take that

  • 网络接招合唱团;接招乐队;接招组合

take thattake that

take that


接招合唱团Take That)宣布要复出举行演唱会之后,很多人也关心起90年代的另一支男孩偶像天团-男孩特区(Boyzone…


接招乐队(Take That)和 男孩地带(Boyzone)相继解散后,西城男孩的横空出世给当时的欧洲流行乐坛注入了一股新活的力量…


人,与接招组合 (Take That) 作先锋,将“男子组合”文化带进90年代乐坛。 男孩地带 英文名:Ronan Keating 中文名:罗南·基 …


那时候他是著名的偶像男孩组合接招乐团Take That)的二号男主角。偶像男孩乐团在上世纪90年代初期,还必须保持脸蛋的 …


... 西洋音乐 安德列波伽利 ANDREA BOCELLI 1997-2007 西洋音乐 接招哈唱团 take that 1993-2007 日本歌曲 杉原悠 SUGIZO …


... So young,so naive! 很傻很天真吖 Take that! 尝尝这个! You wanna play too? It'll be fun! 你也要来玩儿么?很好玩的哟! ...


Boyzone是1993年由Louis Walsh透过招募广告组成的全男子组合,声称要组成一队“爱尔兰接招组合”(Take That)。试镜活动 …

Take that complex task and break it down to its bare essential components and then tackle each one of those components one at a time. 接受这个艰巨的任务,分解成一个个基本组成部分,每次解决一个问题。
Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved. 不要带走不属于你的东西,除非这是种其他人哭求着需要解脱的负担。
Take that box and bring it with you, or if it is too heavy for you to carry it, I'll send Joe to fetch it. 你把那个盒子随身带走,要是你搬太重的话,我就派乔去拿。
Hadley says the Bush Administration will take that explanation to its own analysts to see if it conforms with what they think. 哈德利说,布什政府将把沙特阿拉伯官员的这种解释转达给美国分析人士,看看这种解释是否和他们的想法一致。
If I were to take that trip, I might have gone to Ireland to discover that my Irish ancestors were originally from Scotland. 如果是我从事那个旅程,我可能会去爱尔兰,在那里发现我的爱尔兰祖先是从苏格兰来的。
Now, take that same proven technique and multiply it to ninety million watts, pounding down on a particular area for at least two full days. 现在,同样是那个已经被证明了的技术,将它叠加到9千万瓦,连续地重击一个特定地区为时至少2天。
This is the time to take that "taxi for a rainy day" , to catch public transportation, or to call in a favor for a lift home. 这是时间去打一辆“雨天的出租车”了,坐公共交通或者让搭别人的顺风车回家。
Pick the dandruff out of your eyes . . . and take that damned adagio and wrap it in a pair of flannel pants! 弄出你眼睛里的头皮屑……把那个见鬼的慢板裹在一条法兰绒裤子里!
It was his way of saying, "Take that with you. You haven't seen the last of me. " 这就像他说的,“先接好这招吧,你还没有见到我最厉害的一招。”
Sounds like a good deal. I'll take that. How much time will it take to get here? 听起来不错,那就这个了。多久会送到?
The old man didn't budge. He was almost in tears as he begged the bus conductor to let him take that bus so he could get home before dark. 老人身子没动,只是恳求售票员允许他乘这趟车,好赶在天黑之前到家,说这话时他差不多要流泪了。
Thanks I'll take that as well then, how much is that all? 谢谢,那这个我也要了,一共多少钱?
"You take that up with her the next time she holds court, " the pitmaster threw back at him. “下次她开庭你就提议,”兽坑主人将差事丢回给他。
Let me take that pipe, ' she said, cautiously advancing her hand and abstracting it from his mouth. “让我拿开那烟斗,”她说,小心地伸出她的手,把它从他的口中抽出来。
Because people say I've got to take that if I want to be premed. But, you know, to me there's a lot of detail in organic chemistry. 因为人们会说如果要成为一个医科预科生就去学有机化学.不过,对我来说,有机化学里有许许多多的细节。
I wanted to see if I could take that idea and apply it to a magic trick. 我想看看我是否可以拿这个想法把它应用到魔法技巧上。
Some people take that to be cocky or conceited, but I wasn't going to let anybody tell me that I couldn't do whatever I set out to do. 有些人将我的这种想法视为骄傲或自负,但我不会让任何人对我说我做不到自己想做的事。
" Instead, praise effort or strategy by saying " That was clever of you to take that approach " or " I'm proud of your persistence. 相反,应该赞扬的努力或做法,可以说:“你采取这一做法简直是太聪明了”或“我为你的毅力感到自豪。”
Now I've got to take that to the next level, perform in the next game and win man of the match again. 现在我要把状态带到下一个档次(的比赛里),在下一场比赛里出色发挥,并再次赢得最佳球员称号。
Even if you could structure some kind of deal that resulted in a profit. . . good luck trying to take that profit back to the USA. 所以即使你赚到了钱,你也很难把这笔钱带回美国。
They don't care what you look like; they care what they're going to look like, so try and take that mentality in with you. 他们不关心你看起来什么样,他们关心自己会看起来什么样,所以到那里试试并保持那种思想状态。
One time I put my paycheck in a boat and pushed it out tinto the ocean. HAHA, take that government, not getting into MY offshore account. 一次我把我的钱通过渠道投资到了国外,哈哈,政府采取措施,不允许我进入我的离岸账户。
She said the parents heard the rumors after laughing, " take that and her ex-husband son back, so that regeneration" . 她称父母听到此传闻后大笑,“快把那个和前夫生的儿子领回来,省得再生了”。
I have to take that with me to bed every night, even if I'm going to bed alone. 我每天晚上都带着这些美好的想法上床睡觉,虽然我至今仍孑然一身。
The only major role men play in geisha society is that of guest, though women sometimes take that role as well. 男人们在其间扮演着他们最主要的角色——客人,虽然妇女有时也充当这一角色。
And after attending a gathering of like-minded people held in a Polish forest, he decided to take that lifestyle to its logical extreme. 在参加完在波兰一座森林里举行的志趣相投的人的集会后,他打算将这种生活逻辑方式推向极端。
But, he said, if his land was in a more remote part of the Amazon, with less farming potential, "I'd take that offer and run with it. " 但是,他说,如果自己的土地在亚马逊更偏远的地区,没有多少耕作潜力,“我会接受那个报价,并进行动作。”
You're hanging out with us. Dignity's got nothing to do with it. I'll take that lift. 你跟我们混在一块了就别管什么尊严了吧,就背我吧
If Congress isn't ready to take that step, it could at least give USDA the power to act and the FDA the funding it needs to do its job. 如果国会不准备作出行动,那么它应该至少授权美国农业部,给食品及药物管理局拨款,让它们来行使该行使的职能。
Now in terms of the removal of heat we've got to not only take that fluid, it's possibly as you can see here a liquid metal. 现在关于热量的除去,我们必须,不只是使用液体,它可能,正如你们在这看到的,液态金属。