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I know what life is worth.我知道生命的价值。My life is in your hands.我的生命由你掌控。First blood! The gods were right to place their trust in me.第一滴血!上帝相信选择相信我是对的。My blood boils.我的鲜血在沸腾。The pike found its place.我的长矛找到了归宿。Know my pain.知道我的痛苦了吧。Pain into gain!化痛苦为力量!The ultimate sacrifice.终极牺牲。Life"s hard, I know.生活很艰难,我知道的。My life now has meaning!我的生命现在很有意义!Blood for blood.以血还血。Power from the Nothl Realm.来自虚无之境的力量。A waste of life.浪费生命。Ah, the potential for sacrifice is great!啊,牺牲的潜能是无限的!A stronger sacrifice.更强大地牺牲。There can never be too much sacrifice.牺牲永远不嫌多。You must learn to sacrifice.你必须学会牺牲。I share my pain.分享我的痛苦吧。You gave all you could give but it was not enough.你已倾其所有,但还远远不够。Vitality was wasted on you.你浪费了你的活力。Honor your sacrifice.你的牺牲值得尊敬。Dazzle, is that any way to treat your cousin?戴泽,这是你款待表弟的方法吗?Your time in the shade of Nothl must have blinded you, Dazzle.你在虚无之境的时光蒙蔽了你的眼睛,戴泽。This pains me, Doctor, for we honor the same vitality.我们需要的是同样的生命力,你的治疗却弄伤了我。Antimage, your dependence on mana is unholy.敌法师,你对魔法的依赖可不光彩。You take and you take, Antimage; learn to give!就知道拿就知道拿,敌法师!要学会奉献!Perhaps you"ll value life now, Necrolyte.瘟疫法师,或许你现在知道生命的价值了。Necrolyte, you beget rot without worth.瘟疫法师,你就这样没有价值地死掉了。Respect, Bloodseeker.血魔,向你致敬。Bloodseeker, that was well done.血魔,干得漂亮。The tide of life sweeps away the hunter.生命之潮冲走了猎人。The oceans see more life without the Tidehunter.没有了潮汐猎人,大海中将有更多生命。Pudge, you should value life for more than just its flavor.胖子,你要懂得珍惜这些生命,而不仅仅是尝尝味道。Pudge, your existence wastes more life than you know.胖子,你的存在意味着更多生命的浪费。Fearlessly into the fray, Axe, in this we are alike.从不惧怕战斗,这是我们的相同点,斧王。I walk the sacred path to my promised destiny.我迈在通向已知命运的神圣大道上。As my body falls, my spirit rises up like the smoke offerings, pleasing to the gods我的肉体虽然倒下,我的灵魂却如一缕青烟慰藉着上帝。I will risk my life again and again.我一次又一次冒着生命危险。Swiftly to my sacrifice.我的牺牲马上就要到来。以上资料来自: