“异化”与“归化”作为翻译策略并无高低优劣之分,两者各有优缺之处。 As a translation strategy, it is hard to say foreignization is superior to domestication, or vice versa.通过解构,对翻译中的异化与归化进行了考查和分析,可以看出两者不是那种传统概念中的二元对立、一元中心的关系,而是互为补充、互为条件的共生关系,即-它们都是翻译的本质属性,并非谁更优于谁。Based on deconstruction theory, the paper examines and analyzes foreignization and domestication in translation, revealing that they are not in the dualistic antithesis with one occupying the central position; instead, they are symbiotically related and closely interdependent, and are the innate nature of translation.