
  • abbr.(=Warrant Officer)准尉
  • int.whoa;woe
  • 网络和;钨(wolfram);工令(Work Order)



粤音检字法 cantoneseAID ... 永 Wing Wo 获 Wok ...


碧水蓝天 - 碧水蓝天 - 网易博客 ... (钛铁矿原生矿) TiO2 WO3 (原生矿) Nb2O5 ...

工令(Work Order)

所以 我需要位老板 或WOwork order)--------------------------------------我想把我的现在没有目标的人生来请你们帮我安排,让我 …

畲族语言教学提纲——福客民俗网 ... 亮 晓[ xAu 稻子 [ wo 走 行[ xaN ...


初中应掌握的化学式(注明是什么物质)_百度知道 ... 三氧化二铝 Al2O3 三氧化钨 WO3 硝酸 HNO3 ...

准尉(Warrant Officer)

所有海陆空各种军衔的英文单词_百度知道 ... 海军二等兵1. quartier matre de 2e classe 准尉1. WO 二级准尉1. warrant officer ...

I love meeting people like him wo are just fans of music and are ready to do whatever to help the touring band. 我最喜欢是认识这个样的人–就是一个很简单音乐的歌迷!他对我们非常热情和非常好!
"Wo is a registered " and " Wo " is millet, millet, rice, sorghum crops like the general term " landing " means that mature. “禾乃登”的“禾”指的是黍、稷、稻、粱类农作物的总称,“登”即成熟的意思。
Someone knows how to be loyal to someone, how wo take care of him, and how to love him, as he is a very important person in his life. 有些人知道怎样对一个人忠诚,怎样照顾他,怎样爱他,因为朋友是他生命中很重要的人。
Bottom line: Unicom's determination to move forward with its self-developed Wo mobile operating system is bound to be a costly failure. 一句话:联通想推广自行开发的“沃”手机操作系统,注定要失败,且代价不菲。
I thought she could be full of love for a puppy, not to mention her own kid. Wo must be a good mother in future! 我想,“我”尚且对一只小动物都如此的关爱,更不用说待自己的孩子了,将来她一定是位好妈妈!
Lu Xun kept studying the ancient Chinese stories during the course of his fiction-writing, wo there must be sth. similar between them. 鲁迅在新小说创作前后一直从事古小说的整理工作,二者之间精神上乃至表象上的交叉是必然的。
Another argument is: China's ancient book of the word "years" to put the Department of Wo to show favorable weather. 另有一种说法是:我国古代的字书把“年”字放禾部,以示风调雨顺,五谷丰登。
Wo Shi Like (Chinese )from China Radio International . Thank you . And let me introduce to you , from BTV, the very lovely Jiang Hua. 我是来自中国国际广播电台的里克(中文).谢谢!同时让我来给你们介绍来自北京电视台的非常可爱的姜华小姐。
"I thought it would be better to have two people in one house who are friends to live with one man wo both love, " she said. “我认为两个好朋友住在同一间屋子里,和我们共同爱着的一个男人生活在一起会更好一些,”她说。
cheat and abjection is used wo describe the husband off the rails by his wife who got hurt . 欺诈和卑鄙是受害妻子描述出轨丈夫的词语。
Suppose you want to Acne introductions you to use the words Wo Run Square, a strong acne cream effect is quite good! 假设你要祛痘的话引见你去用“禾润坊强力祛痘膏”效果就挺好的!
Lying on his back, my lips did not say anything, but hearts are like snow, like snow Susu, a further one landed in my Xin Wo, the cold cold. 趴在他的背上,我嘴上未说什么,但心里却像下雪一样,雪花簌簌,一片又一片,落在我的心窝里,好冷好冷。
The ancients said: the sound of flowing water can support ears, green grass can be Yangxin Wo. 古人云:流水之声可以养耳,青禾绿草可以养心。
Wo men, legs crossed in discomfort or desperation, wait in line for the lavatory while men saunter in and out of their loos. 女人们痛苦不堪或者绝望地交叉着双腿,排成长队等待上盥洗室,然而男人们却从从容容地进出于他们的洗手间。
a scientist wo made a breakthrough in cancer treatment would not qualify , he would just be doing his job. 一个科学家在治疗癌症方面取得突破不符合资格上榜,因为这是他的工作。
Although this waxy Wo production is not high, but ordinary people can eat two harvests a year. 虽然这种糯禾的产量不高,但普通人家一年的收成可以吃上两年。
It was the police wo helped me to do that. 是警察帮我找到他的。
host: We did not ask Hines, but wo got a teammate, he was with Hines. 主持人:我们还没告诉他,但是我们有个同事,他现在正和海因斯沃德在一起。
Wo Jian Tang looking forward with you all my colleagues for a better tomorrow. 太和唐健全体同仁热切地期待与你共创美好明天。
I used one called "Wo Run Square, a strong acne cream" , something really good, and pure natural not to hurt the skin. 我用过一个叫“禾润坊强力祛痘膏”,东西确实很不错,而且纯自然不伤皮肤。
With a real friend, wo know exactly what they thinking without having to say a word. 面对真正的朋友,我们用心就能真切的感受到他们在想什么。
If it is failed , then wo can save our love like people holding the swan egg, Wipe off the bad, and just leave the good things! 我们可以像保存天鹅卵一样保存我们逝去的爱情,虽然会有些痛,抽出“卵黄和卵清”,让美好永远停留在那一刻。
By strain sensing experiment, wo got a linear relation expression between the pressure and the central wavelength drift of FBG . 通过压力传感实验,得到压力与光纤布拉格光栅中心波长漂移量的线性关系式。
Pacquiao: these may be problem before I fought Marquez, wo are going to work on this. 帕奎奥:在我与马奎兹比赛之前腿就有些问题了,我们一直在努力治好它。
were silly, Wo good for Government Policy Coordination and sisters. Wo go together, through the forest to Wo, no one who Duerer drug Bu! 傻派,硪悳好姐妹。硪们一起走,硪们穿过森林,谁也吥药丢勒谁!
but life is like a merry-go-round here wo go now. doe see doe now. curtains up. the show must go now. 但是生活像一个旋转木马。现在我们出发。幕布升起了。表演现在必须开始了。
tai po tai wo road , tai po . the location of the project is shown in figure 1 of this permit. 大埔太和路。工程项目的位置见载于本许可证夹附的图一。
The fact that Wo Ju was deemed so dangerous by the censors only reveals how deeply it struck a chord with China's aspiring classes. 事实上蜗居对于那些审查员来说是相当危险的仅是因为它深深地触动了中国那些有抱负阶层的心弦。
The cartilage matrix enables the cartilage to have certain shape and elasticity to wo rk against the outside force. 软骨基质使软骨具有一定的外形和弹性以抵抗外力作用。
Urumqi International Airport and Fort Wo security staff seized the opportunity with a life jacket Consignment Event. 乌鲁木齐地窝堡国际机场安检人员查获一起托运救生衣乘机事件。