team a

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team a

It also speaks to the divisions within Bush's own national security team, a feature of his first term to which he all too briefly alludes. 它也证明了布什国家安全事务团队内部的分裂,这是他第一个任期内的特征,对此他只是一笔带过。
Believe me when I tell you and I think you know you should believe me that this is a super team - a super, super team. 相信我说的吧,我想你也知道你应该相信我,他们的确是一支超级超级牛的球队。
But Bill Clinton and George Bush act like a team, a pair of touring comedians with a well-honed act. 但克林顿和布什像个团队,一双巡回喜剧演员,拥有完善法令订定。
They are a team in every sense of the word, a really good team, a smart, resourceful and gritty team. 从任何意义上讲他们都是一支球队,一支真正的强队,一支精明的,有策略的和坚韧的球队。
Let's try and function like a network, a team, a family, and communicate with one another, because each of us is a part of the whole. 让我们试着像个网络般运作,像个团队、像个大家庭,并和他人相互沟通,因为我们每一个人都是这个整体的一份子。
Another gladiator team -- a tauren, a troll, and an undead managed by a goblin -- watch Spike and wonder what he's up to. 另外一个角斗士队伍——一个牛头,一个巨魔以及一个亡灵和他们的地精经纪人——看着狼牙,不知道他在干嘛。
I joined the team a year ago as an adviser, charged with recruiting charities to be a part of the site. 我一年前以顾问的身份加入这个团队,主要负责招募网站的慈善机构合作伙伴。
To be here for this game means to be on top of the world and to be able to play in a game like this gives the team a great feeling. 来到这里参加这项比赛意味着我们站在世界之颠,能够参加这样的比赛也让我们感觉非常不一样。
Doing so gives the design team a sense of the state of the art, and provides fuel for questions during the interviews. 这么做让设计团队能够判断技术发展水平,并且在访谈期间为提问提供动力。
Team A would score and then immediately retreat to its own end of the court. A队得分后立马回撤到后场。
So would explosive Bulls guard Derrick Rose and his defense-oriented team, a year removed from an Eastern Conference Finals run. 公牛队的后卫德里克•罗斯和他的防守型团队从东部联盟赛区决赛中消失。
Simply giving the team a name will introduce a layer of accountability and a sense of membership in something important. 只需给你的团队起个名字,便可以让团队成员在重要关头产生责任心和归属感。
But the lad's taken a chance and got his team a point so I'm sure they'll be patting him on the back. 但是小伙子拿到了进球的机会,他为他的球队拿到一分,所以我肯定他们将会安慰他。
It has a skillful piano-making team, a set of advanced piano production line and the state of art modern piano quality control equipment. 拥有一支经验技术过硬的钢琴制造专业技术人才队伍,和先进的整套钢琴生产流水线,具备国内一流的现代化钢琴质量检测设备。
The company set up the team, a full-time staff delivery of goods in the shortest possible time accurate to your side. 公司成立车队,有专职送货人员将货品在最短时间内准确的送到您的身旁。
Number Six was able to accomplish this result in six months using a team a quarter of the size of the originally slated team. NumberSix可以利用一个最初内定团队的四分之一的人在两个月内完成。
Tex has been M. I. A. since the Utah series last season. Great to know he's able to pay the team a visit. 特克斯温特打从上赛季与犹他爵士的系列赛后就一直待在迈阿密。得知他能够拜访湖人队真是太棒的消息了。
Team A is so well co-ordinated that the other team has no chance. A队配合相当默契,对方根本就没有机会。
Prior to runtime analysis, sudden and unexpected crashes or bottlenecks caused your team a great deal of frustration. 在运行分析之前,突然出现的未预料的系统崩溃将会给您的团队极大的挫折。
For medium-sized and large projects that have a dedicated mapping person or team, a smarter choice is to go with a mapping-files approach. 对于拥有专职映射人员或映射小组的中型和大型项目来讲,使用映射文件的方法才是更好的选择。
Gerrard believes the Spanish star's return will give the entire team a lift heading into a crucial festive calendar. 杰拉德认为西班牙球星在关键赛程及时复出将会给全队攻击力上升一个台阶。
The images gave the Rosetta team a chance to calibrate its instruments on a real space object to make sure everything was in working order. 这张照片让罗塞塔团队有机会根据真正的太空物体校准仪器,并保障一切工作无误。
But we have a very strong team, a very committed team in the Davis Cup, and it's not easy to beat a team like us. 但我们也有个强大的队伍,一个很有责任心的戴维斯杯球队,像我们这样的球队很难被击败。
LeBron almost gave his team a dramatic win with a four-point play near the end of regulation. 勒布朗几乎给他的团队戏剧性赢得了四点发挥临近结束时的规例。
Coach Phil Jackson gave the team a break during training camp, letting them stay home Sunday, the final day of two-a-day practices. 在训练营期间禅师都让大伙有所休息,周日休练,最后两天只练一天。
The same with an experienced, outstanding strength, innovation cooperation team, a group of Jingmingjianggan the senior management. 同一发拥有一支经验丰富、实力突出、敢于创新合作团队,一批精明强干的管理高层。
The problem with the wing spar has set back the team a year. 翼梁问题使该团队的进度推迟了一年。
The Resource Investigator gives a team a rush of enthusiasm at the start of the project by vigorously pursuing contacts and opportunities. 资源探索者通过寻找关系和机会,在方案实施的一开始给团队带来乐观景象。
That could take a dive team a week. 而这可能会花费潜水队一个周的时间。
Has ensured the Italian team a place in the cup final. 今天比赛的胜利确保了意大利队在决赛中拥有一席之地。