
美 [hɑt]英 [hɒt]
  • adj.温度高的;热的;觉得闷(或燥、湿)热;使人感到热的
  • v.〈英〉变热;变得激动;骚动起来;使骚动
  • adv.趁热;猛烈地;愤怒地
  • 网络热门;热点;辣的

比较级:hotter 最高级:hottest

hot weather,hot bath,hot sun,hot gas,hot sauce



1.温度高的;热的having a high temperature; producing heat

2.觉得闷(或燥、湿)热feeling heat in an unpleasant or uncomfortable way

3.使人感到热的making you feel hot

辣的食物food with spices

4.辣的;辛辣的containing pepper and spices and producing a burning feeling in your mouth

引起强烈感情causing strong feelings

5.活跃的;激烈的;强烈的involving a lot of activity, argument or strong feelings


6.艰难的;棘手的;危险的difficult or dangerous to deal with and making you feel worried or uncomfortable


7.(informal)风行的;风靡一时的;走红的new, exciting and very popular


8.最新的,新近的(通常令人兴奋)fresh, very recent and usually exciting


9.[obn]有望成功的likely to be successful

擅长;熟识good at sth/knowing a lot

10.[nbn](informal)~ at/on sth善于(做某事);(对某事)了解很多very good at doing sth; knowing a lot about sth

性激动sexual excitement

12.感到(或引起)性激动的feeling or causing sexual excitement


13.(场面、说话等)过激的,过火的containing scenes, statements, etc. that are too shocking or too critical and are likely to cause anger or disapproval


14.[nbn]~ on sth重视,确保(某事发生或完成)thinking that sth is very important and making sure that it always happens or is done


16.偷来(因容易识别)而难以销赃的stolen and difficult to get rid of because they can easily be recognized

儿童游戏in children's games

17.[nbn]快找到了;快猜中了used in children's games to say that the person playing is very close to finding a person or thing, or to guessing the correct answer


be hot to trot

期待(某活动)to be very enthusiastic about starting an activity

be in/get into hot water

有麻烦;惹上麻烦to be in or get into trouble

go hot and cold

突然感到害怕(或焦虑)to experience a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety

go/sell like hot cakes

畅销to sell quickly or in great numbers

(all) hot and bothered

(因压力过大、有难题、时间紧迫等)焦灼不安,心慌意乱in a state of anxiety or confusion because you are under too much pressure, have a problem, are trying to hurry, etc.

hot on sbs/sths heels

紧跟着;接踵而至following sb/sth very closely

hot on sbs/sths tracks/trail

快要抓到,即将找到(某人或物)close to catching or finding the person or thing that you have been chasing or searching for

hot under the collar

愤怒的;窘迫的angry or embarrassed

in hot pursuit (of sb)

(对某人)穷追不舍following sb closely and determined to catch them

not so/too hot

质量不大好not very good in quality


七年级英语单词表 ... pretty 相当;很;颇 hot 热的 cold 寒冷的 ...


邪恶漫画全集_韩国内涵漫画_重口味漫画h_搞笑盟 ... 随机 Random 热门 Hot 好评 Like ...


苏州外国语学校门户网 ... 英文版 English 热点 Hot 关注 Focus ...


2012雅思词汇大全_百度文库 ... bitter 苦的 hot 辣的 salty 咸的 ...


日常生活中的英语单词_爱问知识人 ... sunny 晴朗的 hot 炎热的 rainy 下雨的 ...


首页-年轻主张-- 淘宝网 ... 风格 Style 热卖 Hot 首页 HOME ...

(It was) absolutely amazing, I mean, you know, with this hot weather and a lot of people all around us, it's just spectacular. 非常令人惊叹,我的意思是说,你知道,天气非常炎热,许多人围绕着我们,这是非常壮观的。
love is towering tree leaves, the height of summer was extremely hot, ready to spit out the cool shade, autumn , quietly closed. 爱就是参天的大树叶子,盛夏烈日炎炎,愿意遮阴吐凉,直晒到秋日枯焦,悄然落下。
I'm thinking of greeting people outside on the front porch with a pot of hot spiced cider and giving them that for a drink. 我想先在门外拿一壶热乎乎的香苹果汁作为饮料来招待他们。
She cast her eyes down, toward the cup of hot tea she had ordered, though he had pressed her to have, like him, a real drink. 她的眼睛向下瞥,看着她点的一杯热茶,尽管他要她象自己一样喝点酒。
Also, leather jackets are such a hot trend. It would be a shame to have to put them in the closet for 3 months! 也许皮夹克穿起来会有点热,但要把它们放在壁厨里长达三个月可太可惜了!
You do not have to create or to modify any registry keys to activate any hot fixes that are contained in this package . 您没有到创建或修改任何注册表项来激活此程序包中包含任何修复程序。
It is often hot in September, too. It usually is not very cold in winter. 九月的天气经常也是热的,冬天的天气通常不很寒冷。
As mixture begins to thicken, continue adding oil in a fine steady stream, alternating with hot water and remaining lemon juice. 混合物开始变厚,持续增加在一条美好的平稳的小河的油,交替与热水和剩余的柠檬汁。
I submit to you this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion! That could at least be understood, if not condoned. 我提出这一点,是说明这不是一时之怒的冲动而犯下的罪行,如果是一时冲动的话,即使不能被宽恕,至少也可以被理解。
Today, on an incredibly hot day, my flip flop broke, leaving me to walk barefoot on the hot asphalt for a mile and a half to my car. FML. 今天天气死热,我的拖鞋坏了,害得我在滚烫的柏油路上光脚走了一英里半才上了我的车。FML。
My heart is always hot, it longing for the sea of tolerance, longing for the wilderness of the vast, endless longing for the sky. 我的心总是火热的,它向往着大海的包容,向往着原野的辽阔,向往着天空的无止境。
It moved to tvOne in February, the second time it has switched channels, after its previous broadcasters found it a bit too hot to handle. 二月份这个节目转到tvOne电视台播放,这已是第二次更换播放频道了,前一个电视台认为这个节目太火以至于难以掌控。
Fair value accounting has always been a hot issue of the International Accounting. 公允价值会计一直是国际会计的热点不足。
Surface passivation by chromate for the hot dip galvanized plate is applied to prevent the surface oxidation during the pro-cess time. 热镀锌板表面钝化(铬酸盐钝化),主要是为了防止在使用过程中其表面被氧化。
In recent years, the relationship between perfectionism and depressive mood has always been a hot research topic in psychology field. 而完美主义与抑郁心境的关系则是近年来心理学者非常感兴趣的一个研究领域。
Generally, I find the high street chains' designers more straightforward in their sense of what's about to be hot than myself. 一般来说,我感觉那些时尚街和名牌店的设计师们在回答什么将会流行时比我要更加直截了当。
Pouring hot water into a basin, Mum passed me a large towel, hurrying me to wash my feet. 把水烧开以后,倒进盆里,妈妈给我一块超大的毛巾,让我洗脚。
Evidently the curious colleague moved in for a closer look just as the egg exploded and splattered hot yolk all over his amazed face. 好奇的同事显然想看个个清楚,于是又靠近了一点,鸡蛋爆裂引起的蛋黄溅满了他惊奇的脸。
Isn't it a bit too hot to wear a fur coat in Guangzhou? 在广州穿皮草外套会不会太热了点?
It was such a hot day why does not wither? . May is the subject of today 's influence, thought: their vitality is so strong! 这么热的天怎么还没有枯萎?。也许是受了今天的事的影响,想到:它们的生命力怎么这么强啊!
The men's smaller appetites also appeared to be related to the increases in core body temperature that came with the hot workouts. 同时男性胃口变小也与在高温下运动,使身体核心温度升高有关。
Donald Rumsfeld: "He's sort of like a snake on a hot summer day sleeping on the road in the sun, " a Canadian general once observed. DonaldRumsfeld:“他类似是一种夏天躺在路上晒太阳的蛇,”一个加拿大的将军曾经这样描述,“如果他的眼睑跳动,你会说这很有活力。”
Known as a Wolf-Rayet star, the central star is an extremely hot giant thought to be in a brief, pre-supernova stage of evolution. 被称为沃尔夫-拉叶型星,中央恒星是一颗极热的巨星,被认为处于短暂的前超新星阶段。
For thou shalt heap hot coals upon his head, and the Lord will reward thee. 这是将火炭堆在他头上,上主也必要因此还报你。
AT&T no doubt works like a charm in other areas, but as I'd been warned, it wasn't so hot on holding calls where I live. AT&T无疑在其他地区十分奏效,但就如同我被谨告过的一样,我这边住的地方接电话的信号并不好。
Parents in Bangkok fret that schools around the protest site will not be able to reopen after a hot-season break. 曼谷的父母们则担心,抗议点周围的学校在炎热季节停课后,便不开课了。
The Cancer Project is trying to get the word out about the dangers of processed meats, especially hot dogs. 癌症课题研究组试图研究出加工肉食,特别是热狗,对人体健康的负面影响。
But her father had gone back into his study again, and the door slammed. George glared at it, looking exactly like her hot-tempered father. 可是她的爸爸已经又一次地回到了研究中去,门也被猛的关上了。乔治愤怒的盯着这发生的一切,看起来象极了她性情暴躁的父亲。
The next day the sun rose white-hot above the ridgeline, turning the Middle Fork into an undulating strand of emeralds. 第二天,当白热的太阳从山脊上升起时,中叉河变成了一缕波状的绿宝石。
Heaven has a twenty-four-hour emergency hot line. God wants you to ask him for assistance in overcoming temptation. 天堂设有廿四小时紧急热线,神要你在需要克服试探时向他求援。