
美 [haɪk]英 [haɪk]
  • n.提高;徒步旅行;散步;行军
  • v.步行;作长途徒步旅行;散步;飞起
  • 网络远足;增加;升息

第三人称单数:hikes 现在分词:hiking 过去式:hiked




他为此而采取的第一步,就是他亲自负责在课后把孩子们召集到一起,带领他们在室外做体操、竞技和“远足hikes)”。这些 …


in the morning,he usually h_... ... hurry to someplace 匆忙赶去某地 hikes 步行 去上学 hurry to do sth 急急忙忙做某事 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... hikes v. 远足, 飞起, 步行n.远足, 增加 shiver v. 颤抖, 打碎, 碎裂n.(无法控制的)颤抖, 碎片 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... hikes v. 远足, 飞起, 步行n.远足, 增加 shiver v. 颤抖, 打碎, 碎裂n.(无法控制的)颤抖, 碎片 ...


美国大学翻译中文18 - DuSystem Forum... ... 升息 hike 升息 hikes 升旗 flag ...

The dialogue seems to go like this. Pundit: "Why won't the president come out for a mix of spending cuts and tax hikes? " 对话似乎这样的:专家:“为什么总统不提出一种削减开支与提高税收的混合方案?”
But cost does not seem to be the explanation: previous hikes in tuition fees did not dent demand from rich or poor. 但是学费似乎并不是这一问题的解释:早先的学费增长并没有削弱无论贫穷或富裕家庭的需求。
I've made it clear going back over the summer that stopping all of the tax hikes was one of our main priorities for this lame-duck session. 今年夏季的时候我已经说的很清楚,要停止所有赋税增加,这是我们在这次跛脚鸭会议上要优先考虑的事情。
He said some of the biggest price hikes were rice and wheat, which are not used for biofuel production. 他说,价格上涨幅度最高的一些粮食品种是大米和小麦,而大米和小麦并未用于生物燃料的生产。
The U. S. approach contrasts with a growing likelihood of rate hikes by the European Central Bank and the Bank of England. 欧洲央行和英国央行与美联储不同,升息的可能性越来越大。
"I would not say that there won't be interest rate hikes, but they may come in the third or fourth quarter, " he said. 我不能说以后就没有利率的大幅度提高,但是它们可能会在3、4季度的时候到来。
We are discussing this at the moment . . . There seem to be some price hikes in the second half of this year coming to the market. 目前我们正讨论这个问题……看起来,今年下半年,市场上将会出现一些价格上涨。
Still young girl's professional hikes and seem to be to the stranger that variety of the vision early accustomed to see not curious. 少女依然在行走着,似乎对路人那种目光早就见惯不怪了。
This will highlight whether the market has been right to price in such aggressive hikes, or if it has got ahead of itself. 这将突显出市场是否正确地计入此类激进的升息,或是否过度预期。
The price hikes, which went into effect this weekend , were in at least one case as high as 26% . 调价措施在周末生效,至少有一个影院的票价上调幅度高达26%。
He did not rule out tax hikes to cut the deficit, once the U. S. economy is growing. 他没有排除在经济一旦开始增长后会通过提高税收来减少赤字的可能。
Among the latest moves was an increase in farm subsidies to boost production and curb grain price hikes. 在最近这一系列动作是增加农业补贴来促进生产和控制粮食价格的增长。
it's a final step and trying to find the final solution to avoid the looming fiscal cliff about automatic tax hikes and spending cuts. 这是试图找到一种解决方案以避免迫在眉睫的关于自动加税和削减开支财政悬崖的最后一步。
Budget cuts, tuition hikes, and debt burdens are undermining the best path to upward mobility that this country ever built. 预算削减、费用攀升和债务负担破坏了这个国家曾经建立的可以使底层民众得以翻身的最好的路径。
It may be that tax hikes, particularly for the better off, are politically necessary to ensure popular acceptance that pain is being shared. 也许提税——尤其是对富人提税——才能确保大众接受痛苦分担的政策,这在政治上是必要的。
In a series of successive hikes beginning in the second quarter, the U. S. federal funds rate should hit 2 percent by year-end, he said. 他预计,美国联邦储备理事会(美联储,FED)将自第二季开始连续加息,到年底联邦基金利率将达到2%。
Clearly as front is seeing him for two days, on his face still thoroughly, but this meets him, he even hikes roads a be lame. 明明前两天看他的时候,他脸上还好好的,可是这会见到他,他连路都走得一瘸一瘸的。
True, such growth would bring with it earlier interest rates hikes and a quicker end to liquidity-pumping exercises by central banks. 当然,这种增长速度势必引发央行提前升息,而央行挹注流动性的措施也会提早结束。
Williams said he mainly hikes the North Country National Scenic Trail, which stretches from New York to North Dakota. 威廉姆斯表示,他主要是在从纽约到北达科他州的北方地区的国家风景区之路裸行。
"Interest rate hikes would not do much to ease this, because they cannot offset the effect of international factors, " he said. 他说,利率的增加对缓解此种局面并无太大作用,因为,人民币不能抵消国际因素的影响。
As well as base salary hikes, banks are once more offering guaranteed bonuses to staff approached with lucrative offers by rivals. 除了提高基本工资,对于竞争对手用有诱惑力的条件接洽过的员工,各银行又重新开始提供有保证的奖金。
But in the past decade, visitors have been drawn back to it by its serene beauty, long hikes and, of course, proximity to Shanghai. 但在过去十年间,游客们又重新被它的美景,长距离徒步——当然还有与上海的临近优势吸引回来了。
"The current price hikes and increasing inflationary pressures are the biggest concern of the people, " he said. 他说,“当前物价上涨和通货膨胀的压力是老百姓最关心的问题。”
Obama is pushing some tax hikes under another name -- but they still mean just as much trouble for the economy. 奥巴马还准备以其他名义加税——这也意味着经济面临着更多的困难。
He did not rule out tax hikes to cut the deficit, once the U. 一旦美国经济增长的,他没有规定税收涨高要减少赤字。
A few of my favorite cheap dates are going to the beach with lunch in the cooler, nature hikes and cruising flea markets. 我喜欢的一些便宜的约会方式包括去海边玩然后在遮荫处享用午餐,去远足还有逛逛跳蚤市场。
Quite simple: they expected even more in the way of prospective interest rate hikes over the next couple of years. 道理很简单:他们希望未来几年中在预期利率走向上更加强势。
GRUMBLES about the price of petrol might seem marginal at a time of widespread tax hikes and spending cuts. 在这个广泛增税和削减开支的时期,对于高油价的抱怨似乎少多了。
It seems this time around previous lessons have been learnt and investors are now pricing in an expectation of further interest rate hikes. 此次,它们接受了以往的教训,而从投资者的举动来看,也消化了进一步调高利率的预期。
But for now the RBI thinks that rake hikes and reports of a good rainfall are enough to reign in prices. 但是现在,RBI认为,加息和雨水充足已足以控制物价。