
美 [təˈwɒrd]英 [tɔː(r)d]
  • prep.对;朝;朝向;为了
  • adj.有利的;〈古,罕〉正在进行中的;〈古,罕〉顺利的
  • 网络接近;将近;不顺的



《Friends》词汇表A ... groin n. 腹股沟, (水利工程)交叉拱v.使成穹窿形 toward prep. , 对于, 为了 shuts v. 关上, 闭上, 关闭 ...

未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... touch 接触 toward prep. (着..方向) tower 塔形 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... tow 拖车;拖船 toward 朝向 towel 毛巾 ...


职称英语等级考试A - 原版英语_馆档网 ... tow 拖,拉,牵引 toward 朝,向,接近,关于,对于 towel 毛由,手巾 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... groin n. 腹股沟, (水利工程)交叉拱v.使成穹窿形 toward prep. 向, 对于, 为了 shuts v. 关上, 闭上, 关闭 ...


[推荐]外贸常用英语[旺旺英语论坛] ... tow 拖,牵引 toward 向,对于,将近 towel 毛巾 ...


百度知道搜索_real conditional ... (un+scrupulosu 小心的) (un+toward 顺利的→不顺的) (un+conditional 有条件的) ... ...


谢孟媛初级文法讲义(31-60课)_法官_新浪博客 ... for (前往), toward (朝着~~) She went to the station 她去了车站。 ...

Even as Walker moves ahead toward layoffs, there was no sign that the Democrats who have left the state have plans to return. 正如沃克走向向裁员,没有迹象表明,美国的民主党人已经离开的状态的计划呢。
He said government efforts have been geared toward the possibility of a "catastrophic event. " 他说,政府以可能出现“灾难性事件”而进行努力的。
You're going to see government fleets buying, buses buying, not a mass movement toward electrics, definitely within the five years. 在未来五年内,我们会看到政府批量购买,公交系统批量购买,但大批民众购买电动车的情况不会出现。
The ranger paused, as well, was about to reply when Jesse took a quick side step and with two hands shoved the ranger toward the well. 护林员也停住了,正要回答,杰希一个快步,用双手把护林员往废井那边推去。
'He'll know what will get you laid, ' she said, 'The first step toward a relationship is making him want you. “他知道怎样才能把男人骗上床,”她说,“起关系的步让他对你产生欲望。”
A man in a blue coat, with a gun on his back, was walking down the road toward the Smith farm. 一个穿着蓝色外套的男人,背着一杆枪,从路上正朝史密斯的农场走去。
The belief that society has an innate tendency toward improvement and that this tendency may be furthered through conscious human effort. 社会向善论认为社会具有变得更好的内在倾向和人类有力量促使其改善的信仰或学说
Huntsman said the deal fell short by not moving toward "a real focus on entitlement reform" and a balanced budget amendment. 洪博培表示说各方谈判停滞不前是因为没有推进“真正聚焦在权益改革上的问题”以及一个平衡的预算修正案。
Luckily, my son pulled me to safety with his trekking pole. Am I better off now than I was when I was sliding toward the abyss? Duh! 幸运的是,我儿子用他的登山杖拉住了我,我才得以脱险。和滑向深渊时相比,我现在的境况好些了吗?这还用说!
So, while my genes bias my brain toward spooking easily and trying to make a quick buck, that isn't how I actually behave. 因此,尽管我的基因使得我的大脑容易大惊小怪,而且倾向于迅速赚钱,但我的实际行为却并非如此。
He rode down toward the lake. When he was at its edge, he heard cries in the air. He saw three great birds flying over the lake. 他骑上马朝湖走去。来到湖边时,他听到空中传来一阵叫声。他看到三只大鸟飞过湖的上空。
He praised the appearance of a strong second political party as a step toward true democracy. 他称赞道,一个第二政党的崛起使得日本迈向了真正的民主。
Such a stimulus program coupled with a gradual appreciation of the renminbi would go a long way toward correcting the prevailing imbalances. 这样的经济刺激计划同人民币的逐渐升值一道能够在较长的时间内纠正一些主要的失衡。
From this we can see how much hatred Li Hongzhi has carried toward humanity, and the earth of our inhabitation. 可见李洪志是何等仇视人类和我们居住的地球。
Zhang Boxi leans solicitously toward the old woman weeping softly as she speaks. From time to time, he offers her a few encouraging words. 张伯希(音)把身子侧向这位柔声哭泣的老年妇女,不时插上几句鼓励的话语。
With that, he fished a cellphone out of his shirt pocket and summoned his housekeeper, before veering toward lighter topics. 说完,他从衬衣口袋里掏出手机,叫了管家,然后转向比较轻松的话题。
Gradually the dark days, and a small cricket has also played with very tired, to go back home. He was bouncing around jolly ran toward home. 天渐渐的暗了,小蛐蛐也已经玩得很累了,也该回家了。他快活的蹦跳着朝家跑去。
He had been heartfelt and genuine toward the Palestinians in his speech; now he used body language to reassure his doubters back in Israel. 在他的演讲中,他向巴勒斯坦人表达了真心诚意的态度;马上他又用肢体语言来打消国内持怀疑态度者的疑虑。
Soon a number of missionaries, soldiers and merchants began to fan out toward the outlying regions of the European orth and northeast. 不久之后,一些传教士,士兵和商人开始涌向欧洲北韩的边远地区和东北地区。
Lift him on the horse, Scarlett, and face his head toward its tail. 史考烈特,将他抬上马,头面对着尾巴。
"I'm not hankering to be the man that lays hands on you while he's around, " Pete announced conclusively , nodding his head toward Buck. “当他在的时候,我连碰都不敢碰你一下。”彼得朝巴克点点头,断然说道。
and a back conductor disposed in parallel with the plate conductor from an end of the side conductor toward the slit. 以及背面导体,所述背面导体从侧面导体的端部朝着狭缝与板状导体平行设置。
He slipped it over his head and then took Polly by her two elbows and pushed her gently toward the door of her own room. 他跌在他的头上,然后拿着她的两个胳膊肘波莉和她轻轻地对她自己房间的门推。
But as she approached, farming instruments, like pitchforks and shovels, started flying out of his head toward her. 但是只要她一接近她男友,像草耙和铁锨一样的农用器械就会从她男友的头部向她飞来。
So from the ancient bridge we viewed the train that hurried toward us along the other tract- kept moving, like the first, by stinging whips. 桥上我们了望那行列,他们正在另一边向着我们走来,同样地为鞭子所驱赶着。
A pure sweet night, and finally we got out on a real narrow tar country road and headed up toward the mountains for sure. 一个清秋酷毙的晚上,我们最终在一条非常狭窄的郊野柏油路上熄了火,确定无疑地赶紧朝山脉前进。
Within minutes a procession had formed, which began to snake its way up through the garden toward the marquee. 三人成众,五人成伍,没过几分钟就形成一支庞大的队伍。队伍迂回穿过花园,走向帐篷。
He said he tried to escape with Colonel Qaddafi and other men, walking first to a farm, then to the main road, toward some drainage pipes. 他说,他尽力跟着卡扎菲和其他人逃跑,他们先是到了一处农田,又跑向一条公路,那里有一些排水管道。
She gripped his head in both hands and tried to turn it toward her. "Look at me. " 她捧住他的头,试图让它转向她,“看着我。”
Each Party agrees to participate in good faith negotiations toward resolution of any dispute, claim, controversy or other matter. 缔约各方同意参加对任何争议,索赔,争议或其他问题的决议,真诚地进行谈判。