have five

have fivehave five

have five

The company said it would pay $193m for the use of the land and that it would have five years to complete the project. 永利澳门表示,将支付1.93亿美元作为上述地皮的使用费,并将有5年时间完成该项目。
He and his wife Bonnie, who has a medical degree, have five children, whom Dr. Rothberg often refers to in his speeches. 他和他的妻子邦妮,谁拥有医学学位,有五个孩子,其中博士Rothberg往往是指在他的发言。
Chanel may no longer be able to have five advertising campaigns running at a time. 香奈儿不会再同时投拍五只广告展开宣传攻势。
Answer: If you have five hours a week to work on your business outside of your day job, save your PowerPoint skills for the office. 回答:如果在你的日常工作之外,你每周有5个小时从事你的业务,你还是把PowerPoint技巧留给办公室吧。
Bennett and his wife have five daughters Gui word in question, both of which Elizabeth is a woman of intelligence have assertive. 班纳特夫妇有五位女儿待字闺中,其中伊丽莎白是位既聪慧又有主见的女子。
These days you might have five within a single room (desktop, notebook, smartphone, media streaming box and tablet). 现在你可能在一间屋子里就有五个(台式机、笔记本电脑、智能手机、多媒体播放器、平板电脑)。
"Look, mom, it's got to have five stars! " she said excitedly. Then she paused. “看,妈妈,一定要有五个星星!”她兴奋地喊道,然后她停了一下。
How is it that this organism can be so large, and yet be one cell wall thick, whereas we have five or six skin layers that protect us? 一个生物体为何能如此之大,能有一个细胞壁厚,而我们有5-6个皮肤层保护我们?
The elder Mr Lee, now 87, warned voters in Mr Low's target GRC, Aljunied, that they would have five years to "repent" if they voted him in. 已经87岁的李光耀警告刘程强目标集选区Aljunied的选民们,如果刘程强获胜,他们要“后悔”五年。
Your list might have five columns to organize employees'ID numbers, first names, last names, telephone numbers at work, and dates of hire. 该列表中可能需要用五列来组织员工的ID号、名字、姓氏、工作电话及雇用日期。
Banks used to have five years to do this, but now it has to be up-front. 银行过去通常有五年时间来做这个,但现在要预先做好。
Bennet and his wife have five daughters, of which Elizabeth is both intelligent and strong-minded woman. 班纳特夫妇有五位女儿,其中伊丽莎白是位既聪慧又有主见的女子。
Open with a line like "Perfect timing! I just happen to have five minutes free right now to talk. " 接电话的时候就提前说明,“你打来的真是时候,我现在刚好有五分钟的时间。”
When you know what you stand for, you can turn around on dime and have five cents change. 你知道自己的原则所在时,就能弹性应变。
Ken and his wife Patricia reside in California. They have five sons and ten grandchildren. 健宁和妻子珀翠住在加州,有五子十孙。
"Of course, I have five bottles, " he says pulling out a pint of Popov vodka. "But I don't want to be handing them out while I'm asleep. " “当然了,酒我是有,五瓶呢。”说着他掏出一品脱波波夫伏特加,“不过我可不会给他们。”
their highest ambition to have five children and a beautiful house, their only fight to get and keep their husbands. 她们最高的理想就是有五个孩子和一个漂亮的房子,她们唯一的争斗就是保住自己的丈夫。
Most homes have at least one or two prosperity flaws. Foreclosed homes have five or six flaws. 大多数住宅都至少有一到两处财运缺陷,取消赎回权的住宅则有五到六处。
He must be very fond of animals to have five dogs. 他一定非常喜欢动物,才会养五条狗。
The Bank of England will have five of its executives on the FPC. 英格兰银行将在金融政策委员会拥有五位执行官。
China joined World Trade Organization to have five years, China's was more and more big in world economics influence, this was obvious. 中国加入世贸组织有五年的时间了,中国在世界经济上的影响力越来越大,这是显而易见的。
GB: At the moment we have five major categories of ship in naval battles: Light, Medium, Heavy, Cannon and Trade ships. GB:迄今为止,海战中我们设计了五大类战舰:轻型舰、中型舰、重型舰、炮舰和贸易船。
Materials have five properties that enable you to specify how the object appears. 材质具有能够让你指定对象表现的五种属性。
In Table 1, we have five different environments, consisting of a Web server, an application server, and a database server. 在表1中,我们具有五个不同的环境,各个环境分别都包括Web服务器、应用服务器和数据库服务器。
"I have five kids, and all my kids are grown and gone, " she said. "Now my grandkids are playing with this dog. " 她说:“我有五个孩子,都长大离开家了,现在我的孙子们又在和它玩。”
If you can go out with your friends and you realize they don't need to have five or six beers to have a good time, don't. 如果你和朋友出去发现他们不需要五六杯啤酒就能过的很愉快,就不要喝那么多。
I only have five kops. Please let me in. I'll see it only with one eye. 我只有5戈比。请让我进去吧。我只用一只眼睛看。
A deep hierarchy might have five top level folders, each with five direct subfolders. 深层次结构可能有五个顶级文件夹,每个文件夹有五个直接的子文件夹。
Things at home two to three tons of it, if by land transport also have five thousand dollars or so about it. 家里的东西有两到三吨重吧,如果走陆路转运大约也得5千元左右吧。
Julian Assange, WikiLeaks' founder, claims to have five gigabytes of material from a BofA executive's computer hard drive. 朱利安•阿桑奇——维基解密的创始人——宣称手上有来自美国银行管理层电脑硬盘的多达五十亿字节的材料。