
美 [flɔr]英 [flɔː(r)]
  • n.地板;地面;楼层;底价
  • v.使惊奇;使困惑;(尤指体育运动中)击倒;给…安装地板
  • 网络楼面;下限

复数:floors 现在分词:flooring 过去式:floored

top floor,concrete floor,wooden floor,same floor,above floor
mop floor,put floor,hit floor,take floor,occupy floor


n. v.

房间of room

1.[c][ususing]地板;地面the surface of a room that you walk on

车辆of vehicle

2.[c][ususing](车厢内的)底板the bottom surface of a vehicle

楼层level of building

3.[c]楼层all the rooms that are on the same level of a building

海;森林of the sea/forests

4.[c][ususing](海等的)底;(森林等的)地面the ground at the bottom of the sea, a forest, etc.

议会等in parliament, etc.

5.[sing]议员席;全体议员;全体与会者the part of a building where discussions or debates are held, especially in a parliament; the people who attend a discussion or debate

工作区area for work

6.[c][ususing](建筑物内的)场地an area in a building that is used for a particular activity

工资;物价for wages/prices

7.[c][ususing](工资或物价的)最低额,底价the lowest level allowed for wages or prices


get/be given/have the floor

(讨论或辩论中)取得发言权to get/be given/have the right to speak during a discussion or debate

hold the floor

发言;长篇大论地发言(尤指使他人无法发言)to speak during a discussion or debate, especially for a long time so that nobody else is able to say anything

take (to) the floor

(在舞池)开始跳舞to start dancing on a dance floor

wipe/mop the floor with sb

(在辩论或竞赛中)彻底打败对手,把对手打得一败涂地to defeat sb completely in an argument or a competition


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... need v. 需要 floor n. 地板;地面 room n. 房间 ...


外贸:一个计量单位_爱问知识人 ... ETA-ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL 预 F/L-FLOOR 楼层 I/O-INSTEAD OF 以……替代 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... need v. 需要 floor n. 地板;地面 room n. 房间 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... flat a. 平的 floor n. 地面,地板;(楼房的)层 flower n. 花 ...


建筑工程英语翻译常用专业词汇 - 豆丁网 ... floodlight mast 泛光灯柱 floor 楼面;楼面层 floor area 楼面面积 ...


金融英语 - 金融学 考研论坛 ... Floating Rate Note 浮息票据 Floor 下限 Floor broker 出市经纪 ...

The child sat down on the floor and made overtures to the dog. 男孩在地板上坐下来,主动向小狗表示友好。
She peed on the floor five times in quick succession in an attempt to divert her mother from feeding the younger Miss Harford. 她在地板上小便了5次,间隔非常短,试图以此吸引她母亲的注意力——当时,她母亲正在给哈福德二小姐喂奶。
While man's desire to explore the earth's bottom is just as great as reaching its top, the ocean floor is no mere curiosity. 尽管人类探测地球之底的欲望与登上世界之巅一样强烈,但想要到达大洋底部单靠强烈的好奇心远远不够。
I saw Cram a few days later skulking around the fifth floor of Leconfield House. He looked a little sheepish. 数日之后,我看到克拉姆在莱肯菲尔德大厦6层楼上躲躲闪闪的,显得有些不好意思。
And in her practical way she scraped together a small square of dust, and with a twig from a pigeon's nest began drawing a map on the floor. 她用很实际的方法,扫来一小块灰尘,又从鸽子巢里捡出的一根树枝,在地上给他画起地图来。
He could feel the heat radiating from the floor and door, and figured the fire would burn its way through the cab in a matter of minutes. 他可以感受到从门以及地上传来的热,他估计火将在几分钟左右将驾驶室烧起来。
The King was on the floor, and when Sapt pushed him with his foot, he did not move. 国王在地板上。萨普特用脚碰他,但是他不动。
Keep neatness in the office. Clean the desktop and floor once a day. Make a thorough clearing once a week. 保持办公室内整洁。每天打扫一次办公桌面、地面,每周彻底清扫一次卫生。
The diamonds continued to descend with the slab of ocean floor until they experienced two elevator rides back to the surface. 这些钻石带着海洋板块的厚片继续下沉,直到经历完一降一升的过程回到地表。
Harry stepped over a pack of Self-Shuffling playing cards on the floor and looked out of the tiny window. 哈利跨过地板上一副自动洗牌的纸牌,朝小窗外面望去。
This film star finds favor with everyone in her country, up to the president and down to the boy who sweeps the floor. 这位影星受到她的国家里每个人的喜欢,上至总统,下到扫地的男孩。
Then, in 2002, his chief of staff discovered him on the floor of his state-house office, unable to stop crying. 那是在2002年,他的人事部主任发现他在议会办公室里难以抑制的痛哭。
Wu nodded, but finished her Double Happiness brand cigarette before stubbing it out on the tiled floor. 吴点了点头,但在瓷砖上踩熄烟头之前,她还是抽完了她的双喜牌烟。
I got up from the floor and glided to the coffee table in front of him, waving my arms up and down and making a funny face at him. 我从地板上起来滑到他面前的咖啡桌上,上下挥动着我的手又对着他扮鬼脸。
The night nurse and a guard greeted me at the door. We went up to the third floor of the large building. 值班的护士和门口的保安向我打招呼,并陪同我一起走进了一幢大楼的三楼。
I hung it in my private office on the second floor of the White House, and looked at it every night. 我把信贴在白宫二楼的私人办公室的墙上,每天夜里都要看上一眼。
All those campaign stops on the factory floor, posing beside muscular men in overalls and hard hats, seem to have paid off. 所有竞选活动在工厂地板上进行,身穿罩袍头戴安全帽的肌肉发达的汉子站在旁边,看来他们已经发完工资了。
The clear sky is a brilliant summer, the days are so blue, the sunlight is so strong, the sky in a dazzling ground floor of the bright. 盛夏的晴空是灿烂的,天是那样的蓝,日光是那样的强烈,天上地下处于一片耀眼的光明之中。
He said he had just gone to bed about eleven when he felt the floor shaking under him. 他说在十一点钟,他刚上床时,感到身子下面的地板在晃动。
That seems to have helped to put a floor under housing sooner than many officials expected. 这似乎是以超出许多官员预期的速度给住房市场构建了一个“底部”。
Archaeologists also found a gatehouse and a royal building with a large amount of pottery shards at the ground floor. 考古学家还在附近发现了一间门房和一座皇家宫殿,并在这座皇家宫殿的第一层发现了大量陶器碎片。
Ariza is coming off of his first healthy season since his rookie season, and he brought length and a reliable shooting touch to the floor. 上赛季是阿里扎自新秀赛季以来第一个健康的赛季,他为湖人阵容带来高度和稳定的投篮贡献。
She claims the pair of them wrestled on the floor of his apartment as he tried to unhook her bra. 她声称,卡恩试图脱下她的内衣,两人在他公寓的地板上扭打。
"We must do something about Grandfather, " said the son. "I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor. " “我们必须对爷爷做些事情,”他儿子说道。“我已经受够了他泼洒的牛奶,嘈杂的进食,还有在地板上的食物”。
There was the skinny man on the floor, eyes open with a surgical cap on his head. His skin was turning blue. 骨瘦如柴的杰克逊,睁着眼睛,戴着一顶手术帽,躺在床上,他的皮肤变得越来越青紫。
He took Jane's clothes out of the chest of drawers in her bedroom, and he threw them out of the top floor window. 他到简的寝室里把简的衣服从衣橱的抽屉里拿出来,从顶楼的窗户扔了出去。
"Look, " she said softly, her eyes directing me to a spot on the floor beside the dresser. “看,”她轻声说,顺着她的眼神,我向梳妆台边望去。
From the Roman style, structures retained much of the form of the basilica; however, the floor plans began to take on the cruciform shape. 它的结构形式大部分保留了巴西力卡的风格,但是平面上开始采取十字形状。
Not long after that, I was summoned to a meeting on an upper floor of the building with a senior manager at Deutsche Bank. 那之后不久,我被叫到办公楼高层,与德意志银行一位资深经理开会。
Nearby, the ground floor of what used to be the Missions to Seamen building is now a restaurant with the curiously apt name of "Marcel" . 附近,曾经用来向海员派遣任务的建筑底层现在是一家餐厅,有个易引起好奇的名称“烫发”。