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那首歌的名字是Smoke gets in your eyes(烟雾迷漫你的眼)!附上歌词:Smoke gets in your eyesThey asked me how I knewMy true love was trueI of course repliedSomething here in side cannot be deniedThey said someday you"ll findAll who love are blindOh, oh, when your heart"s on fireYou must realizeSmoke gets in your eyesSo I chaffed them and I gaily laughedTo think they could doubt my loveYet, today, my love has flown awayI am without my loveNow, laughing friends derideTears I cannot hideOh, oh, so I smile and sayWhen a lovely flame diesSmoke gets in your eyesSmoke gets in your eyes在百度就能直接搜索到!:)




打伤他的腿,当然是为了救他了。因为在朱茵演的角色死的时候,吴振宇演的角色的心已经死了,他已经决定和她一块儿死去了。他那时候就是想自杀,把男二的腿打伤他就无法阻止自己自杀了。而且他应该也是不想让他再继续干这行了。《O记三合会档案》是由 最佳拍档有限公司出品,霍耀良导演,刘青云、吴镇宇、朱茵、彭丹主演的一部黑社会动作片,于1999年3月18日上映。电影背景为治安混乱、警匪勾结、警察贪污严重的香港旧时代,生动地反映出当时黑势力猖獗、道德沉沦的社会风貌。豪哥:演员刘青云;60年代九龙城寨的小混混,后成为独霸一方的大哥。他勾二嫂,然而视兄弟与手足,为了救阿乐甘愿吞下火炭,他知道审时度势,找到好靠山,并最终取而代之。同时扶持好兄弟阿乐当上探长,从此黑白两道通吃。


你说的就是朱茵在舞厅里跳舞时候的那首歌吧?!刘青云和吴镇宇一起说把那张CD弄出来(当时还是那种点唱机)后来朱茵说了那首歌的名字,他们俩也没听懂,还重复:)那首歌的名字是标准答案:Smoke gets in your eyes(烟雾迷漫你的眼)!附上歌词:Smoke gets in your eyesThey asked me how I knewMy true love was trueI of course repliedSomething here in side cannot be deniedThey said someday you"ll findAll who love are blindOh, oh, when your heart"s on fireYou must realizeSmoke gets in your eyesSo I chaffed them and I gaily laughedTo think they could doubt my loveYet, today, my love has flown awayI am without my loveNow, laughing friends derideTears I cannot hideOh, oh, so I smile and sayWhen a lovely flame diesSmoke gets in your eyesSmoke gets in your eyes在百度就能直接搜索到!:)最后:楼下的朋友,分我是要定了!有本事你就复制,复制完你爸就死~~~~~~


P!nk-Here Comes The Weekend Here comes Comes the weekend Hear it calling like a siren Oh-oh We don"t want no problems We don"t like them Keep it moving Here comes The weekend Set off your sirens Here comes The weekend Set off your sirens I just wanna play Oh-oh Big city holiday So get out of my way If you know what"s better for you I"m tearing up the night Lipstick and leather tight Not looking for a fight no Oh-oh High heels and cherry wine Not wasting any time We"re ticking like a bomb About to blow Oh-oh Hear it calling like a siren Oh-oh We don"t look for trouble Just enough too Seeing double Here comes The Weekend Set off your sirens Oh-oh Here comes The Weekend Set off your sirens Oh-oh Drink some pink champagne I don"t know you yet But we"ll forget so F-ck what they say Let the rum flow until it rains Oh-oh I"m tearin up the night Lipstick and leather tight Oh-oh High heels and cherry wine Not wasting any time We"re ticking like a bomb About to blow Oh-oh Here comes Comes the weekend Hear it calling like a siren Oh-oh We don"t look for trouble Just enough too Seeing double Here comes The Weekend Set off your sirens Here comes The Weekend Set off your sirens Nothing high class in my glass Only bottles of pop Comes the weekend My bottles are popped So when I pop up in the spot Here comes Im probably not gonna be wanting to pop bubbly or Ciroc I"m not Puffy but I"ma run this city tonight When I hit it I might act like a frickin" idiot Diddy mixed with a medieval knight Big city lights Little indignity Hot diggity This Biggie is gettin" me hype I don"t get some liquor I"ll hurt you I"ll knock your d-ck in the dirt Bickerin" worse Than that b-tch in that Snickers commercial A mixture of Stiffler and Urkel Hangin" from the light fixture I hope you pricks are insured for this building Cuz we"re tearin" it down Security get out The frickin" way Jesus Christ the blaring is loud I swear the only thing I hear is the sound Of sirens going eeeeeh cause.... Here comes The Weekend Set off your sirens Oh-oh Here comes The Weekend Set off your sirens Oh-oh Oh-oh Here comes The weekend Set off your sirens Here comes The weekend Set off your sirens Not looking for a fight no


就是这个!Smoke gets in your eyes 烟雾迷漫你的眼Smoke gets in your eyes They asked me how I knew My true love was true I of course replied Something here in side cannot be denied They said someday you"ll find All who love are blind Oh, oh, when your heart"s on fire You must realize Smoke gets in your eyes So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed To think they could doubt my love Yet, today, my love has flown away I am without my love Now, laughing friends deride Tears I cannot hide Oh, oh, so I smile and say When a lovely flame dies Smoke gets in your eyes Smoke gets in your eyes


那首歌的名字是Smoke gets in your eyes(烟雾迷漫你的眼)!附上歌词:Smoke gets in your eyesThey asked me how I knewMy true love was trueI of course repliedSomething here in side cannot be deniedThey said someday you"ll findAll who love are blindOh, oh, when your heart"s on fireYou must realizeSmoke gets in your eyesSo I chaffed them and I gaily laughedTo think they could doubt my loveYet, today, my love has flown awayI am without my loveNow, laughing friends derideTears I cannot hideOh, oh, so I smile and sayWhen a lovely flame diesSmoke gets in your eyesSmoke gets in your eyes在百度就能直接搜索到!:)

O记三合会档案 ( H.K Triad The )里的2个女主角是谁演的

彭丹个人档案乳名:丹丹花名:小神仙出生日期:11月10日籍贯:湖南星座:天蝎 血型:O型身高:5尺5寸 体重:115磅家庭状况:父、母、1妹鞋子尺寸:6号嗜好:弹钢琴、写诗、写词、食辣偶像:周润发、郑文雅、萧芳芳喜欢的颜色:黄、黑、白色讨厌的食物:猪肝

O记三合会档案 最后阿英照顾的是谁



《O记三合会档案》的结构十分完美,两个年青人从踏进城寨就开始他们的江湖人生,一个做了黑帮老大,一个进了警界,分别代表了当时的两股势力,也暗示了那个时代警匪勾结的现象。同样的开始,不同的结局,两个兄弟一个死一个入狱,这正昭示着那个时代的结束。刘青云和吴镇宇精采的表现让电影更精采,两个演员象是角色倒置一般,本嚣张的吴镇宇变的文弱起来,而颇有文艺色彩的刘青云倒恶狠狠的做了黑帮老大。特别是吴镇宇,角色的变化和挣扎被他表演的级其精彩,你会忘了曾经的靓坤。《O记三合会档案》是最好的黑帮史诗故事,风云变幻,那个曾经的黑帮江湖活灵的在影幕上展现。只是那90分钟使它不能提升气势,只能躺在众多电影中,被忘记。倘《O记三合会档案》拍足三集,就是最好的黑帮史诗。(腾讯娱乐评) 本片监制、编剧是王晶,他没有往日的荒诞不经,而相当严谨老成。情节流畅,运用人物性格演变来调动情节发展,在故事编排上有许多借鉴。开始的刘青云回忆来自《美国往事》,对四大帮派的追杀来自《教父》。本片通过性格实力派演员吴镇宇和刘青云一兵一贼的搭档,亦正亦邪,旗鼓相当。刘青云一改木衲而又充满智慧的形象,扮演一位草莽豪杰,激情而又张扬,凶狠而又多情,让人不寒而栗。吴镇宇一改神经质,歇斯底里,莫测高深的形象,表现出角色的懦弱和善良。尤其是结尾阿乐用枪指着阿豪,吴镇宇的眼神绝望而深情,让人叹服。它承继了《五亿探长雷洛传》(1991)、《跛豪》(1991)等奇案片的意味,具有史诗感觉。(时光网评) 电影中的三合会江湖文化犹如教科书般的详细真实。电影通过刘青云和吴镇宇两位主角在九龙城寨的逐步扎根发展,鲜活地记录着上世纪六七十年代香港三合会最地道的原生态面貌,这里有黑社会势力的蛮霸、有警匪勾结的黑暗、社会治安的混乱、黄赌毒的猖獗、贪官污吏的壮大,整个九龙城寨俨然发展成了一个以暴称霸的天下。电影非常成功地复原了鱼龙混杂的场面,散发着沉沦绝顶的道德观念,如履薄冰地行走于暴力血腥的漩涡当中,这样的社会面貌让人印象极其深刻。(时光网评)






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链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XeXSOMMW2n3KUNCWb5wrlQ 提取码: njtr作品相关简介:《O记三合会档案》是由最佳拍档有限公司出品,霍耀良导演,刘青云、吴镇宇、朱茵、彭丹主演的一部黑社会动作片,于1999年3月18日上映。电影背景为治安混乱、警匪勾结、警察贪污严重的时代,生动地反映出当时黑势力猖獗、道德沉沦的社会风貌。


阿英和豪哥都慢慢老去。算是善终吧。三合会档案结局是阿英和豪哥都慢慢老去。《O记三合会档案》是由 最佳拍档有限公司出品,霍耀良导演,刘青云、吴镇宇、朱茵、彭丹主演的一部黑社会动作片,于1999年3月18日上映。


知道是这首歌,但是没有链接合辑(2010年发行) Let Me Baby(Honda Cr - V 广告 - 羡慕的梦想篇)作词:Richard Myhill作曲:Richard MyhillLet me babyWon"t you let me get to know youPut my loving arms around youOh baby let me doLet me baby doDarling won"t let me have your numberWe could go dance la bumbaLet me baby let me doOh won"t u tell meWhat I gotta doTo make u understand meThat I"ve go so much love for youBabyLet me be your savour,Love meBet your always thinking of meLet me baby, let me doOh u won"t you tell meWhat I gotta doTo make you understand meThat I got so much love for youBabyLet me whisper all the sweet thingsTell u bout my heart sings,Let baby me, let me doDarling, let me be your savourLove meBet your always thinking of meLet me baby, let me doLet me baby, let me doLet me baby, let me do






不符合播出的内容。《O记三合会档案》是由 最佳拍档有限公司出品,霍耀良导演,刘青云、吴镇宇、朱茵、彭丹主演的一部黑社会动作片,于1999年3月18日上映,2008年删减了不符合播放规定的内容,电影背景为治安混乱、警匪勾结、警察贪污严重的香港旧时代,生动地反映出当时黑势力猖獗、道德沉沦的社会风貌。