
美 [əˈveɪləb(ə)l]英 [ə'veɪləb(ə)l]
  • adj.可获得的;可购得的;可找到的;有空的
  • 网络可用的;可得到的;可利用的

available space,available means,available source,available equipment,available resource


1.可获得的;可购得的;可找到的that you can get, buy or find

2.有空的free to see or talk to people


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... authority 权力; 职权 available 可用的; 通用的 averse 反对的 ...


新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... automation n. 自动化 available a. 可得到的 awe n. 敬畏,怕 ...


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... auxiliary a. 辅助的;附属的 available a. 可利用的;通用的 avenue n. 林荫道,道路;大街 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... vagrant a 流浪的 available a 有用的;有效的 prevail v 克服;流行 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... BC abbr. 公元前 available a. 可获得的; 可利用的 camel n. 骆驼 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... autumn n. 秋天 available adj. 可用到的,有空的 avenue n. 林荫道,大街 ...


690个英语四级高... ... avenue n. 林荫道,大街 302. available a. 现成可用的;可得到的 303. comparative a. 比较的,相对的 30…

In his letter to shareholders, Moynihan went out of his way to thank U. S. taxpayers for making $45 billion in TARP funds available. 在给股东的信中,莫尼汉特地感谢美国纳税人,正是由于他们,美国银行才获得了450亿美元的不良资产援助资金。
If we were to cut down the number of choices available to us, initially we may not find it all that appealing. 假如我们削减了现有选择的数量,一开始,我们可能并不觉得这样做很明智。
The Visual Studio 11 preview is now available for MSDN subscribers with a general release planned in the next few days. 微软计划在近日为MSDN订户提供VisualStudio11预览版公众版本的下载。
Better yet, rsync is available on every flavor of UNIX, including Mac OS X, so it's easy to interconnect virtually any set of systems. 更棒的是,在所有风格的UNIX上都可以使用rsync,包括MacOSX,所以很容易连接任何系统。
On top of this, she said the data from the freely available solar maps can be used to persuade banks to grant financing. 她声称从免费的太阳能地图获得的信息可以用来说服银行提供资金。
I would love them to be available in England within the next year or so but at the moment people are still getting used to the idea. 我想要它们未来一年左右的时间里在英国得到应用,同时人们开始习惯这种观念。
There are a few tools available on the market for just this sort of application architecture. 对于这类应用程序架构,市场上已经有几个工具可用。
If the Check Out command is not available, the file may already be checked out to you or to someone else. 如果“签出”命令不可用,则表示该文件可能已经由您或其他用户签出。
pack artillery might do it if it were available, but in its absence, the recoilless weapons are the main hope. 不过,在没有驮载炮的情况,无后座力武器就是(步兵)主要的指望了。
And because so much of that content is not available in record stores, the risk of channel conflict is greatly diminished. 而由于上述的大部分内容在传统的音乐零售店根本找不到,也就不大会出现“渠道冲突”的风险了。
This will contain skill that will not be available to any other class in Dark and Light. 它包含了黑暗与光明中其他职业所不能使用的技能。
A primary mirror site has good bandwidth, is available 24 hours a day, and has an easy to remember name of the form ftp. . . debian. org. 一个主站有更好的带宽,每天24小时在线,以及更容易记住的名字,如。
Available memory depends on how much RAM your computer has and how much memory is being used by the other programs running at the time. 可用内存取决于计算机的RAM大小,以及此时其他正在运行的程序所占用的内存大小。
Facebook says that this data is not available through the API at all, though it might be a good idea for them to put that in writing. Facebook表示这个数据对其他API并不可用,虽然把它放入文章中是个很好的主意。
If I was not a self-effacing Brit. I would mention the book myself, and I would add that it's available in paperback. 如果我不是一个谦逊的英国人的话,我会自己提到这本书,而且还会告诉大家它有平装版。
It's cheap, and available almost off the shelf. It's also easy to turn into wire. 它很便宜,几乎是现成的,而且还很容易被加工成导线。
I deal with that and have no regret and no imagination about how much money is available. 我应对这些,并不后悔,不去想象有多少钱可以用。
Stay tuned: How much vaccine is available and for whom is going to change week by week. 接下来每周可以得到多少疫苗,有那些改变。
Of course, solar power, the most available technology right now, was a huge part of every vision a given for the future. 当然现在最可行的技术太阳能,占了相当大的部分,人们都将其视为将来的必备之物。
But at least you know it's available now, so you can add a third button, with the "Undo Current" caption. 但是现在,至少您知道有那么一个选项,这样,您就可以添加第三个按钮,其标题为“UndoCurrent”。
There was a space available for his position with Manchester United and he would have fitted into their system perfectly. 在曼联他应该有一席之地,他应该能完美的融入球队体系之中。
Application processes or other processes that you do not bind to a CPU are free to run on any available processor. 没有被绑定到某个CPU的应用程序进程或其他进程,可以无拘束地在任何可用的处理器上运行。
China's available water per capita is just a quarter of the world average and the lowest of any large economy, according to the World Bank. 根据世界银行的数据,中国人均占水量仅为世界平均水平的四分之一,更是大型经济体中最低的。
This motive for doing good seems to be the strongest available to Zoroaster in his message. 做好事的动机看上去似乎在琐罗亚斯德的信息里面是十分强烈的。
Purchasing a house is one of the few investment vehicles available to Chinese people and is often considered a pre-condition for marriage. 购房是中国人为数不多的几种投资手段之一,有无自己的住房也是青年人能否成婚的必要条件。
In the next five years, Rosenberg expects to see blood tests available to measure the presence of proteins linked to Alzheimer's disease. 在未来五年里,罗森堡预期血液测试能应用于检测与阿尔茨海默病相关的蛋白。
How much money do your parents have available to support you? How much savings do you have in the bank? Show me the statements? 你父母为你准备了多少钱来支持你?你或你家里有多少银行存款?给我看看你的银行结余单?
We expect him to be back in full training in a couple of weeks and available for selection before Christmas. 我们期待他将会在两周内恢复完整训练,在圣诞节之前能够上场。
There are a number of tools available online now a days to create communities which are very cost efficient as well as easy to use. 目前可以在线获得许多这样的工具,创建经济有效的且易于使用的社区。
Checks to see whether the data is available in, or can be converted to, a specified format; the data format is specified by a string. 检查以确定资料是否可为指定的格式,或资料是否可转换成指定的格式,资料格式由字串指定。