
美 [ˈɑnər]英 [ˈɒnə(r)]
  • n.荣誉;荣幸;尊敬;光荣
  • v.尊敬;给予表扬(或奖励、头衔、称号);执行(承诺)
  • 网络名誉;敬意;荣耀

复数:honours 现在分词:honouring 过去分词:honoured

great honour
honour pledge,request honour,honour agreement,honour commitment,save honour


n. v.


1.[u]尊敬;尊重;崇敬great respect and admiration for sb


2.[sing]荣幸;光荣something that you are very pleased or proud to do because people are showing you great respect

道德品行moral behaviour

3.[u]正义感;道义;节操the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right


4.[u]荣誉;名誉;他人的尊敬a good reputation; respect from other people

5.[sing]~ to sth/sb引起尊敬(或尊重、崇敬)的人(或事物)a person or thing that causes others to respect and admire sth/sb


6.[c](为表扬某人的)奖励,荣誉称号,头衔an award, official title, etc. given to sb as a reward for sth that they have done

大学;学校at university/school

7.[pl]大学荣誉学位课程;(美国学校的)优等班a university course that is of a higher level than a basic course (in the US also used to describe a class in school which is at a higher level than other classes)


9.[c]法官大人;(美国)市长阁下a title of respect used when talking to or about a judge or a US mayor


do sb an honour|do sb the honour (of doing sth)

使增光;赏光;给…带来荣誉to do sth to make sb feel very proud and pleased

do the honours

履行社交责任;执行仪式to perform a social duty or ceremony, such as pouring drinks, making a speech, etc.

have the honour of sth/of doing sth

得到某殊荣;有幸做某事to be given the opportunity to do sth that makes you feel proud and happy

(there is) honour among thieves

盗亦有道used to say that even criminals have standards of behaviour that they respect

(feel) honour-bound to do sth

(感到)道义上应做某事to feel that you must do sth because of your sense of moral duty

the honours are even

势均力敌;不分胜负no particular person, team, etc. is doing better than the others in a competition, an argument, etc.

in honour of sb/sth|in sbs/sths honour

为向…表示敬意in order to show respect and admiration for sb/sth

on your honour

用人格担保;以名誉担保used to promise very seriously that you will do sth or that sth is true


杭州源骏工业产品设计有限公司 ... 口碑 & Appraise 荣誉 & Honour 合作 & Cooperation ...


H开头的英语单词_百度文库 ... (from) 收到..的信/电话;听说 (honour) 尊敬,敬意; (hey) 嗨!喂! ...


北京高一英语单词_百度知道 ... dam n.水坝;堰堤 honour n.荣誉;光荣;尊敬;敬意 miner n.矿工 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... trouble n. 麻烦,纠纷,烦恼 honour n. 荣誉,尊敬,名誉 truant n. 逃学,逃学者 ...


H开头的英语单词_百度文库 ... (from) 收到..的信/电话;听说 (honour) 尊敬,敬意; (hey) 嗨!喂! ...


新版新概念第二册 单词表--koflfy ... farewell n.告别 honour n.敬意, 荣幸 coincidence n.巧合 ...


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阿拉伯语手册6 - nizi73224的日志 - 网易博客 ... 诚实 honesty 尊敬敬意 honour 品尝体验 taste ...

We do not attempt, in the strict sense, to prove or to disprove anything, unless its importance makes it worthy of that honour. 从严格意义上讲,除非确实很有必要,我们通常并不去证明或反驳任何事物。
Just like to me, it's my duty and honour to make it a good speech for you. 就像对我来说,这是我的责任和荣誉,使它成为一个很好的讲话为您。
Without any modesty, Chu Jen Wang sat down in the seat of honour. 王举人也不谦让,一屁股在上首坐了。
For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. 你叫他比天使微小一点,并赐他荣耀尊贵为冠冕。
I would not give up the pleasure and honour of being intimate with you for anything in the world. 无论给我什么东西,我都不愿牺牲跟你相交的快乐与荣幸。
'I've developed a huge respect and affection for the people there. It's a real honour to be an elder, ' he said. 他说:“我已经在那里得到足够的尊重和爱戴,在那里作为长者真是我的荣誉。”
"Nobody should have any doubt: whether you vote for us or not, all of your lifestyles and beliefs are a matter of honour for us, " he said. “没人会有任何怀疑:无论你们为我们投票与否,你们所有的生活方式和信仰对我们来讲都是尊敬的事情,”他说道。
I informed him I had had the honour of being in the firm twenty years, to which he insolently replied that I "looked it. " 我带点自豪地告诉他,我已经在这工作20年了,哪知他无礼地回道“知道了!”
I feel it a great honour to be invited to the party. 我感到很荣幸被邀请参加这个聚会。
The difference between a moral man and a man of honour is that the latter regrets a discreditable act even when it has work. 有道德的人与君子之间的差别是,即使在干了丢脸的事情而不为人所觉察,后者也会后悔。
Surprisingly, considering their crooked purpose, the cash desks seem to have operated on an honour system. 令人称奇的是,因其蓄意的企图,“现金台”似乎是在荣誉制度上运行的。
When I joined the democracy movement in Burma it never occurred to me that I might ever be the recipient of any prize or honour. 当我参与缅甸民主运动时,我从未觉得自己会得到什么奖或者什么荣誉。
He was an unbelievable player, he scored so many goals for the club and for him to hand the shirt over to me was a real honour. 他是个难以置信的球员,打进了太多进球。能继承这件球衣是个真正的荣誉。
Was it a case of fishing for honour with Breton's silver hook, or indulging in Gay's luxury surpassing every other personal enjoyment? 是布雷顿所说的沽名钓誉,还是沉湎于盖伊所谓的“超越任何其它个人享乐的乐趣”?
But the most solemn celebration in honour of this saint was always that of his Nativity , preceded until recently by a fast. 但是,庆祝这位圣人的大多数隆重节日都是在他的生辰,直到最近,这个节日之前仍要禁食。
"Then, " said the tradesman, "I change MY debt into one of honour; " and he tore up the note. 商人说:“好吧,那我也靠信誉吧。”说完,他撕掉了期票。
He was the best toolmaker in the group and it was a great honour for her to be chosen. 他是该集团最好的工具制造商,这是对她被选为巨大的荣誉。
It was such a privilege and an honour for me to be invited in there. I will never forget that moment. 对我这个来访者来说,这是莫大的荣耀,我从未忘记那个时刻。
Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. 我们要欢喜快乐,将荣耀归给他。因为羔羊婚娶的时候到了,新妇也自己豫备好了。
to hear that you had, through diligent consistency, passed through all the courses for doctoral degree and had graduated with honour. 闻足下已将博士学位课程全部修完且毕业优等,曷胜欣慰。
It's a tremendous honour and privilege to be elected for a third term and I'm acutely conscious of that honour and that privilege. 第三次连任,是一种无上的光荣与荣幸,而我也强烈地意识到那种光荣与荣幸。
Moran must have felt strange and out of place in that other kingdom he was entering, perhaps while his friends were drinking in his honour. 朋友们在为他痛饮,而将要进入另一个王国的莫兰怕是会觉得陌生和不适吧。
As events in Karora suggest, honour-killing persists at least partly because many villagers approve of it. 正如卡罗拉事件表明,荣誉谋杀至少有部分人坚持,因为很多村民赞成这种做法。
The letter said the coalition should promote a green economy with "urgency and resolve" if it was to honour its promise. 信中说,联合政府如果尊重自己的许诺,就应该“迅速而果断地”推动绿色经济。
For it to come to London would be a great honour and will create a huge increase in sporting interest as well as other advantages. 因为它到达,伦敦会是一个很棒的光荣而且将会产生~的极大增加~喜好运动的兴趣和其他的利益。
It is an honour for a man of my occupation to be allowed to stand here and speak with you today. 今天得以在此和你们谈话,是我的荣耀。
And thou shalt put some of thine honour upon him, that all the congregation of the children of Israel may be obedient. 又将你的尊荣给他几分,使以色列全会众都听从他。
though he was compelled to retain the sentiment in his heart, because Heathcliff plainly meant his underlings to hold him in honour. 虽然他被迫把这种情绪留在心里,因为希刺克厉夫很明显地要他的下人们尊敬他。
I make it a point of honour to proceed along very classical lines so that I do not displease our great politicians and wise leaders. 我很重视按照标准的方法办事,以免得罪我们伟大的政治家和英明的领袖们。
She had the dubious honour of being the last woman to be hanged in England(=it was not an honour at all). 她成为英国最后一个受绞刑的女子,这或许也算得上是荣幸之至吧。