
美 [ˈhænd(ə)l]英 ['hænd(ə)l]
  • v.处理;控制;操纵;拿
  • n.柄;把手;拉手;提梁
  • 网络句柄;手柄;操作

复数:handles 现在分词:handling 过去式:handled

handle situation,handle problem,handle business,handle information,handle issue
handle skillfully,carefully handle,deftly handle,efficiently handle


v. n.

处理deal with

1.[t]处理,应付(局势、人、工作或感情)to deal with a situation, a person, an area of work or a strong emotion

用手触摸touch with hands

2.[t]~ sth(用手)触,拿,搬动to touch, hold or move sth with your hands


3.[t]~ sth控制,操纵(车辆、动物、工具等)to control a vehicle, an animal, a tool, etc.

4.[i]~ well/badly(容易╱难以)驾驶,操纵to be easy/difficult to drive or control


5.[t]~ sth买;卖to buy or sell sth


句柄图形就是将一个图形的每一个组件都是做一个对象, 每一个对象都有独 一无二的句柄Handle) ,句柄是该图形对象的 …


作字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 〖conduct;deed;action〗 作为;行为 〖do;handle〗 做;处理 〖playmusic〗 作贼心虚 ...


ABB断路器产品 型号-- ... Escutcheon 门框 (灰色) Handle 手柄 Front Shield 前挡 (铁门框) ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... label 标签 handle 提手,把手 address 地址 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... adventurous adj 喜欢冒险的;充满危险的 handle vt 操作; 处理 similarity n 类似;类似处 ...


实用英语综合教程第一册-1_在线英语听力室 ... tonight 在今夜 handle 处理,应付,操纵 account 账目,账户 ...


锁具_百度百科 ... 3.2.5 档板 plate washer 3.2.6 拉手 handle 3.2.7 执手 lever handle ...

It moved to tvOne in February, the second time it has switched channels, after its previous broadcasters found it a bit too hot to handle. 二月份这个节目转到tvOne电视台播放,这已是第二次更换播放频道了,前一个电视台认为这个节目太火以至于难以掌控。
s the matter, honey? " he may feel insulted or repulsed . He feels as though she doesn't trust him to handle things. " 时,他可能会觉得受侮辱或自己失败了,以为她不相信他能排解事情。
This method is possible because of the light weight of pipe, therefore easy to handle. 由于管道材质轻,所以预制简单,而且方便运输。
Note: The transaction issued by this INSERT statement might be so large that your server won't be able to handle it. 注意:这条INSERT语句所涉及的事务可能会相当大,以致于您的服务器无法加以处理。
Throughout this conversation Hadji Murad sat with his hand behind the handle of his dagger and a faintly disdainful smile on his lips. 整个谈话,与他的手阿的Murad坐在他后面的处理及匕首不屑的笑容依稀在嘴上。
Also I highly recommend going to galleries to see as much as you can. You'll get a handle on what works for you. 此外,我极力推荐大家尽可能多去画廊转转,多看,你就能发现自己喜欢什么样的作品。
That door handle still seems to me like a special sign of entry into a world of different moods and smells. 对我来说,直到现在,它仍像进入另一世界的特殊标记,这个世界有着不同的情绪和味道。
However, with a bit of JavaScript code, you can handle the client date selection event and do whatever you need. 但是,您可以使用一些JavaScript代码来处理客户端日期选择事件和执行所需操作。
for you happiness is not you, but you hear honeyed words has a pair of handle gently pat you sad the shoulder to say: no problem, i? 幸福不是你听多少甜言蜜语,而是你伤心时有一双手轻拍你的肩说:没事,有我呢。
But Bush, by his own admission, is still struggling to get a handle on where he went wrong. 但是,布什坦白说他正着力处理自己所犯的错误。
1, I've been asked to handle your training and introduce a little bit of the company to you. 我被指派负责你的培训,帮你了解一点公司情况。
suppose you were to handle an item like this, couldn't you perhaps pick up vibrations from the person who sharpened the item. . . 假设你要处理这样的一件东西,难道你不能区分磨尖它的人…
Abraham's experience with God eventually set him free from trying to handle matters on his own. 亚伯拉罕在神里面的经历,最终使他不再自作主张。
Father: It's very complicated, Sam. Please don't talk to Chuck or your mother about this. I'm not sure they could handle it at the moment. 父亲:这事很复杂,萨姆。请别跟查克或你妈提起这个。在这个时候,我怕他们接受不了。
Nobody seems to be able to get a hold of the boss. In that case, we have to do without him and handle this emergency on our own. 似乎没有人能找得到老板;既然这样,我们也只好不管他,自行处理这件紧急事件了。
When you came back from the bathroom, she'd be gone, but there would be a knife stuck up to its handle in your side of the mattress. 当你从洗手间回来,他已经走了。不过在你这边的床垫上会直立立得插着一把匕首。
Not only was I better able to concentrate, but I suddenly started getting more work than I could handle. 我不仅更容易专心做事,还突然开始接到很多工作,多到我无法应付。
Exception handling is the basic requirement of every application to handle any unexpected behavior of the application. 异常处理是每个应用程序的基本要求,以便处理应用程序的任意意外行为。
We got him on the move, where he could slice in or post up. It gives him opportunities to handle the ball a little bit. It's easier. 我们让他跑起来,可以切入,也可以单打,也有机会处理球,这样打更简单。
A coach has to understand the mood, be able to handle situations, decide the formations but a lot is in the hands of the players. 一个主教练需要了解自己的球员,知道如何调整掌控局势,不过球队主要还是掌握在球员的手里。
That was enough to set her completely off the handle. She said we were making fun of her. 这足以使她彻底大动肝火,她说我们在取笑她。
In case the firm is not able to handle the matter, we shall consider the firm you recommended. 如果该公司做不了,我们再选择你推荐的公司。
To learn how much 12 pounds of clothing is (or whatever your washer can handle), stand on a scale empty handed and weigh yourself. 要知道12磅的衣服有多重(或不管你洗衣机可以洗什么),空手站在一个秤上,称下你自己。
To a extent you don't have to become a credit card processor or handle any aspect of the payment sort of things on your own. 你甚至不用成为,信用卡处理器,也不用亲自处理,支付方面的事情。
Yet both the company and the communist hell-hole face the tricky question of how to handle the succession at the top. LG与共产主义朝鲜的当务之急都是要解决棘手的继承问题。
The main issue here is to make sure that you carefully cover all cases; it's easy to forget a special case, or not handle things correctly. 在这里,我们要讨论的主要问题是确保您小心地涵盖了所有情况;很容易忘记某个特定情形,或者没有正确处理。
This is necessary to handle constructs like looping and branching within a test, or to call out to another Web test. 处理测试中的构造(如循环和分支)或调用其他Web测试时都必须使用代码。
Patent agents shall handle patent commissioning services in two or more patent agencies simultaneously. 专利代理人不得同时在两个以上专利代理机构从事专利代理业务。
This kind of intersect system has several features: higher intersect precision, safety and reliability, easy to handle and lower price. 这种定位系统定位精度高,安全可靠,操作简便,成本低廉。
This sort of communication is one-way, the source application has no way of knowing how the destination is going to handle the message. 此类通讯是单向的,源(source)应用程序无法知道目标(destination)应用程序将如何处理消息。