day one

  • 网络第一天;首日;第一日

day oneday one

day one


超级口福星 - 主页 ... 蒸鱼早餐 Steamed fish breakfast 第一天 Day One 第二天 Day Two ...


...着虫子般的凄惨人生;2010年被NBC舍弃的剧集《首日》(Day One)中有另一场如出一辙的毁灭意象:外太空不明物体坠 …


  让投资人在获得美国绿卡同时更拥有了美国房地产的职业及投资,这个关键时刻被整合团队称为“第一日”(DAY ONE)。并购。


那一天》(Day One)[DVDRip]《金发冰美人》(Blonde Ice)[DVDRip] 《家传秘方》(The Secret of the Grain)[720P] 《亲情妈妈 …


... ... 【Day One (Journal/Diary) v1.4】 简易日记 【Order & Chaos© Online v1.0.5】 混乱与秩序 ...


... side),并且F/A-18E/F也将成为一种“战争首日”(day one)使用的作战飞机。


...斯(Jeffrey Bezos)说,「现在还是网路时代的第一天Day One),我们仍在继续烧钱中。」没有耐心继续等待的投资者不 …

As a nation that suffered over 200 years of their rule, India has been determined from day one not to let that history repeat. 作为一个遭受他们统治200多年的国家,印度已经下定决心,无论如何不再让历史重演。
Since day one of our relationship with the West, human rights have been a subject for discussion. 从我们与西方建立关系的第一天起,人权就已经成为了讨论的话题。
"Students freaked out on day one, " said freshman Liu Chang, 18. "We were so scared that we would be the next one [to die]. " “月初时,同学们都被吓坏了。”18岁的新生刘畅说。“我们很害怕,担心自己会不会是下一位面临死亡威胁的感染者。”
You make a millions of decisions that mean nothing, but one day one of them change your life. 每天做多少决定,其中一个会决定你的一生。
She'd fancied me from day one and was determined to bed me. I was so thrilled and flattered that we made love all over again. 她在第一次见到我的时候就被我迷住,并决心语我同眠。听后我受宠若惊,我们又做了一次。
One day, one of his horses ran out of his stall, and passed through the frontier into where the Huns lived. 一天,他的一匹马逃出马厩,越过边界,跑到了胡人居住的地方。
The alma mater, is what we called it a day one thousand times, while others are not allowed to insult a school. 所谓的母校,就是我们一天骂它一千遍,而不准别人侮辱它一句的学校。
One day one of her friends called and said enthusiastically: Karin, I have got free tickets for you to meet with Wang Lee Hom! 有一天,她的一个朋友打了个电话给她:“开宁,我有张门票给你,你可以见到王力宏了!”
One day one of the office boys he was older than I came to me where I was eating my lunch and asked me on the quiet if I had any money. 一天在我吃午饭的时候,办公室里的一个比我年长一点的男孩过来,安静地问我有没有带钱。
My mum. She was quite an extraordinary witch, but she did like to experiment. . . and one day, one of her spells went badly wrong. I was 9. 我妈妈,她是个非常了不起的女巫,但是她太喜欢做实验了,有一次她的咒语出了大错。当时我九岁。
I am aware that while UTAC had been a shareholder of AT2 since day one of AT2, some of you may not be familiar with UTAC group. 我知道,虽然联合科技一直以来都是AT2的股东,但你们当中有些人可能并不熟悉联合科技集团。
Adam Horowitz, 23, who works as a technology consultant for a major accounting firm in New York, spends all day one-mail at his office. 今年23岁,在纽约一家主要会计公司做技术顾问的AdamHorowitz,整天在他的办公室里处理邮件。
One day, one of the bouncers when the invasion shop, he took a suitcase of water, but I only know his first name is Bill. 一天,一名壮汉冲进店门,他带着一只水手提箱,后来我才知道他的名字叫比尔。
Koppel imagined the two men together one day, one unable to speak, the other unable to hear. What would that be like? 科佩尔想象有一天让他们俩在一起,一个不能说话,一个没有听觉,那会是怎样的情形?
They hatch and they have no paternal care or maternal care at all, you know, these little chicks and they're all by themselves from day one. 母鸟孵化后,没有喂养小鸟的义务,你知道,这些雏鸟们从出生那天后,就靠自己生存。
One day, one of his friends wanted to borrow an ox from him, so he wrote a note and asked his servant to take it to this rich man. 从前,有个人很富有,但他不识字。一天,他的一位朋友想向他借一头公牛,便写了个条,让仆人送到富人那里。
'You've got to get consensus while you are establishing yourself rather than pushing through change on day one, ' he said. 他说,“在你努力站稳脚跟的过程中,必须取得他人的认同,不要初来乍到就想改变什么。”
One day, one of the young men came to visit her and asked her to become his wife. 有一天,一个年轻人来拜访她,并请求她做他的妻子。
But you know, Mike has been taking a part-time job all this semester, sometimes only rest half a day one week. 但是你知道,Mike整个学期都在打工,有时一星期只歇半天。
Yu: Since we began to live with piracy from day one, I sort of take it as a given sort of virus in existing in China. 俞渝:从我们开始与盗版共存的第一天起,我将把它看作是存在于中国的一种特定病毒。
'If I had faced the necessity of making a living from day one, I would not have been able to follow the path I chose, ' he writes. 他写道,如果我一开始就面对必须自己谋生的压力,我可能无法继续沿著我所选择的路走下去。
As a result, the judges added, the bank should have told the customer how much the deal was worth to Deutsche from day one. 因此,法官补充说,德意志银行应该从一开始就告诉客户这笔交易的相关费用。
The man who just a short time ago, stepped on that balcony of Saint Peter's Basilica, now begins day one of his papacy. 这个人刚在短时间以前,踏上圣彼德大教堂的阳台,现在开始他作为教皇的一天。
One day one fellow met the great philosopher and said, "do you know what i just heard about your friend? " 一天,一个人遇见了这位伟大的哲学家,就问他:“你知道我刚才听到说你朋友什么事儿了吗?”
'My job was promising, but I knew from day one I wanted something else, ' she said. “我的工作前途无量,不过从第一天开始我就知道这不是我想要的,”她说。
Day one brought much talk of "patriotism" and "nationalism" with a nod and a wink. There was some singing too (see our video above). 第一天的集会大谈特谈“爱国主义”和“民族主义”,随声附和者众,还有人一展歌喉(见所附视频)。
"He made it pretty clear from day one that he's an American first of all, " said Hong Huang, the fashion magazine publisher. 市场杂志出版人,洪晃说,“他从一开始立场就很明确,他首先是一个美国人。”
I would not advise personnel departments to rewrite salary scales on the basis of an effect that does not survive past lunch on day one. 我不会建议人事部基于从一开始就不存在的午餐的制度的影响而改写薪级表。
One day, one of Newton's atheistic friends came by for a visit and was naturally intrigued by the model. 一天,牛顿的一个无神论的朋友去串门并自然天被阿谁模子吸引住了。
Then things did get worse: the next day, one of BP's Moscow offices was raided by bailiffs. 而事态却偏偏变得更加严重:第二天,BP的一个莫斯科办事处遭到了一群法警的搜查。