本不想再麻烦你,可托你办事,我能放心。我希望对我认识的每个人都能这样说就好了。
Slow down and give them a chance to trust you and open up to you naturally. 慢下来,给对方一个信任你的机会然后自然地对你敞开心扉。
Ah course! Wouldn't want them to think you had parents. Mike what kind of relationship are we gonna have if I can't trust you? 哈,明白了。你希望让他们认为你没有父母。如果我不能信任你,那咱俩会是种什么关系?
I can learn with you. she said. I feel that I can trust you. I have confidence in you. 她说:“我可以向你学习溜冰,感觉上你挺可靠的,我对你有信心”。
Tonight is all about starting over. I trust you. . . and him. 今晚将是一切的重新开始。我相信你和他。
Another thanks should be directed to the high trust you place in us. May Allah guide all of us to what He wants and show us the right path. 还要感谢你对我们的高度信任,祈求安拉引领我们以正道,给予我们所祈求的。
You just don't understand how much I adore you, appreciate you, admire you, trust you, respect you, and over all love you. 你就是不明白我有多疼你,珍惜你,欣赏你,信任你,尊重你,和爱你的全部。
For me it was, as I said, "I can't trust you. " 我说,我听到的是“我不能相信你。”
He longs to be able to trust you and use you for Christ's sake. 他渴望你能不负所托,并为基督的缘故使用你。
How can I trust you to be on time? You're such a bad egg. 我怎么能相信你会及时到?你真是个大坏蛋。
You're the only one who understood Why i needed to find my father. You were there for me during all of that, and i trust you. 你是唯一一个了解,我为什么要找到我爸爸的人。你一直都在帮我,我信任你。
I thought I could trust you to discuss our problems frankly, and not to go behind my back complaining to the manager. 我原为以你会担率地谈谈我们间的问题,不会背着我在经理面前说我坏话的。
Finally, you can give her is the definition you do not know, do not trust you, Xiao Xinyan, unreasonable. 最后你给她的定义就是不了解你,不信任你,小心眼,不讲理。
I can only trust you if both of us work together to establish a technology and business framework for that trust. 只有当我们在为那种信任建立技术和业务框架的过程中协同工作,我才能够信任您。
You will also leave that place with your hands on your head, for the Lord has rejected those you trust; you will not be helped by them. 你也必两手抱头从埃及出来;因为耶和华已经弃绝你所倚靠的,你必不因他们得顺利。
The knowledge I acquired from textbooks is indeed, but it is equally essential to be able to persuade a potential client t to trust you. 我从教科书中获得的知识是实实在在的,但是能够使一个潜在可客户信任你同样很重要。
As your friend, I support you no matter how I feel about your decision because I trust you. Only you know best what is best for you. 作为你的朋友,无论我觉得你的决定怎样,我都支持你;因为我信任你,只有你最了解什麽是最适合你。
I could still remember Rose said "I trust you" whether the ship had sunk or not. 我还记得罗斯说:“我相信你”是否该船已经沉没与否。
Thank you for the great trust you have in Stef. Stef. is a strong girl. Let me. 谢谢你们对燕姿完全的信任。燕姿是个坚强的女孩,我要向你们保证燕姿绝对没有做错任。
Joan: Maybe, but I couldn't work for you. You are too much of a jackal. I could never trust you. 琼:也许吧,可我为你工作。你太刁滑了,我永远都信任你。
Alaric: I trust you not to say anything about this to anyone. 我相信你不会把今天的事告诉任何人。