How do I redeem an Apple (iTunes) Gift Card and use the credits in my game? – Zynga Poker guide
An iTunes Gift Card is an alternative method of purchasing game credits. Below you can find information on how you can redeem and use your credits in your game: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch,open the App Store app. Tap Today , then tapon your photo in the upper-right corner. Tap "Redeem Gift Card or Code," then sign in with your Apple ID. If you want to use the camera in your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to add your gift card, tap Use Camera . Make sure to follow the onscreen instructions to capture the redemption code.If you"re in certain countries or regions, or have an older card, you might have to enter the card manually: Tap "You can also enter your code manually", then follow the prompts. If you have an App Store & iTunes Gift Cardor Apple MusicGift Card, enter the 16-digit code, which starts with X,from the back of the card. If you have a promo or content code, enter the code from the back of the card. Tap Done . MAC / PC Open iTunes. If you"re not signed in,sign in with your Apple ID. From the menu bar at the top of your computer screen or at the top of the iTunes window, choose Account > Redeem . Sign in with your Apple ID. If you want to use the camera in your computer to redeem your gift card, click Use Camera . Make sure to follow the onscreen instructions to capture the redemption code.If you"re in certain countries or regions, or have an older card, you might have to enter the card manually in the box under "You can also enter your code manually", then follow the prompts. Click Redeem when you"re done. If you have an App Store & iTunes Gift Cardor Apple MusicGift Card, enter the 16-digit code, which starts with X,from the back of the card. If you have a promo or content code, enter the code from the back of the card. Apple ID store credit is used for each purchase that you make in any of the stores, including Apple Music subscriptions, and for iCloud storage, until it"s gone.Learn how toview your store credit balance.For more information on iTunes Cards please access iTunes Supporthere.
How are Side Pots formed? – Zynga Poker guide
Side pots are formed when several players having unequal amount of chips stack call on an all-in. In Poker, each player matches each opponents" bet with as many chips as they have left. Players also must match, what the *** allest stack has contributed.Example:Player A with 25 chips, Player B with 75 chips, and Player C with 100 chips went all-in.A main pot of 75 chips is formed out of the 25 chips each from Players A, B, and C. Player B has 50 chips left (75 – 25 = 50), and this will have to be matched by Player C, forming the side pot of 100 chips. Player C"s remaining 25 chips (100 – 25 – 50 = 25) will not be wagered.If Player A has the best hand, he will only get the main pot. The side pot will be won by whoever has the better hand between Players B and C.If Player B has the best hand, he will get both the main pot and the side pot.
How do I install or upgrade Adobe Flash Player? – Zynga Poker guide
In order to play our most popular web games, your computer needs to have at least Adobe Flash Player 11 (or higher) installed. We recommend that you always keep your Flash Player updated to the most recent version. How do I know what version of Flash I have? Click the link below and you will be taken to the Adobe Flash Player website to check what version you have: get.adobe/flashplayer/about/ The box labeled " Version Information " will show your currently installed Flash Player version. The table underneath will show you what is the latest Flash Player version available for your platform. How do I install or upgrade Flash Player? Google Chrome: Here are the steps on how to update your Flash Player on Chrome: On your computer, open Chrome. In the address bar at the top, enter " chrome:components " and press Enter. Look for "Adobe Flash Player." Click "Check for update". If you see "Component not updated" or "Component updated," you"re on the latest version. Go back to the page with the Flash content. If it doesn"t open automatically, at the top left, click Reload. Installing or upgrading Flash Player for other browsers: Go to the Adobe Flash Player download website:get.adobe/flashplayer Make sure that the correct operating system and browser are selected. Caution: Adobe"s download page may have pre-selected a check box to install optional software (such as Google Chrome or McAfee Security Scan). If you do not want to install this optional software, you need to untick the checkbox before downloading Flash Player. Download the installer file onto your computer and open the download folder. Close all browsers before running the installer file. Make sure that you have privileges for installing software on your computer. Run the installer file and follow the instructions for the installation process.If you encounter any problems during the installation, please check Adobe"s help pages (Links: PC / Mac) for possible solutions.
How do I take a screenshot or screen video on my computer? – Zynga Poker guide
Together with the description of your issue, screenshots or screen videos (for more complex issues) are a great way to help Zynga Player Support get a better understanding of your issue and find the correct solution for you. Your screenshot should always capture your entire screen , so that we can see your browser as well as other running programs that may be affecting your game experience. A screenshot can be attached as a file directly to your support ticket. The file format should be either .png or .jpg and the size should not exceed 5MB . A screen video is usually larger in size than a screenshot, therefore we suggest that you upload it to a free video hosting site and share the URL with us in your message . For the screen video, all your game information (e.g. Energy, Health, Coins, Cash, etc.) MUST be visible in the video . Note: Please do not capture any sensitive information (pass codes, passwords, billing info, etc.). In the event that you capture sensitive information, restart the capture process after hiding the sensitive information. If you are not familiar with how to capture a screenshot or a screen video, please click on the instructions below: How to capture and submit a screenshot: For PC users: Press the Prnt Scrn key on your keyboard. ** Open Microsoft Paint: Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories. Click Paint. Go to the Edit menu and click Paste . Click File > Save As . Change the Save As Type to JPG. Type a filename for your image. Choose a place to save, such as your Desktop, and click Save . Attach the picture when you create a support request. ** For some laptops, you may need to hold down the Fn (Function) key, then click PrtSc (Print Screen). For Mac users: Hold down the APPLE [Command] , and SHIFT keys. Press 3 for a screen shot of the entire screen. The screenshot appears as a file on your Desktop with the current date and time. Open the screenshot. Select FILE > SAVE AS from the top menu bar. In the Format dropdown, select JPG. Select SAVE. Attach the picture when you create a customer support ticket. How to capture and submit a screen video: Note: The suggested method of using Jing and Screencast is only one of many free options. It is not required to use Jing or Screencast to submit a screen video to Zynga Player Support. Download and install a free screen video software (Jing is commonly used: tech *** ith/jing-tool ). Locate the little yellow sun along the border of your primary monitor. Use the capture feature to designate the area of your screen you want to capture. Select ‘Capture Video/Film Icon" option to begin a screenvideo and start recording. Click the stop button to stop recording when you have captured the desired video. A new window with the screen video will be shown. Share the screen video via Screencast. Attach your UID to the end of the file name for customer support review. Check the history section (under the little yellow sun) to retrieve the URL link for the recorded screen video. Locate the saved screen video and select ‘Share" this will generate a new window with the URL located in the address bar . Submit the saved URL to your support incident for verification purposes.
应用程序无法连接zynga德州扑克 请检查你和互联网的连接错误代码 -1 怎么处理?
错误769:无法连接到指定的目标。 :这是指您的计算机网络设备的问题解决方案:打开的“我的电脑”→“控制面板”→“网络连接”查看是否在本地连接 />“禁用”状态,只需双击本地连接,看到状态更改为“已启用”。如果连本地连接,您的网络卡的问题 - 100%安装不坏。请联系您的电脑供应商还是自己。 出现错误769的错误,大部分的网卡被禁用,可以启用!引起一般用户使用不当或防火墙软件,计算机病毒,是常见的。如果你找不到一个本地的连接,通常丢失或计算机没有检测到网卡NIC驱动程序可以错误的原因,你可以重新安装网卡被禁用解决方案:请点击电脑右键,选择“属性”,然后选择“设备管理器”,看看网卡的驱动程序,如果它是一个“X”是被禁用的网络适配器,右键单击激活该卡可以解决。
暂停服务,这款韩国P2E手游推出无NFT版本 12月21日,韩国 游戏 公司Natris宣布将停止旗下P2E手游《无限突破三国志》(ubb34ud55cub3ccud30c uc0bcuad6duc9c0 ub9acubc84uc2a4)的服务,并为玩家提供另一个无NFT的版本。据悉, 游戏 此前被韩国监管部门施以了“取消分级评定”处罚,但官方也表示目前正积极准备应诉。 外界印象中,韩国一直是个区块链大国。席卷本土公司的P2E浪潮下,这款诞生自2013年的“老 游戏 ”,也在近期同Kakao合作、加入Play to Earn服务后焕发了“第二春”。 简单来说,玩家每天可以通过完成日常任务、进入PVP榜单等行为,换取 游戏 中的虚拟货币Mudol,将Mudol币兑换为Kakao 的“Klay”币后再兑换成现金,或是通过第三方交易所,与其他外币进行交易。得益于“玩就赚”的新标签,时隔三年,《无限突破三国志》再度跻身韩国Google Play畅销榜TOP10、以及iOS畅销榜榜首。 尽管韩厂正大张旗鼓地加码区块链 游戏 ,但本地监管部门并未如外界想象中一样,对Play to Earn 游戏 采取完全放任政策。 目前韩国法律对于 游戏 内NFT和代币系统没有更完善的条目,但对于投机性却有明确的限制。当地法律明文规定,不得通过与 游戏 内容密切相关的运营方式或系统、功能等来助长投机性。同时在韩国的《 游戏 产业法》中,对于 游戏 内道具的种类是有限制的, 游戏 不能提供“可能引发投机性的物品”。 因此,韩国P2E产品多数是基于自家区块链平台提供服务。一如近来大火的《Mir4》,WeMade在今年8月推出包含NFT元素的全球版后,也并未在韩国服务器同步上线。 经历了短暂的辉煌后,不久前《无限突破三国志》被外媒爆出:为了在韩国提供Play to Earn服务,在没有向 游戏 委员会申请评级、分级的情况下,直接在App Store注册上架。因此惨遭韩国监管部门施以了“取消分级评定”处罚,即将在韩国各大市场下架。 12月20日,Natris对此宣布未来将采取一切法律行动,包括停止执行下架处分诉讼和取消分级评定处分的诉讼,并任命了诉讼代理人。 不过在 游戏 停止服务期间,Natris将为玩家先提供另一个无NFT版本的 游戏 ,防止 游戏 彻底停运带来更大的损失。据悉,该版本不支持代币等相关内容,但 游戏 基本玩法、玩家账号信息等内容都将得到保留。这就意味着,《无限突破三国志》可能成为首个从NFT改回正常模式的P2E 游戏 。 值得一提的是,在此期间 游戏 内代币Mudol币价格发生大幅下跌,但 游戏 人气并未出现较大变化。据手游分析网站Appa.pe的数据, 游戏 DAU自12月1日期开始上升,12日登顶后有小幅度回落,目前并未出现太大波动。同时App Annie显示,截至21日, 游戏 仍稳扎Google Play畅销榜TOP20,无较大变化。 携手区块链 游戏 平台Forte,Zynga做区块链 游戏 据外媒报道,美国休闲 游戏 公司Zynga和区块链 游戏 平台Forte,近日联手打造了基于 Zynga 游戏 品牌的区块链 游戏 。 有意思的是,几乎同一时间,“小 游戏 之王”Voodoo刚在官网宣布,正式进入区块链手游领域,将在2022年投资2亿美元,且明年旗下还会增加至30个基于区块链 游戏 开发的工作室。 反观如今Zynga与Forte的合作,双方也表示今后将利用 Zynga 的知识产权、品牌和社区来开发有趣且持久的区块链 游戏 ,但目前合作的具体条款尚未披露。 但在此之前,有必要先介绍一下这家区块链 游戏 平台Forte。 GameLook也有过报道,Forte上个月刚宣布再次完成7.25亿美元融资。由《Free Fire》开发商Garena母公司Sea和Kora Management领投,多家业内知名公司参与投资,目前累计融资已经超过9亿美元。 但其实,屡屡受到资本青睐的Forte并不做区块链 游戏 ,而是一家基础设施公司,用区块链技术打造新类型 游戏 经济平台,为 游戏 公司做用来存储玩家代币的加密钱包,如以太币、比特币,然后兑换为现金。其价值在于,开创性地解决了玩家在 游戏 NFT交易中合规性与高流动性的难题。 该轮领投基金Kora Capital创始人Daniel Jacobs便认为:“得益于技术与合规解决方案的稳定性,Forte在 游戏 领域有很大的吸引力。”简单来说,Forte平台可以让 游戏 公司以简单的方式将区块链技术整合到 游戏 里,为发行商提供内置合规与安全产品,以保护玩家和发行商的业务及知识产权。 也是基于聚焦区块链交易合规性痛点的优势,Forte目前已经和40多家 游戏 开发商达成合作,覆盖超过1500万玩家,而以上种种也促成了此次同Zynga的合作。 其中自然也提到与 Forte 合作的契机,他直言:“这源自该团队在区块链解决方案和 Web 3 开发方面的长期愿景和方法。” 而Forte 联合创始人兼首席执行官Josh Williams也表示:“我们为与Zynga合作感到自豪,希望以负责任的方式推进区块链 游戏 生态系统,吸引 游戏 玩家参与并使其受益,并为他们提供更多的经济机会。我们以一流的互操作性机制和合规措施构建了Forte平台,不断努力为开发者和玩家带来安全、稳定和信任。” Josh Williams 当然他也提到了此次合作:“我们很荣幸成为这一伙伴关系的一部分,以进一步推动我们促进和创造变革性体验的目标,让玩家可以在他们喜欢的 游戏 中释放和获取新形式的价值和财产权。”
想知道: 北京市 zynga北京办事处 在哪
社交游戏巨人Zynga在北京设立工作室 作者:未知 来源:网络 发布时间:2010年05月21日 社交游戏巨人Zynga今日宣布,它将收购北京社交游戏公司希佩德信息技术有限公司(XPD Media)。同时,Zynga还宣布开设Zynga北京工作室。 Zynga没有透露收购交易的具体条款。这是Zynga在过去两年内进行的第四项收购交易,它之前收购的3家公司是YoVille、Serious Business和My Mini Life。 对于Zynga来说,收购希佩德是公司第一次试水亚洲游戏市场。Zynga最大的竞争对手Playfish已经在中国设立了办事处。Zynga在收购希佩德的交易中看重的主要是人才而不是用户,希佩德拥有许多有才干的开发员和工程师。 Zynga在北京开设的工作室是它开设的第二家国际办事处,它开设的第一家国际办事处位于印度班加洛尔。Zynga计划为北京办事处招聘一名首席技术官、一名人力资源经理和数名软件工程师。 希佩德是中国最大的社交游戏出版商之一,面向国际市场发布了许多基于Facebook、MySpace、人人网和Orkut的游戏。它得到了True Ventures和Pilot Group等风险投资公司的资助。希佩德的首席执行官Robin Chan曾经是Twitter和Square的天使投资人之一,他将出任Zynga亚洲事业部总经理。希佩德联合创始人Andy Tian将负责领导Zynga北京工作室。希佩德的40名员工将加入Zynga,专注于技术与产品研发。具体地址目前仍未敲定,需等些时日