
美 [skwer]英 [skweə(r)]
  • n.平方;正方形;四方形;正方形物
  • v.贿赂;使成正方形;使成方形;使成平方
  • adj.正方形的;四方形的;成直角的;方的
  • adv.正对着地;径直地
  • 网络广场;方块;史克威尔

复数:squares 现在分词:squaring 过去式:squared

square meter,square metre,square face,square deal,square mile



1.正方形的;四方形的having four straight equal sides and four angles of 90˚

2.成直角的;方的forming an angle of 90˚ exactly or approximately


3.(用于表示长度的单位后,表示某物四个边等长)…见方的used after a unit of measurement to say that sth measures the same amount on each of four sides

4.(用于数字后表示面积)平方used after a number to give a measurement of area


5.宽阔的;结实的;厚实的used to describe sth that is broad or that looks solid in shape


6.[nbn]~ (with sth)(和某物)相齐,平行level with or parallel to sth

钱with money

7.(informal)彼此无欠账的;两清的;结清账的if two people aresquare , neither of them owes money to the other

体育运动in sport

8.~ (with sb)打平的;平局的if two teams aresquare , they have the same number of points


9.(尤指在生意上)公平的,公正的,诚实的fair or honest, especially in business matters

一致in agreement

10.~ with sth(和某事物)相一致的,相吻合的in agreement with sth


a square meal

一顿丰盛的饭a good, satisfying meal

a square peg (in a round hole)

用非所长者;方枘圆凿a person who does not feel happy or comfortable in a particular situation, or who is not suitable for it


数学英语词汇大全_百度文库 ... 菱形 rhomb,rhombus,rhombi 正方形 square 梯形 trapezoid ...


七年级英语单词表 ... the Palace Museum 故宫 square 广场 Tian’an Men Square 天安门广场 ...


数学英语词汇大全_百度文库 ... 乘方 power 二次方,平方 square 三次方,立方 cube ...


许国璋英语(第一册)单词表 - 豆丁网 ... embroider vt. 绣花 square n. 方块 cloth n. 布 ...


它是史克威尔SQUARE)在98年推出的游戏大作《寄生前夜(Parasite Eve)》的结尾曲。这是一首非常美妙的拉丁语歌曲。


直字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 直角〖 rightangle〗 直角尺square〗 直角三角形〖 righttriangle〗 ...

A man balances his cat on his head as he takes advantage of the sun in Union Square Park in New York on July 11. 一名男子七月十一日在纽约联合广场公园,将爱猫平衡在其头上。
The next day begins with a typical hearty Dutch breakfast, a quick tour of Gouda's town square and an obligatory visit to a cheese shop. 第二天我们先来了一顿丰盛的典型荷兰式早餐,然后快速地参观豪达镇的镇广场,再到了一家必去的奶酪店参观。
Red Square has always been a central gathering place, even in the days of the Czars. 即使是在沙皇政权时期,红场也向来都是中心聚集地。
A week earlier Manar had been sitting on my balcony with me, overlooking the square. 一星期稍早,我与玛娜尔同坐在我家阳台,眺望著广场。
They favored a square building and felt that the rest of the team did not fully grasp what the square means in Chinese philosophy. 他们倾向于一个方形建筑,并认为团队的其他人并没有充分领悟“方”在中国哲学思想中的内涵。
In present day English new linguistic facts abound which do not always square with the accepted rules of grammar. 在当代英语中有许多新的语言现象,这些现象并不总是符合公认的语法规则的。
I said the value is approximately the square of the number of users. 我说过价值大约是用户数量的平方。
Let me put it this way; I'm too good for any job that won't let me look a man square between the eyes when I meet him on it. 让我这样说吧,我对任何工作太过好的话,我就不能公正地看待我在广场上看到的某个人。
These mastabas were square buildings with a room inside for the coffin and the mummy and some things to take with you to the afterlife. 这些陵墓是方形的建筑,里面有一个房间用来放棺材、木乃伊和一些来世所需要的随身物品。
She was the odd one out, just as she had been at school and university: a square peg in a round hole. 她比较怪僻,象在中学和大学里一样,不适应周围的环境。
His shoulders were huge, his head square, and the muscles beneath his MIT T-shirt rippled like a plastic trash can left out in a heat wave. 他肩宽背大,脑袋方方。麻绳理工T恤里面的肌肉一檩子一檩子象被炉子烫抽巴了的塑料桶。
Its smooth, swift motion around the sun carries such a square as this every hour. 就像现在一样,它永远驼着这片土地绕太阳平衡而快速地转动着。
There was one which rose against the blue sky like a temple sculptured out of a living rock, square and splendid. 一座突起的山峰在蓝天的映衬下好像是由活生生的岩石雕刻出来的寺庙,平直而壮丽。
The middle of the square has been converted into a tent city, complete with winding pathways, food stocking centers, and a hairdresser. 广场的中心地带已被改造成一个帐篷城,有蜿蜒的通道,食品贮存中心,还有一个理发师。
Square table: This square table according the old time style made it on the surface inlay different jade. Picture looks very lively. 方桌:古式方桌用玉石镶嵌在桌面,人物栩栩如生,具有现代和古代的美感。
The height of each mountain measured thousands of feet, and the surface area covered hundreds of square miles. 愚公住在地方面对太行、王屋两座大山。山高万仞,方圆几百里。
And here's just a series of experiments where I ask the question of -- does a poster have to be square? 这里有一系列的实验其中我问了一个问题——海报必须是方形的吗?
During this period, he had boarded in Tiananmen Square to the Inner Mongolian prairie, a pastoralists still live at home for a week. 这期间,他登上过天安门,去了内蒙古大草原,还在一户牧民家里住了一个星期。
Except for a some minor level adjustments and a square crop this was what came out of the camera. 除了作了一些小的调整以外,我把相机拍出的照片裁剪成为一个方形。
The interest in square dancing is still growing, but it's not easy to learn some of those movements! 如今人们对方块舞的兴趣仍在持续增长,但是方块舞的某些舞步学起来可不那么容易。
Just as the name implies, the regular script features its regularity and varies from the flat font to a square one. 就像名字所表明的那样,楷书的特征在于其字体的规则性,其将平的形式演变了方的形式。
but I met the Countess Ellen in Madison Square, and she was good enough to let me walk home with her. 在麦迪逊广场遇上了埃伦伯爵夫人,她十分客气地要我陪她回家。
The Egyptian pyramids are massive monuments with a square base and four triangular sides rising up to a point. 埃及金字塔是巨大的历史遗迹,这是以正方形的为基底、四面成三角形不断上升直到汇聚到一点。
By early February, Obama seemed to catch up with the trend, at least as it played out in Cairo's Tahrir Square. 今年二月初,奥巴马总统似乎顺应了这个潮流,至少在开罗的解放广场出现抗议时是如此。
"There were fewer cars, it was more accessible, " he said as we drove past the square one afternoon. “那时车很少,很容易进广场”,他说如果我们在某天下午开车穿过广场。
As she arrived a great roar from the crowds in Smith Square, and everyone inside came into the corridor to greet her. 她一到,史密斯广场的人群爆发出一片欢呼声,屋里的人都纷纷跑到走廊里向她表示敬意。
Turn left out of a human tricycle Square, the main body of the glass sub-aluminum body close to the three red characters: Rou Gamo. 一辆人力三轮车左拐冲出广场,车身铝合金主体的玻璃罩子贴着三个红色的大字:肉夹馍。
The Club was christened 'Dial Square' by David Danskin, a few weeks after the Scot had founded what was to become Arsenal Football Club. 大卫*丹斯金创建了如今的阿森纳足球俱乐部的的前身几周后,俱乐部被这位苏格兰人命名为‘方形大钟’。
The small houses were in the nearest part of the city. Square rooms opened on to a grid of narrow passages, criss-crossing to make streets. 矮小的房舍座落在离城市最近的一部份。方正的房间通往有如格子状的狭小的通道,交织成密密的街道。
There can be 80 million of them in a square kilometer, and yet they don't collide with one another. 一平方公里内可以有八千万只蝗虫,但是他们不会撞到彼此。