
美 [skrætʃ]英 [skrætʃ]
  • v.划伤;挠;取消;刮坏
  • n.划伤;搔痒;刮(或擦、抓)的刺耳声;挠痒
  • adj.仓促拼凑的;无让杆的;无差点的
  • 网络刮伤;刮痕;扒

第三人称单数:scratches 现在分词:scratching 过去式:scratched

scratch surface,scratch head,scratch record


用指甲挠rub with your nails

1.[t][i]挠,搔(痒处)to rub your skin with your nails, usually because it is itching

划破皮肤cut skin

2.[t][i]划破,抓破,划伤,抓伤(皮肤)to cut or damage your skin slightly with sth sharp

损坏表面damage surface

3.[t]~ sth(尤指意外地)擦破,划损,刮坏to damage the surface of sth, especially by accident, by making thin shallow marks on it

造成╱去除痕迹make/remove mark

4.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.刮出(或刮去)痕迹;划下(或擦去)痕迹to make or remove a mark, etc. on sth deliberately, by rubbing it with sth hard or sharp

发出声音make sound

5.[i](+ adv./prep.)刮(或擦、抓)出刺耳声to make an irritating noise by rubbing sth with sth sharp


7.[t][i]取消;撤销;退出to decide that sth cannot happen or sb/sth cannot take part in sth, before it starts


scratch your head (over sth)

苦苦琢磨;苦思冥想;绞尽脑汁to think hard in order to find an answer to sth

scratch the surface (of sth)

作肤浅的探讨;浅尝辄止;隔靴搔痒to deal with, understand, or find out about only a small part of a subject or problem

you scratch my back and Ill scratch yours

礼尚往来;私相授受used to say that if sb helps you, you will help them, even if this is unfair to others

英语_英语译中文翻译器_天涯部落 ... trawl 拖 scratch ,挠 old 老 ...

人体部位名称 ... point 指着 scratch pinch 捻 ...


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... oxidation ' ksi'dei?n 氧化 scratch 刮伤 dents 压痕 ...


刮字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 刮刮杂杂〖 fireisblazing〗 刮痕scratch〗 刮具〖 scraper〗 ...


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... mixed color 杂色 scratch 划伤 poor processing 制程不良 ...

求英语四级单词表_百度知道 ... 700. identification n. 鉴别,证明 231. scratch v. /n. 抓,搔, 254. register v./n. 登记,注册 ...

英语_英语译中文翻译器_天涯部落 ... trawl 拖 scratch 抓, old 老 ...


绝望主妇第一季1集剧本(中英文) - 豆丁网 ... bake: 烤 scratch: [美俚]无名小卒;抓 痕 from scratch: 〈非正〉从头做起, 从零 …

Residents who had refused to go outside before would join him on the front lawn to scratch his ears. 疗养中心那些原来不愿意出来的老人们也开始来到楼前草地搔它的耳朵。
But America is not starting from scratch, and none of the plans in Congress shows an appetite for such a European solution. 但是美国并没有从零开始,国会提出的议案中,没有任何一项有意效仿欧洲的这种解决方法。
Do not use abrasive kitchen cleaners, as they will scratch the surface. 不要使用磨料厨房清洁剂,因为它们将触及表面而伤害到它。
But scratch just below the surface, and you'll see that drug makers are crazy like a fox. 但是透过现象看本质,你会发现制药商像狐狸一样狡猾。
"We are only beginning to scratch the surface, " says Mallet. 马拉特说,“我们现在只是刚开始触及到问题的表面。”
If you were to make many of these convenience foods yourself, from scratch, you would see that they don't really taste anything alike. 如果你自己要用这些方便食品做饭菜,你会发现这些食品从一开始就什么味道都不像。
There were ways to get to 60 votes. The White House just had to scratch it out with a real strategy and a never-let-go attitude. 拿到60票有很多办法。但白宫一定要规划一份真正的策略出来,要有绝不放弃的态度。
But with the help of the palladium techniques, scientists are now able to make it from scratch, enough to start clinical testing. 在钯技术的帮助下,科学家如今可以从头合成,足以开始临床测试。
Furniture scratch repair: Make a paste of coffee grounds and a little water and apply to furniture scratches with a Q-tip. 修补家具上的刮痕:用少许水将咖啡渣制成糨糊状,然后快速地粘在家具的刮痕处。
Exposure to cats may raise a question of cat-scratch fever in a patient who presents with unilateral lymphadenopathy of an extremity. 和猫有过接触肢体单侧淋巴结病的病人可能和猫爪热有关。
For the problem described here, it would be possible to construct a collaboration from scratch or to reuse an existing collaboration. 对这里描述的问题,可能要从头构造一个协作或是重用现有协作。
In this short talk, I can only scratch the surface of the database and its implications. 在这篇短文中,我只能截取数据库的一点皮毛和启示。
Post-graduates are supposed to be expert in their areas of study, rather than to scratch the surface of their fields. 研究生应该精通自己的专业,而不是对其略知皮毛。
We thought we were documenting it for posterity, but there they are, haunting me with an exactness that doesn't even scratch the surface. 我们以为自己是在为子孙保存纪录,但它们只是忠实地记录了我没刮胡子的样子。
As obvious as this should be, it's often helpful to be able to clean up what you've done and start from scratch. 显然,如果能够清除所做的工作,然后重新开始新的工作常常是有益的。
For a plate of fine scratches, can be used to dip in a little dilute sulfuric acid with a soft brush on scratch Office for processing. 差于印版上的划痕,可以用细毛笔蘸极众稀硫酸涂在划痕处办理。
the foreman turned round to hear patiently and , lifting an elbow , began to scratch slowly in the armpit of his alpaca jacket. 工长掉过身来,好耐着性子去倾听。他举起一只胳膊肘,开始慢慢地挠他身上那件羊驼呢夹克的腋窝底下。
Sows are kept in gestation crates the size of their bodies and never able to turn around or even scratch themselves. 母猪被关在和它们身体差不多大小的孕期围栏里不能转身,甚至蹭痒痒。
Pele, perhaps the greatest player ever in the world's most popular sport, is still trying to scratch out a living at the age of 68. 贝利(Pele)也许是足球这一世界上最热门的体育运动史上最伟大的球员,但已经68岁的他仍在辛苦谋生。
The guy dropped a piece of the glass into a bag full of keys and shook it hard; it came out without a scratch on it! 他将这片玻璃扔进一个装满钥匙的袋子里,然后使劲摇晃;当拿出来时,它居然没有一点划痕。
So the poor thing was longing for you to tickle her and she did when you did tickle her was scratch you, why did that happen? 可怜的是她想让你逗她,当你逗她的时候她也挠你了,为什么会这样呢?
However, chip designers are faced with a difficult challenge when trying to develop a ten million gate design from scratch. 但是,芯片设计师面对一个困难的挑战当设法发展十百万个门从头设计。
The stump of Tyrion's nose was itching fiercely. He gave it a scratch. 提利昂的半截鼻子奇痒无比,他抓了抓它。
That tells me that either their software is not up to scratch or something funny is going on. 这只能说不是他们的软件不达标,就是出了怪事。
The utility model is fast and convenient to demount staples and is not easy to scratch paper surface, which is an ideal office appliance. 本实用新型拆除书钉快捷、方便,又不易划伤纸面是一种理想的办公用具。
With a localized problem like this, the logical course of action is not to scrap your entire car and try to rebuild it from scratch. 对于这样的局部问题,合理的做法不是拆除整个汽车并从头开始重新构建它。
Please do not hit me. I cannot hit back, but I can bite and scratch and I don't ever want to feel the need to do that. 请不要打我。我不能还手,但我可以咬你或者抓伤你,而我压根不想产生冲动去做那种事。
On the card than to scratch with the knife and easy to use, I said this method. 比给牌上用小刀划比较容易上手,我说的这个方法。
The features and methods discussed in this article really only scratch the surface of what you can accomplish with an ADC. 这篇文章中对于特性和方法的讨论仅仅是浅尝辄止,旨在让您了解可以利用ADC实现哪些目标。
Pay for one to be modified or produced from scratch if your needs cannot be met any other way. 如果你不能找到任何其他的方法,那么需要为模板(修改的模板或从头开始制作的模板)付费。