
美 [hɔl]英 [hɔːl]
  • n.大厅;礼堂;门厅;正门过道


main hall,great hall,large hall,same hall,union hall
enter hall,leave hall,fill hall,build hall,adorn hall



1.门厅;正门过道a space or passage inside the entrance or front door of a building

2.(大楼内的)走廊a passage in a building with rooms down either side

3.礼堂;大厅a building or large room for public meetings, meals, concerts, etc.

4.大庄园府邸a large country house

When I was little, my uncle could get around without the chair. He'd inch his way down the hall like this. 在我还小的时候,我叔叔可以不用轮椅到处走动.他曾一点点地挪到大厅,就像我现在这样。
All the teachers and students who are going to Miyun Reservoir tomorrow must be getting together in the front of hall at half past five. 教师和学生集合在礼堂前五点半明天早上凡是要去密云水库的。
One of the soloists gently turned him around, to see the hall full of a wildly cheering, applauding, and hat-waving audience. 这位独奏家渐渐地转过头来,看到整个大厅充满了疯狂的欢呼声、掌声,观众挥舞的帽子。
Harry and Hermione were all for it, so at eight o'clock that evening they hurried back to the Great Hall. 哈利和赫敏都赞成去,于是,晚上八点,他们又匆匆回到礼堂。
Vestal looked up to see Belfred crooking a finger from the half darkness of the hall. 薇思德一抬头,看见白菲瑞达在半明半暗的门厅里弯弯手指招她过去。
Alicestopped crying when she heard footsteps in the distance. She looked up and dried her eyes as the white rabbit came into the hall. 爱丽丝听到远处有脚步声,就不再哭了。她抬起头擦干眼泪,这时那只白兔走进了大厅。
They quarreled in the hall way, only mother came back in with her eyes all red and swelling. 他们在走廊上吵,吵过之后,母亲回来,眼睛是红肿的。
The leaf rather and far thinks of him to jump with Xu Nuo in the dance hall of that hot dance, center of the chest a concuss. 叶宁远想起他和许诺在舞厅中跳的那一段热舞,心口一荡。
The small town banquet hall is not large enough to accommodate a large international gathering of the kind you are discussing. 小镇的宴会厅容纳不下你所说的这类大型国际聚会。
Bethany is only eight. A gentle girl, full of laughter. She has never been more than a day's ride from my hall. 贝莎妮才八岁。一个懂事的小姑娘,充满欢笑。她从未离开我的城堡超过一天的骑程。
Swanbeck: Miss Hall and Ambrose had a relationship which he took very seriously. 斯旺贝克:霍尔小姐是安布罗斯的情人,他非常爱她。
" Like the sun, the newly dead must pass through the Hall of Judgment (nighttime) before proceeding " to the east to begin a new existence. 像太阳一样,刚死去的人在“来到东方重新开始新生命”之前,必须走过审判大厅(夜间发生)。
they were all three soon in the hall, and Harriet immediately sinking into a chair fainted away. 不一会工夫,他们三人就进到门厅里,哈丽特立刻倒在一张椅子上,晕了过去。
I jumped up, rushed down the hall to intensive care and began knocking on the door. "Let me in to see him, " I begged. 我立马起来,匆忙跑过大厅,奔向特别护理室,边敲门边哀求:“让我进去看他。”
How much more exciting than peering through the slit of a door into a mean little hall with a hatstand and two umbrellas! 这可比从门缝里只能看见放着衣帽架和两把雨伞的小厅要令人刺激得多!
They entered the castle, and in the hall there stood a platter on which lay the wedding shirt that appeared to be made of gold and silver. 当他们来到王宫,看见有间房子的靠椅上放着一套漂亮的礼服,礼服闪烁着金色和银色的光芒。更详细。
It is to live under conditions that many of us in this hall would consider inhuman. Truly, it is as if it were a tale of two planets. 她的生活条件,以我们这个大厅中许多人看来,是不人道的。
Sunlight cast through the large windows of a vaulted hall in Pennsylvania Station plays across the columns on the wall. 阳光投下的大窗户,通过一个拱形大厅在宾夕法尼亚站发挥跨越栏上墙。
Local police officials Ed Blevins said the police had not received the Hall before the shooting report a dispute with his son. 当地警方官员埃德·布莱温斯说,警方没有接到枪击前霍尔与儿子发生争执的报告。
Read Hall was an old house with a big garden and many old trees. Mr Nowell's servant opened the door for us. 里德宅院是一所老房子,里面有一个大花园和许多古树。诺埃尔先生的用人为我们打开了房门。
It was a defining moment in my career to be a part of bringing the steel-string guitar into the concert hall with an orchestra. 把钢弦吉他带入音乐厅和交响乐团一起演奏是我事业中一个重要的里程碑。
The device consists of a precise, low-offset, linear Hall sensor circuit with a copper conduction path located near the surface of the die. 该器件具有精确的低偏置线性霍尔传感器电路,且其铜制的电流路径靠近晶片的表面。
Occasionally someone stood and made their way out the rear of the hall to a room where they were encouraged to pray for divine intervention. 不时有人起身离开,走入教堂后门外的一间屋子里,在那儿他们受到鼓励,为得到神明的护佑而祈祷。
Emperor QianLong built the buddhist GuanYin Hall for his mother - to pray for her happiness and longevity. 乾隆皇帝为其母建造了这个佛教的观音殿,为了让她幸福长寿。
That afternoon I stood in the hall with a great number of young interviewees. We were waiting for our turns to be interviewed. 那全国午我和很多年青的应试者一块儿站在大厅里,等着口试。
Arriving to cheers at the Old Marylebone Town Hall, Sir Paul McCartney and his wife-to-be Nancy Shevell waved to the crowds. 在波恩旧市政厅,保罗·麦卡特尼和未婚妻南希·斯维尔走向欢呼的人群,并挥手致意。
All the people in the lecture hall stared at him in amazement when he talked loudly with his friend. 当他大声地与他的朋友交谈时,报告厅里所有的人都吃惊地盯着他看。
"I'm sure it is all our notions, " said the housemaster's wife, and Mrs Hall agreed. “我相信这是我们大家的见解。”舍监的妻子说,霍尔太太表示同意。
She tried not to be obvious as she looked about and peered down the hall into the laughing group inside. 她在环视四周、顺着弄堂窥探屋里笑声不断的人群时,想尽量不显山露水。
Gone are the days when a home study was the dark, lonely room at the end of the hall. 日子已经一去不复返了,当一个家研究是黑暗,孤独室于去年底会场。