way to fall

  • 网络等经典曲目了;毁灭之路

way to fallway to fall

way to fall


今天在网上找合金装备3轻唱版的主题曲,无意中... ... 《Snake Eater》 的伴奏无人声演唱版本。 《Way To Fall等经典曲目


毁灭之路(Way To Fall)——眼泪因何还在为你而泣~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 22 kellerman 2009-4-12 319 / 31455 2013-5-3 …

Shares were very expensive, which meant that they were highly vulnerable to any setbacks and there was a long way to fall. 股票非常昂贵,意味着它们很容易受到不利因素的打击,而且下跌之路很长。
In many parts of Europe, prices still have a long way to fall to revert to that sort of value and there is lots of downward pressure. 在欧洲的许多地方,价格要回到正常价值之前还要下跌挺久,有太多下挫的压力存在。
You can fall from a mountain, you can fall from a tree, but the best way to fall is to fall in love with me. 你可以从山上跳下来,也可以从树上跳下来,但最好跳到我的爱河里。
You may fall from mountain, you may fall from tree, but the best way to fall, is fall to my love. 你可能会从山上掉下来,也可能会从树上掉下来,但是,最好的方式,是你会爱上我。
This may mean it still has some way to fall, potentially further widening its discount to gold, analysts said. 多位分析师表示,这可能意味着铂金还有下跌空间,因而进一步扩大较黄金的差价。
But they have an enormously long way to fall, and ought to be cushioned by the media conglomerates of which they are a part. 当然如果说它要垮掉,那还是十分遥远的事,与其利益相关的还有一些媒体界大鳄,有它们在后面做后盾,他们一时半会还死不了。
To me, counting numbers is a positive way to fall asleep. 对于我来说,数数是一个有效的促进入睡的办法。
Such a funny way to fall. 这种坠落的感觉很有趣
The results suggest that house prices still have some way to fall before they hit bottom in Ireland, Italy, and Britain. 研究结果显示,在爱尔兰、意大利以及英国的房价触底前,楼市价格仍然可能下跌。
Dad teaches you a good way to fall sleep: Counting Sheep. 爸爸教你一个好办法入睡:数羊。