
美 [ðɪs]英 [ðɪs]
  • pron.这;这里;这时;(前述二物中的)后者
  • adj.这;即将来到的;今…
  • adv.这个;本;这样;这么




1.(指较近的人或事物)这,这个used to refer to a particular person, thing or event that is close to you, especially compared with another

2.(指已提到过的人或事物)这,这个used to refer to sth/sb that has already been mentioned

3.(介绍人或展示事物时用)这,这样used for introducing sb or showing sth to sb

4.(与和现在有关的一段时间连用)今,本,这个,现在used with periods of time related to the present

5.(informal)~ sth of sb's(尤指说话者抱有既定看法的人或事物)…的这个(或这些)used to refer to sb/sth that is connected with a person, especially when you have a particular attitude towards it or them

6.(informal)(述说时用)有个used when you are telling a story or telling sb about sth


this and that|this, that and the other

这样那样;各种事情;各种各样的活动various things or activities

After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau's heel; so he was named Jacob. 随后又生了以扫的兄弟,手抓住以扫的脚跟,因此给他起名叫雅各(就是抓住的意思)。
Responses from both students and teachers reflected that this course approach won their high acceptability, and was worthy of use . . . 学生和教师的反馈反映出对此种课程模式的接受度较高,实用性较强,值得推广应用。
I knew not then that it was so near, that it was mine, and that this perfect sweetness had blossomed in the depth of my own heart. 那时,我不晓得它离我那么近,而且是我的,这完美的甜蜜,已在我心灵深处绽放。
I just love how you think you're better than all this. 查理:我很欣赏你洒脱。
Do not refer to what you are going to tell them in 'this sermon. ' 不要提及在你“本次讲道”中将要告诉他们的内容。
No one in his life, except maybe Tanya, would recognize him now, sitting on this stranger's bed, about to have sex with a man. 除了坦尼娅,不会有人能认出他的现在这个模样:坐在陌生人的床上,即将和一个男人上床。
We're fortunate in this era to have a lot of good players and Stevie is at the top of that tree. 我们很幸运,能在这个年代有这么多出色的球员,而拉德则是最出色的。
For an even better Torvalds flame, check out this post he made calling GNOME developers "interface nazis. " 一个更加男人的攻击,点开他所作的邮件,在里面他竟给GNOME的开发者做了一个“纳粹界面”。
'You've been a fine bother to us all this time, and I'm glad to hear it's going to stop. 这阵子,你叫我们大伙伤透了脑筋,我很高兴听到你说,这一切都将结束。
This is an attempt to simplify a complex situation by presenting one specific group or person as the enemy. 这种手段试图将一个特定团体或者个人表现为敌人,从而简化一种复杂的情况。
From the moment we crossed the single-track railway line and glimpsed the 18th hole, it was obvious this was a very special place indeed. 从我们越过单轨铁路线瞥见第18洞的那刻起,我就能明显感到,这的确是个非常特别的地方。
But she must make sure that this will not harm her by consulting a specialized physician. 但她咨询专业医师确定这不会对她造成伤害。
The debate has only a few moments that might be inspiring to those who have been following this now familiar issue. 这场争论可能只是在很小程度上启发了那些关注这一熟悉的问题人。
"If they're still in business after all this, chances are they're extremely well run, " he said. “如果他们现在仍在营业后,所有这一切,很可能是非常方便办好,”他说。
At this time only to find the female lead actor is still my mother instead of her daughter, while his wife had married someone else. 这时男主角才发现女主角依然是妈妈而不是女儿,而他的太太却嫁给了别人。
I guarantee, " said the salesman in the pet shop, " that this purple parrot will repeat every word it hears. “我保证”,宠物商店的销售员说,“那个紫色的鹦鹉会重复它听见的每一个字。”
The old person did not know the child wants how many birthday to be able to comprehend to this gift value. 老人不知道孩子要过多少个生日才能领悟到这个礼物的价值。
Since this isn't exactly a new version of the software, we're only going to delve into a few points that we think are notable. 正因为它不算是个全新版本的系统,所以我们打算针对几个值得注意的地方探讨。
He told the young man: "You ought to take this for a plain and visible token that you are not to be a seafaring man. " 他告诉这个年轻人:“你应该把这对一个相貌平平的和可见的令牌,你不是要一个航海的人。”
The Commission should have stood up to this lobby: it did not. 欧盟委员会本应在这种游说面前站稳立场,但它没有。
But somethIng wonderful started happenIng In the mIdst of all thIs. I began to see all the beauty around me In a wholly new way. 然而就在这时,一些奇妙的事情发生了。我开始以全新的方式看待我周围所有的美丽事物。
Thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren: return every man to his house: for this thing is done of me. ‘耶和华如此说:你们不可上去与你们的弟兄争战,各归各家去吧!因为这事出于我。’
We are all happy for him, as he's always worked hard and well during training, let's hope this was just a starting point. 他在训练中一直很努力,让我们一起希望这仅仅是一个开始。
I argued that this was the wrong way to think about the matter. 我认为这么思考问题是不对的。
While Jackie was in Beijing this past week, he took time out to record a song for a musical show celebrating China's 100 Years of Cinema. 大哥上周在北京抽空为一场庆祝中国电影一百年的音乐盛典录制了一首歌曲。
It also said, 'This is nothing but death-bed frenzy of the traitor destined to meet his end for his crimes. ' 文章还说,这只不过是逆贼因其罪行而走上末路的垂死挣扎。
How much does this watermelon weigh? 这个西瓜有多重?
I rushed to grab my camera and managed to get a few shots of this m's wedding before it was all over. 我抓起照相机,趁着雨停之前抓拍到了几张晴天下雨的照片。
Some parents and students prefer to attend smaller Universities to get a more personal education. This is all up to personal opinion. 有些学生及家长倾向于规模稍小的大学,以享受更多的个性化教育,当然这完全取决于您的个人选择。
I did not want to complain about anybody, because all this there has never been wrong, including their own. 我没有想抱怨谁,因为这一切本来就没有错,包括自己。