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实话说,感觉这篇文章很老了,现在有很多新的教材,可以试着去学习.At the top of the mountain there were thirty of us comrades.在山顶上有我们的三十个同志.At the foot of the mountain was a whole battalion of Kuomintang soldiers,surrounding us in a tight ring..在山脚下有一个营的GMD部队的士兵,把我们紧紧的包围在一个圈里.We had given the enemy a hard time They dared not come after us, but we could not get away .我们已经和让敌人在战斗中精疲力尽,他们不敢紧追我们,但我们也无法突破包围圈.Three days passed,with no fighting.It was clear that they meant to starve us out .We lived on the little wild fruit we could find as there was nothing else on the mountain in late autumn.三天过去了,没有任何战斗.很显然,他们想饿死我们.我们就摘些野果充饥,因为深秋在山里没有别的可以吃的.One evening ,as we were searching for berries and apricots ,little Cai suddenly shouted,"Hey,look what I have found here!sweet potatoes!"Before we could stop him ,he had rushed on to a potato plot and dug up one of the potatoes.一天傍晚,我们正在找浆果和杏子,小蔡突然叫道:”嗨,看我在这儿找到什么了!红薯啊!我们刚要阻止他的时候,他已经冲到了红薯地里去摘红薯."Don,t touch them!"we called out ."we,ll ask the political commissar what he think about it ."little Cai jumped up,looking a little ashamed of himself , for his hunger had made him forget army discipline.”别碰那些红薯!”,我们喊到.”我们需要请求政委的指示.”小蔡跳起来,看着有些害羞,因为他自己的饥饿让他忘了部队的纪律.There was a heated argument among the comrades.Some said we should eat the potatoes; others thought not..But before the political commissar had a chance to speak ,two of our scouts returned to report that the situation was favourable for breakthrough.We decided to fight our way out that night.在同志们中间激烈的争论着.一些人认为我们可以吃那些红薯,另一些认为不可以.在还没有来得及听取政委意见的时候,两个侦察兵过来向我们报告说看情形可能会有突围的可能.我们决定当夜实施突围.Three months passed ,and we found ourselves back in a village at the foot of the same mountain .It was a cold night ,and every door in the village was bolget.三个月过去了,我们发现我们转回到同样的一座山的山脚下的小村庄里.那是一个寒冷的夜晚,村子里的每户人家都把门栓了.We were just preparing to pass the night in the open when an old man came up to us ,and insisted that we should stay in his home .We were a little surprised ,for this was a newly-liberated area ,and we had not expected to meet with such kindness from the villagers.我们刚刚准备就在露天里过夜,一位老人来到我们这里坚持让我们在他家过夜.我们有点儿吃惊,因为这里是一个刚刚被解放的地区,村民这样的友善是出乎我们原来的想象.when we entered his house ,the old men asked us to sit down ,and began serving us tea .We were feeing more puzzled than ever when he began to explain.当我们到他家时,这个老人让我们坐下,并给我们倒茶.他开始解释起请我们来的原因时,我们感到从所未有的不解."I,ll tell you a queer story ,"he said ."last autumn a number of soldiers were surrounded by Koumintang troops on this mountain .I had a plot of sweet potatoes up there and I was worried about it.Several times I tried to go up the hillside to have a look ,but each time I was driven back by Koumintang men.”我给你们讲一个奇怪的事情”,他说道”去年秋天一些士兵们被GMD的部队包围在这山里,我在山上有一片儿红薯地,我就为这些红薯担心.有几次我都想亲自过去地里瞅瞅,但每次我都被GMD部队的人给赶了回来."One night there was the sound of firing .I thought the Red Army men had fought their way out ,and Iwas right .Next morning the Koumintang troops left and I hurryied up the mountain to my plot.一天晚上传来炮火声,我想这是红军在突围吧.后来证明我那时候想法是对的.第二天早上,GMD的部队离开了,我赶紧去我那片儿地看看."I found a lot of my potatoes had been dug up .I cursed my luck and began digging up those that were left .but the first thing Idug up was a piece of white cloth ,and wrapped in it were five silver dollars !”我发现我的红薯被挖的已经差不多了,我就怨自己的运气不好,并且挖地里剩下的红薯,但是我刚挖第一下时就发现一块白布里包着五块银元!There was something written on the cloth .It said :"dear folk :We are Red Army men fighting the white troops .We have eaten your potatoes.Please accept these five dollars with our thank ."在布上写着”亲爱的老乡:我们是和GMD打仗的红军.我们吃了些你的红薯,请接受这五块银元还有我们的感谢."The old man touched Little Tsai on the shoulder: "Comrade, I often wonder where these men have gone. I"d like to see them with my own eyes."老人拍了拍小蔡的肩头说道:”同志,我常常在想这些人现在到了哪里.我们希望能亲眼见见他们.”Little Tsai couldn"t keep quiet any longer and burst out:"Just look round, Grandpa. They"re right here listening to you."小蔡忍不住终于说出:”老大爷,看看你的周围,他们都在这里听你说话呢.”The old man grasped Little Tsai"s hand tightly in his own. He gazed at us, one after another, while we all smiled happily and a little proudly. A wonderful feeling of warmth filled our hearts.老大爷紧紧握住小蔡的手,他把我们一个一个地仔细看了一遍,我们高兴的笑着,心里充满骄傲.在我们心里流着温暖的情感.GMD意思你应该可以猜出来




完全读完不一定掌握,即使掌握也有一个程度差异。 不好说,我想相当于大学英语3级吧。



大山英语 清艳英语 许国璋英语 新概念英语 剑桥英语哪个培训班最好?

剑桥英语 一般是小学学的新概念英语 比较广泛。。成人可以学习 至於其他的我不知道。。没学过。。我只不过是个初中生而已。。 对不起。。 希望我知道的对你有帮助。。






现在学习许国璋英语的还算不错,不过没有从前多了,毕竟现在可以选择的教材比较多.我个人认为许国璋英语对自学者帮助还是很大的.可以说非常经典啦 老是老点,但不落伍.




现在学习许国璋英语的还算不错,不过没有从前多了,现在可以选择的教材比较多.我个人认为许国璋英语对自学者帮助还是很大的.可以说非常经典啦 老是老点,但不落伍.

