here to stay

  • 网络留在这里;在此停留;停留在此

here to stayhere to stay

here to stay


sayt所组成的单词_百度知道 ... stay calm 保持冷静 here to stay 留在这里;在此停留 stay awake 保持清醒;保持醒着的 ...


sayt所组成的单词_百度知道 ... stay calm 保持冷静 here to stay 留在这里;在此停留 stay awake 保持清醒;保持醒着的 ...


最唯美的蓝调情歌,最致... ... 13-STILL 仍然 14-HERE TO STAY 停留在此 15-SORRY SEEMS TO BE THE HARDEST WOR…


欧美摇滚经典全... ... 56;;HERE I AM 是我(史提凡夫) 57;;HERE TO STAY 呆在这儿(科恩乐队) 60;;HOW DO YOU DO 你 …


天生歌姬 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... "Still Dirrty" 依然下流 "Here to Stay" 做我自己 "Enter the Circus" 马戏团进场 ...


中华人民共和国文化部 ... 7.Everything's okay 一切安好 9.Here to stay 留下来 10.Dangerous And Sweet 糖衣炮弹 ...


最近又以首支血腥画面单曲「停留於此」(Here To Stay),入围MTV音乐录影带奖摇滚项目。他们以这张成军十年代表作, …

'The United States is a Pacific power, and we are here to stay, ' he said in a Thursday speech to the Australian Parliament. 奥巴马周四向澳大利亚国会发表演讲时说,美国是太平洋地区的一个大国,我们会一直在这里。
May i come here to stay with you for a while, now? 现在我能到你这里待一会吗?
Analysts are beginning to ask, as they have of oil and metals, whether higher prices are here to stay. 分析家们不禁要问,这种涨价风会不会和石油,金属一样,居高不下。
The change in the policy rate does not mean much in practice: it merely reinforces the message that low rates are here to stay for a while. 基准利率上的改变其实际意义没有这么大。这仅仅是强化了低利率将会持续一段时间的这一信息。
Yesterday, all my trouble seemed so far away, now it looks as if they are here to stay. 昨天,一切烦恼似乎离我那么遥远,而现在看来它们似乎凝留此处,久久不去。
If it is not a business trip, she would not deliberately come here to stay for one night. 如果不是出差,她不会刻意来到这里停留一晚。
International talking-shops and standard-setters are here to stay; instead of trying to bin them, focus on making them work well. 国际谈判场所和标准制定者已然存在。比起试图(重新)建立这些组织,我们更应该把注意力集中在让它们更好的发挥作用上。
Ready for some sunshine, for my heart to take a chance. I'm here to stay, no movin' away, Ready for a summer romance! 准备去晒太阳(去沐浴阳光)让我的心去冒险我呆在这里,没有离开,(不愿离开)准备好迎接一场夏季的浪漫!
She said: 'You could never have a who could speak all those languages, so I think this technology is probably here to stay. ' 她说,你肯定不可能有一个人能会所有的语言,所以我想这种科技将会是解决问题的办法。
The career themes that you will begin to see emerge now are not temporary but will be here to stay and will only grow larger. 你将会看到开始显露的职业目标,它不是一时的,将会愈发壮大。
Although many immigrants like Rose say they eventually plan to leave China, restaurant owner Turay says he is here to stay. 尽管像罗斯这样的许多移民表示最终会打算离开中国,但餐馆老板图雷则表示自己将一直留在这里。
The exotic look, like (actresses) Halle Berry and Penelope Cruz, is here to stay, and Angelina is the ultimate embodiment of that. 像哈里·贝瑞和佩内洛普·克鲁兹她们那种带有异国风情的长相一直是美的典范,而安吉丽娜则是这种特点的‘终极体现’。
It was, he said, a "deliberate and strategic decision" : Americawas "here to stay" . 他说,这是一个慎重并有战略意义的决定:美国在这。
Furthermore, technological and demographic developments of the last few centuries have created conditions which are here to stay. 此外,最近几个世纪来技术和人口的发展所创造的一些条件,也已扎下根来。
Water falling in spring and autumn came, and only you and I are here to stay forever. 流水落花,春去秋来,只有你我是不变的永恒。
If the losses are massive, and pass that point, protestors are likely to realise that the state means business and is here to stay. 但如果伤亡过重,而超出了这一临界点,抗议者易于意识到国家机关是动真格的并且还会持续下去。
Moreover, the emerging consensus within the industry is that this so-called a la carte pricing model is here to stay. 此外,业内已逐渐达成一个共识:所谓“按项目收费”(alacarte)的模式将持续下去。
"I have no plans of stopping, ever. I'm here to stay. The letter-writing will continue on, " he said. “我从没有想过停止写信。我要坚持到底,把每日一封手写信的习惯坚持下去。”他说。
Nature's good fortune was actually so wonderful to be here to stay impartial cave heavens, God, as was also the vivid enchant. 大自然的造化竟是如此的神奇,不偏不倚地在这里留下洞天,神象也被点化的活灵活现。
But foot binding is not coming back any time soon: gender equality is a legacy of communism that appears to be here to stay. 不过,缠足风气短时间内是不会卷土重来的,两性平等这项共产主义遗产看来将长久保持下去。
Analysts are quick to point out a second issue: Historic gasoline prices are here to stay. 分析家很快指出第二个问题是:历史性的汽油价格将持续下去。
"The second message I am trying to send is that we are here to stay, " he said. 他说:“我想发出的第二种信号是我们准备呆在此处。”
Remote-controlled robots are here to stay, and rules can be worked out to regulate their use. 远程操纵的机器人已经被应用,约束其使用的规则正在被制定出来。
By the 1890s it was clear that domestic electricity was here to stay, and would be an indispensable part of 20th-century life. 到了1890,家庭用电的使用仍在继续,而且电已成为20世纪人们生活不可缺少的一部分。
Although the thorns of life may be here to stay, just sprout a smile along the way, and be thankful for what you are. 尽管人生中的荆棘随处可在,但是你只需要一路上萌发微笑,对自己充满感恩的心。
Some people say inline skating is just a fad, but I think it is here to stay. 有人说直排轮只是一时流行,我却认为它会一直持续流行下去。
In light of the near-fact that short-form text communications are here to stay, you should consider giving Twitter another try. 根据接近事的短文本交流的方式就此提出,你需要考虑一下给予你的微博一种新的尝试。
FIFA later said vuvuzelas are here to stay. "Vuvuzelas will not be banned from the stadia, " spokesman Stan Schaffner told reporters. 之后,国际足联的发言人斯坦·施夫那称南非喇叭将会继续使用,且“无法从球场上禁止”。
This is the season where I've got to show I'm here to stay and show what I can do. 希望这个赛季我可以向大家展示自己的特点和能力,就请球迷们拭目以待吧。
Alan Harper: Closed mould processes are here to stay as they fulfil most, if not all, the new legislation edicts on VOC emissions. 存在即是合理。闭模工艺之所以受到欢迎,是因为它们能够满足大多数需求,如果不是的话,一定会有限制挥发性有机化合物排放的新法规法令颁布。