
美 [haʊz]英 [haʊs]
  • n.房子;房屋;住宅;舍
  • v.安置;收藏;给(某人)提供住处;是(某物)的贮藏处(或安置处)
  • 网络豪斯医生;家

复数:houses 现在分词:housing 过去式:housed

build house,rent house,come house,decorate house,let house
large house,empty house,wooden house,same house,haunted house


n. v.


1.[c]房屋;房子;住宅a building for people to live in, usually for one family

2.[sing]住在一所房子里的人;全家人all the people living in a house

3.[c]某种用途的建筑物a building used for a particular purpose, for example for holding meetings in or keeping animals or goods in

4.[sing](用于办公楼名称)大厦,大楼used in the names of office buildings


5.[c](从事某种生意的)公司,机构a company involved in a particular kind of business; an institution of a particular kind


6.[c]餐馆;餐厅a restaurant


7.[c]议院;议会;国会a group of people who meet to discuss and make the laws of a country

辩论in debate

9.[sing](统称)参与辩论的人a group of people discussing sth in a formal debate

剧院in theatre

10.[c]观众席;(统称)观众the part of a theatre where the audience sits; the audience at a particular performance


12.[c]名门世家;望族an old and famous family


bring the house down

(尤指剧院的演出)博得满堂大笑(或喝彩)to make everyone laugh or cheer , especially at a performance in the theatre

get on like a house on fire

很快就打得火热;一见如故;一拍即合to become friends quickly and have a very friendly relationship

go all round the houses

绕圈子;拐弯抹角;不直截了当to do sth or ask a question in a very complicated way instead of in a simple, direct way

keep house

操持家务to cook, clean and do all the other jobs around the house

on the house

(酒吧或饭店)免费提供的drinks or meals that areon the house are provided free by the pub/bar or restaurant and you do not have to pay

put/set your (own) house in order

先管好自己的事;律人先律己to organize your own business or improve your own behaviour before you try to criticize sb else

set up house

(在某处)建立家庭to make a place your home


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... dirty 肮脏的 house 房子 welcome 欢迎 ...


豪斯医生》(HOUSE)第一季全22集+第二季全24集,FRM出品[RMVB] 《风中战士》(Wind Warrior)国语中字(1-20集/更新完 …


宇字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 同本义〖 eaves〗 房屋house〗 地域;疆土〖 territory〗 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... dirty 肮脏的 house 房子;住宅 welcome 欢迎 ...

英文字根_百度百科 ... 116、dole = grieve 悲伤 117、dom = house 屋, 119、dorm = sleep 睡眠 ...

Juventus midfield outcast Tiago Mendes could be set for an immediate exit after he moved out of his house in Turin. 在搬离了都灵的住所后,尤文图斯中场弃将蒂亚戈。门迭斯斑有可能会很快离开斑马军团。
Yet, for all that, Mr Mishkin stuck to the Fed's line that it should not have tried to restrain house prices with higher interest rates. 然而,即使这样,米什金先生仍和联储同一阵线—即联储不应通过加息调控房价。
they went into the house and when they saw the child with mary his mother , they knelt and worshiped him. 他们进了屋,看见婴儿和他母亲玛利亚,立刻跪伏朝拜了他。
The gesture was part of a broader effort by the White House and administration officials to corral congressional Democrats for a vote. 这个举动是白宫和政府官员为召集国会民主党人投票而进行的更广泛努力的一部分。
For Obama, it was a first step towards redemption of one of his signature campaign promises, within six months of coming to the White House. 对奥巴马来说,这是他入主白宫不到六个月的时间以来朝着兑现个人色彩浓厚的竞选承诺迈出的第一步。
The murder weapon is found in Lincoln's house and the victim's blood is all over his clothes. 凶器在Lincoln家里被发现,并且他衣服上有受害人的血迹。
All of the chickens in the hen house sat on perches, closed their eyes and got ready to sleep. 所有鸡舍里的鸡都站在栖木上,合上眼睛,准备睡觉。
If you want me to leave this house, you'll have to carry me out feet first. 要想让我离开这所房子,你先把我杀了吧。
It is in that spirit that I welcome each and every one of you to the White House. 正是在这种精神的感召下,我欢迎你们各位来到白宫。
One of these areas is employment and income, according to a recent report released by the White House. 据白宫不久前发表的一份报告,一个有待改进的地方是就业和收入方面。
On holidays he would take his wife to the House of All Nations and hire a room for the night. Every room was appointed in a different style. 每逢假日他便带太太到万国宫租一个房间过夜,每间房子的式样都迎然不同,他太太很喜欢那儿。
But the White House issued a policy statement last week that it had concerns with the cyber-provision. It declined to elaborate. 但是白宫上周发布了一个政策声明关于网络规定。被拒绝详细阐述。
This would have been a particularly valuable counterweight to the influential but rather ivory-tower academics in the current White House. 这将是一个特别有价值的砝码对于当下白宫里的象牙塔学术影响力而言。
Making the announcement Friday in the White House Rose Garden, President Obama said the World Bank is much more than just a bank. 奥巴马总统星期五在白宫玫瑰花园宣布了这一决定,他说,世界银行绝不仅仅是一个银行。
One of the popular plays of the time, called "Our American Cousin, " was being performed at Ford's Theater, not far from the White House. 当时,在距白宫不远的福特剧院正在上演一部很流行的戏剧,该剧名叫《OurAmericanCousin》(《我们美国人的亲戚》)。
The next morning she had taken the children away with her to her parents' house in New Hampshire. 事情发生后的第二天清晨,她就带着孩子回她在新罕布什尔州的娘家了。
The house was very old, and it had all wooden floors. There was always an uneasy feeling when you were inside. 这栋房子已经非常有年头了,地板都是木制的,只要你呆在里边,就总会感到有些不自在。
The white form of the house hovers on pilotis above the podium like an opaque plane, pierced by a number of discrete openings. 建筑白色的部份像一片不透明的平面由墙基之上的架空柱支撑,它由一些不连续的开洞穿通。
On entering this house, we at once perceived him to be a man of taste. 我们一进他的房子,立刻感觉到他是个高雅的人。
Marcia said as she searched through the boxes and chests in the upper level of her Grandmothers house that looked a bit messy. 玛西娅边说边在那些盒子、箱子中翻找着。奶奶的楼上看上去有点儿凌乱不堪。
It shows him standing angrily at the door of his flying house as a host of other flying vehicles swarm around outside. 这表明他站在他的飞行作为其他飞行器在外面的主机群的家门口,生气地说。
"Please do not apologize, " said the stork. "I hope you will come to my house, and dine with me soon. " “请不要道歉,说:”鹳。“我希望你能来我家,和我吃饭吧。”
However in reality, it is just a guaranteed exchange of money from you to "the house" . 然而事实上,它只是一种钱从你手里流到赌博场的过程。
By Sunday evening, with talks about to resume at the White House, the president's gambit appeared to have failed. 到周日晚间,相关方面在白宫再次展开谈判,奥巴马的第一招似乎已经失败。
SongYingJie take back to the house package station is hot, found XingZiYu give he said here is not easy to stay. 宋英杰回屋里取包时发现电台是热的,邢子玉给他说此地不易久留。
He said that John's mother, who had another car, would be in bed at the time he had to leave the house. 他说约翰的母亲有另一辆汽车,在他必须离开房子时候她会是在睡觉。
She said someone had stolen it from her house a month before. 她说有人在一个月前从她的房子里偷走了耳环
Science and spirit seemed so incongruent, and yet they both appeared to be two windows looking into the same house. 科学和精神看似不统一,它们就像两扇窗户,让人们从不同角度看同一个房子。
He had to leave his house because it had been flooded in the heavy rain. 房子在大雨中被淹,他不得不离开。
"I've just got a message from our president. He would be happy to communicate through you to the White House. How do we start? " “我刚从我国总统那里得到一个口信。他很乐意通过你传达给白宫。我们怎么开始呢?”