
美 [wɪðˈaʊt]英 [wɪð'aʊt]
  • prep.没有;无;不用;不带
  • adv.没有;缺乏
  • conj.如果不
  • n.外面
  • 网络不保兑;如果没有;在外面



1.没有;缺乏not having, experiencing or showing sth

2.不和…在一起;无…相伴not in the company of sb

3.不用;不拿;不带not using or taking sth

4.不(做某事);无;没not doing the action mentioned


小学英语反义词大全 ... narrow 窄的 without 没有 no 不是的 ...

服装英语_百度百科 ... W.S.=wrong side 反面 W/O=without 没有, W/R=water repellent 防泼水,拨水 ...

Esp词汇资料 ... ( orelo 耳 ) 印欧根↓ 英 (without ) ( ORDo 次序 ) ↓ ...


何谓“假远期信用证” ... ALLOWED 允许转运 WITHOUT 不保兑 one original and three photocopies of packing list. 装箱单一式 …


《Friends》词汇表A ... maybe adv. 大概, 或许n.疑虑 without prep. 没有, 不, (表条件)如果没有, 要没有 parachute n. 降落伞 ...


新目标八年级上英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... success n. 成功 496 without ad. 在外面;n.外面,外部; together ad. 一起 499 ...


珠联璧合--考研认知词汇归类-搜学网 ... with prep. 跟…一起;用;关于;因;随着 without prep. 无,没有 n.外面,外部 wolf n…


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... within 在...里面,在...以内 without 没有,毫无 withstand 抵抗;经得住 ...

My weight has now returned to its normal level and for a few weeks I've been able to walk without help. 我的体重回到了正常水平,而且我已经可以不借助外物进行行走几个礼拜了。
Without the command of the sea or the air, it had been deemed impossible to move German armies across the Channel. 大家都知道,没有制海权或制空权,便不可能把德国军队运过海峡。
By being casual, you allow her to feel comfortable letting you know the TRUTH without feeling socially pressured one way or the other. 通过变得随意,你可以让她感到舒适,让你不受任何方式产生的社会压力的干扰而明白她的真实想法。
The safe, numb deadness did not come back, and I got more anxious with every minute that passed without its return. 那种安全的死人一般的麻木感还没有回来,我焦虑成分的熬过第一分等待它的回归。
There was a line or two about Pearl - how she had slipped away without waiting to be thanked or leaving a name and address. 其中有一两行谈到了珀尔,说她如何不求回报也不留姓名地址就悄然离去。
There is usually a marked difference in how the boots fit and feel with versus without such a footbed. 有无footbed之间的差异在鞋子的合适程度和穿着感受方面非常明显。
Without lifting his head from the pillow, he turned to her and nearly gasped: the grief burning in her eyes was unbearable. 他的头没有离开枕头,朝她转过来,几乎是气喘吁吁:对方眼中燃烧着不堪忍受的悲伤。
It's impossible for you to understand this novel without the help of a dictionary. 不借助词典你无法看懂这本小说。
He said India cannot have meaningful development without the active participation of women, and that their security must be assured. 他说,如果没有女性的积极参与,如果她们的安全得不到保障,印度就谈不上什么真正的发展。
Your code may compile and run without error, but the result of an operation may produce a result that you did not expect. 您的代码在编译和运行时可能都没有错误,但某个操作的结果却可能不是您期望的结果。
I sat without moving, more frightened of him than I had ever been. 我坐在那里纹丝不动,我以前从来没有像现在这么怕过他。
Student: Life has no meaning without love would be a very sad thing to say. 学生,没有爱生活便没有意义,那是件悲哀的事情。
Drilling down into charts and summary tables straight from the Viewer is possible without a report designer or IT support . 无需安装报表设计器或IT人员提供支持,您可以直接从此查看器向下钻取到图表和摘要表。
More than 900 of the organization's members donate a year, without pay, to help improve children's literacy. 该组织的成员超过900捐出一年,无薪假期,以帮助提高儿童的识字率。
How can a child be signed away in marriage to man 50 years her senior, without her knowledge and against the wishes of her mother? 不是自己意见,母亲又反对,一个才八岁的小女孩怎么就会嫁给比他年长半百的老头?
Who could taste the fine flavor in the name of Brooke if it were delivered casually, like wine without a seal? 如果布鲁克的名字可以让人说长道短,他岂不成了一瓶没有商标的水酒,谁还把他放在眼里?
Now, the timid steps of brilliant but has passed, the wind blows to constantly seeking past, everything is far too to be without purpose. 现在,那胆怯但灿烂的脚步已经走过,风不断的吹往定格的过去,一切都遥远得失去了方向。
With the time you save reading messages without opening them, imagine how much other work you'll get done! 想像一下不打开邮件就可阅读邮件带来的便利吧,这样节省下来的时间您可以完成多少其他工作!
You see people without neighbors who are African-American were much more likely to say, "That would give me a problem. " 你们会发现那些没有非裔美国邻居的人更有可能会说:”那样会给我带来麻烦。“
The narrow views allow users to see their mail without the traditional column headers and with more information stacked. 用户可以通过窄视图查看邮件,这种方式不必使用传统的列标题,并且可以看到更多的信息。
I said I couldn't remember my life without him and they said they would support me, even offering to help pay for some of my trips. 我说,没有他,我觉得生活没有意义,他们纷纷表示将支持我,甚至要求为我来去探视伊凡的行程买单。
If you don't beat around the bush, you say what you want to say clearly and directly, without avoiding its unpleasant aspects. 如果你在矮树丛的周围不打,你说你想要清楚地而且直接地说的,不避免它的不愉快的方面。
In the early mornings, if I wore long shirts and draped my head in a towel, I could walk along this beach without scaring people. 清晨,我穿上长袖衫,头上蒙住毛巾之后,就可以沿著这海边散步,而不会吓著别人。
The group also said it plans to release three "surviving" Filipino hostages within the next "few days, " without elaborating. 该组织同时宣称它计划在未来的几天释放三名“幸存”的菲律宾人质,但并没有相关的详细信息。
At the time of our study, there was no way to log in once they started the process without abandoning and restarting the reservation. 在我们研究的时候,他们一旦开始了这个流程,就没办法能够做到不用放弃并重新开始就能预订。
Listen, I'm sorry. . . I let so much time go by without telling you that I really loved you, and the love still go on. 听着,我很遗憾,过了这么长时间我一直没告诉你我真的很爱你,而且现在仍然爱你。
He said several Alabama counties have experienced massive property destruction, and that up to one million people may be without power. 他说,阿拉巴马州有几个县经历了大规模的财产损毁,多达1百万人可能失去供电。
Words of a fool, you mean. The Horde will destroy the undead without your aid, human, or that of the pompous king. 是白痴说的话才对。人类,部落不需要你的帮助,也不需要那个自大浮夸的国王就可以摧毁那些不死族。
The treaty-signing in Prague comes almost exactly a year after Obama spelled out his long-range goal of a world without nuclear weapons. 条约在布拉格的签署正值奥巴马阐发他的长远愿景——一个无核武器世界一周年。
The idea is to allow the user to view outside content without leaving your site , but the result is often less than cohesive . 原本是想允许用户在不离开站点的情况下查看外部内容,但结果往往不一致。