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tech world


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There was no place for the software mammoth in a tech world designed -- and dominated -- by Apple. 在这个由苹果公司(Apple)设计并主宰的科技世界里,就是没有这家软件巨头的一席之地。
In a high-tech world, he says that in his art he is 'trying to find the meaning of the hand again. ' 他说,在高科技社会,他想在艺术中“竭力再现手的意义”。
Google's decision to launch its own music store is the latest salvo in a wider conflict being waged by the titans of the tech world. 在技术世界更为宏大的群雄纷争中,谷歌决定推出自己的音乐商店则是最新的火力齐射。
Steve Jobs's magic was to marry clever code with a fanatical devotion to aesthetics, rare in the tech world. 史蒂夫·乔布斯的神奇在于将好代码和狂热虔诚的审美相结合,这在技术界罕见。
As the darling of the tech world, it seems like they are destined to drive single purpose products out of business. 作为高科技世界的宠儿,它似乎命中注定要将单一用途产品逐出市场。
As IBM's experience shows, rejuvenation in the tech world is possible. IBM的经验证明,在科技世界重新焕发青春是可能的。
If it seemed too good to be true, well, that happens all the time in the tech world. 如果这一切因为太过美好而显得难以置信的话,好啦,这是科技世界常有的事。
Now that Steve Jobs has handed over the reins to another, can Mark Zuckerberg take his place as the tech world's, forgive me, rock star? 既然史蒂夫•乔布斯已经把大权移交他人,马克•扎克伯格能否接替乔布斯,成为技术界的摇滚明星?
Such public declarations have reinforced a feeling that the enfant terrible of the tech world has matured , or sees things in a new light . 此类公开声明令人们更加觉得,技术界的叛逆顽童已经成熟,或者正以新的视角观察事物。
TechCrunch stirred up the tech world today when it posted that the launch opf a Google music service was "imminent" . 今天,TechCrunch网站发布的消息在科技界掀起波澜,网站张贴文章说,谷歌“即将”推出音乐服务。
With its wry reporting and visual panache, Wired offers a headfirst dive into the tech world. 依靠其嘲讽的报道风格和绚丽的视觉效果,《连线》杂志绝对可以让你一头扎进科技世界。
IT IS an open secret in the tech world that Google and Facebook are hardly the best of friends. 谷歌和脸谱很难是最好的朋友,这在科技界是一个公开的秘密。
But apparently it's not well known outside the tech world, and Slate asked me to talk a little more about me and Jobs and Apple. 可是显然在科技界之外这本书并不怎么为人所知,《石板》(Slate)杂志也约请我多谈一些我与乔布斯和苹果的事。
She was born in 1978, just as Apple began picking up steam in the tech world. 莉萨出生的那一年正处于苹果公司刚开始在科技王国里崭露头角的时期。
Bosses and shareholders at HP, Nokia, and Yahoo! have already found that, in the tech world, change can be disarmingly sudden. 惠普、诺基亚和雅虎的老板和股东们一经发现,在技术行业,一切变化都是突如其来的。
By the time he realized the tech world was quickly shifting from PCs to the Network that connected them, his moves were limited. 即使认识到了技术热点正迅速由PC转移到将PC连在一起的网络,他的行动也很有限。
Instead, we discuss the greater points of start ups, enterprise and the tech world via conference chat in the comfort of our pajamas. 其实,我们都是穿着宽松的睡衣,用会议聊天(conferencechat)讨论创业、企业和科技这些话题的。
We and the rest of the tech world will be watching closely as this new mystery product unfolds in the weeks to come. 我们和科技界的同仁们在接下来几周里,都将密切关注新产品会如何揭开它神秘的面纱。
Solar-powered backpacks are the latest travel gadgets in the tech world to make sure you stay connected. 太阳能驱动背包是一款最新的旅游小配件,能让您随时与世界交流沟通。
Indeed, the tech world is changing so fast that it brings to mind Joseph Schumpeter's comment about . 事实上,科技界更新换代的速度如此之快,让人无法不想起约瑟夫。
Apple makes flashy gadgets, and it gets a certain amount of cachet from the more fashionable segments of the tech world. 苹果公司制造华丽的小玩意儿,并从科技界部分比较时髦者得到一定数量的威望。
This strategic shift could alter the competitive landscape of the tech world. 这次战略转移将改变技术市场的竞争格局。
Smartphones are the Swiss Army Knives of the tech world. 智能手机是数码世界的瑞士军刀。
In the high-tech world, an eight-year-old operating system is the equivalent of a 20-year-old car. 在高科技领域,一款拥有8年历史的操作系统就相当于一辆拥有20年历史的汽车一样。
One of the silent slogans of theporn-tech world is 'Don't ask. Don't tell. 成人技术界有一条无声的口号就是——不问不说,只要走货。
Much more than a search site, Google has become the Microsoft of the tech world. Google不单是一个搜索引擎,还是该技术领域里的微软。
Still, Microsoft is a hugely powerful and profitable company in the tech world. 尽管如此,微软公司在科技界仍是一家非常强大且盈利丰厚的公司。
Yahoo! 's fundamental problem is that it is still a generalist in a tech world that is increasingly dominated by specialists. 雅虎最根本的错误在于,这家公司在高手如云的互联网世界里仍只是一个“通才”。
Losing friends in the tech world, however, is a newer phenomenon. 但在科技行业,失去朋友却是一个较新鲜的现象。
I actually complained about the trend in my piece on New Year's resolutions for the tech world. 事实上,我在对新年决议上科技领域的发展趋势发牢骚。