who knows

  • na.怎么知道呢?
  • 网络天晓得;谁知道;谁知道呢

who knowswho knows

who knows


miao.miao.cool的博客 - 喵喵 - 网易博客 ... it is urgent. 有急事。 who knows! 天晓得! it is not a big deal! 没什么了不起! ...


个性网-QQ分组-英文QQ分组精选 ... I love you 冂-钰宝 05月26日 23:11 Who Knows- 谁知道∶ Losing Grip- 失去控制′ ...


推荐几首艾薇儿的歌曲?_百度知道 ... 08.Forgotten 忘记 09.Who Knows 谁知道呢 10.Fall to Pieces 秋天的片断 ...


日常打招呼最常用的英语口语 ... How have you been? 你过得怎么样? Who knows? 谁知道啊? Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到 …


love song ... where the day flows 岁月向何方流逝 Who knows 谁能知道 Walking through a dream 漫游梦境 ...


only time 是圣歌吗?_百度知道 ... and who can say where the road goes 谁知道路伸向何方 who knows 谁能知晓 (chants) (合 …


唯有时光only time ... And who can say where the road goes 谁能说出道路伸向何方 Who knows 谁能明了 Who can say 谁能说 …

Who knows what sort of seventeen-year locust will next come out of the ground? 谁知道下一次还会发生什么样的十七年蝗灾?
Who knows, but it's only a matter of time before Barkley has something else critical to say about James and the Heat, bank on it. 谁知道呢,但确信的是,巴爵士下一条对勒布朗和热的言论只是时间问题,等着吧。
For years, he said, the Silicon Valley company has focused on tying together people on the Web, mapping out who knows whom. 他说,Facebook多年来一直专注于在网络上把人联系起来,展示谁和谁是认识的。
With two good eyes, who knows what he might have done. 若双眼完好,天知道他也许能做出什么来。
there is a relatively rare but the white domestic pigeon, or jade wings, the name really do not know, an expert who knows let me know. 还有一只是国内比较罕见的白点鸽,还是玉翅,名字还真的不知道,那位高人知道告诉我一声。
Who knows? It might be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. 也许这会是一段良好的人际关系的开端,谁说得准呢?
And a careful, thoughtful man like Chan Kai Kit might do even better with his own pocket calculator instead of his abacus----- who knows? 像陈佳杰这样思维缜密的人,如果用袖珍计算器而不是算盘,或许能做的更好-----谁又说得准呢?
So who knows, he may be able to quit the company and start his own business some day. 谁知道呢,哪一天他可能会辞职自己创业呢。
Who knows what effect they might have on such a young child in the short run and in the long run? 从长期和短期来看,谁又知道这种药会对如此年轻的孩子有什么影响?
There is always someone who knows better than you what you meant with your message. 总会有人比你更加理解你自己发出的某段信息。
There are thousands of plastic bottles there and who knows how much dirty stuff is underwater! 那儿有几千个塑料瓶,谁又知道水下又有多少脏东西呢!
Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about? -Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about. 有人知道圣诞节是怎么回事吗?-_当然,查理布朗,我能告诉你圣诞节是怎么回事。
George Woolf: What? Let him catch me on the backstretch? You know, you're not the only one who knows this horse. 乔治·沃尔芙:什么?让他在非终点直道赶上我?你知道,你不是唯一了解这匹马的人。
Who knows how much of that $17 million the Kardashian clan pillaged before Kris could get his hands on it. 天知道在克里斯能够碰到那1700万之前,卡黛珊家族从中抢走了多少。
Who knows how much applause he got, nobody does. 谁知道他得到了多少掌声,没有人知道。
The fact of the matter is, unless you're the smartest person in the world, there is someone out there who knows more than you do. 事实的确如此,肯定还有人比你知道的更多,除非你是世界上最聪明的人。
A competitor who knows him well has no doubt he will have hedged his position. 一位非常了解他的竞争对手断定沃德应该已经进行了对冲。
Even someone who knows nothing about StarCraft can be brought up to relative speed within the duration of a quick 3-4 minute explanation. 即便是一个对星际一无所知的人,通过3-4分钟的解说和观看也能对星际达到相当程度的了解。
We know from her previous work that McLachlan is a thoughtful lyricist who knows a thing or two about song construction. 我们从她之前的作品可以得知,McLachlan是一位颇有心思的词作者,对歌曲构建非常熟悉。
Who knows the next night, she suddenly talking about this matter, but do not know if they are not forgotten! 谁知道第二天晚上她突然说起这件事,原来不是不知道而是忘记了!
But who knows if he is on his way this lazy sultry noon, the Stranger, carrying his basket of strange wares ? 但是,有谁知道,也许就在这闷热倦人的正午,那个陌生人提着满篮奇特的货物,已经上路?
They've dealt with the grief in their own ways, but I'm the only one who knows the truth. 他们用自己的方式去面对悲伤,但我是唯一知道真相的人。
Every one who knows Shakespere must know his most well-known tragedy: Hamlet and that famous line: To be or not to be, that's a question. 任何熟稔莎士比亚的人都必知晓莎翁最有名的悲剧之作《哈姆雷特》,以及那句名言:“生,抑或死,这是一个问题。”
They have a communion with their gatekeeper, who knows what and how much to put through and from whom. 他们与他们的看门人一起交流,知道什么并且使多少穿过和来自谁。
One expert who knows him from industry conferences said he did not come across as someone likely to become caught up in an indictment. 一位通过行业研讨会认识他的专家表示,他遭到控告并非偶然。
That's it. Two years and who knows how much money got me five concepts. 好了,这就是我花了两年时间还有天知道多少美元换来的五个概念。
Who knows what secret wisdom that ketchup bottle label could be trying to convey to me, after all? 话又说回来,也许调味酱瓶子标签希望传递给我某种不为人知的秘密,谁说得准呢?
Who knows when the chains will be off , and the boat, like the last glimmer of sunset, vanish into the night? 谁知道什麽时候可以解开链索,这只船会像落日的馀光,消融在黑夜之中呢?
"Who knows who took it-it's just a dumb still life , " she said. “谁知道是谁照的,一张破静物呗,”她说。
"Scott has got to find somebody who knows someone, " the grandfather said, "someone who can get him to the head of the line. " 祖父说:“斯科特得找到认识大人物的人,一些能让他碰到头头的人。”