
美 [spæn]英 [spæn]
  • n.持续时间;范围;包括的种类;跨度
  • v.持续;贯穿;包括(广大地区);涵盖(多项内容)
  • 网络跨距;一段时间;跨越

复数:spans 过去式:spanned 现在分词:spanning

span globe
same span


1.持续时间the length of time that sth lasts or is able to continue

2.~ (of sth)范围;包括的种类a range or variety of sth

3.(桥或拱的)跨径,跨度,跨距the part of a bridge or an arch between one vertical support and another

4.宽度;翼展the width of sth from one side to the other


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This sudden movement of the core of the Earth, dragging the crust with it, takes place in the span of an hour, the hour of the shift. 地球的核心拖着地壳突然移动起来;该情况发生在一个小时的时间范围内---也就是极移的那个小时。
But the ape's attention span was fairly short lived as she was soon enticed into giving the DS back in exchange for an apple. 但猩猩的注意力毕竟短暂,没多久她就受不了诱惑把游戏机拿去换了个苹果。
In an interview with C-Span television, Congresswoman Giffords gave some of her biography and explained why she had gotten into politics. In签发地点与C-SPAN的电视采访中,众议员吉福德给了她的传记,并解释为什么一些她卷入了政治。
Although such a taste in the mouth to maintain only a short span of a few seconds to a syrup, into my stomach. 虽然这样的美味只能在嘴中维持短短几秒钟就变成糖浆,进入我的肚子里。
My attention span, in romane, was that of a tick on a hot rock. 在罗马,我的注意力受到了威胁,就像在火热的岩石上被震了一下。
Dr. J. David Curb, one of the researchers, said the new grant is the first to look specifically at genes that affect life span. 参与研究的大卫库伯博士表示,此笔新补助金是首度用来特别探讨基因影响生命年限。
Since classical fascism had such a brief life span, it is hard to know whether or not a stable, durable fascist state is possible. 因为我们知道正统的法西斯主义只是昙花一现,所以这很难确定稳定、长久的法西斯政府是不是可能的。
The canned food is to belongs to " the business have no germ" , the shelf life span is usually for two years or longer times. 罐头食品就是属于“商业无菌”,货架寿命通常为两年或更长的时间。
We'll be able to look at millimetre movements over the time span of a year. 我们将会可以察觉在一年的时间里指距上的毫米运动。
The WPP boss explains bluntly: "Why did I pick Charlotte Beers? She had the attention span of a gnat, but she was fantastic. " 这位WPP集团的老板坦率地解释道:“我为什么选择夏洛特-比尔斯?她的关注范围像昆虫一样小,但她非常棒。”
In contrast, boosting SOD1 levels in unrelated muscle cells seems to have had no effect on the flies' life span, he adds. 他补充说,反过来看,让不相关的肌肉细胞增加SOD1的量,似乎不会影响果蝇的寿命。
Ought we to force ourselves, out of basic respect for the length of the human life-span, on a madcap international spree? 我们是否应该出于对苦短人生的尊重、强迫自己去追赶轻率的国际狂潮?
Vijg noted that since the drug did not extend the maximum life span of fat mice, it would be surprising if it did so with lean mice. 但是维杰格博士指出,由于该药物不能够延长肥胖小鼠的最长寿命,如果它能够延长瘦弱小鼠的寿命,那也将是不可思议的。
However, "we always have to remember that it's an association, " and it does not mean that having high HDL increases life span, he said. 然而,“我们必须记住,这是一种相关性”,这并不意味着高密度脂蛋白水平高就会延长寿命,他说。
To improve the wind stability performance of long span suspension bridges is an important subject in the design and construction. 改善抗风稳定性能是大跨度悬索桥设计和建造中的一个重要课题。
Murdoch's newspaper holdings span the globe, from the Australian to the Wall Street Journal and to his News International stable in London. 从《澳大利亚人报》到《华尔街时报》和伦敦的新闻国际,默多克控股的新闻资产遍布全球。
They typically do not try to span the globe, but their work is so good that clients will keep paying handsomely for it. 这种所的典型特征就是没有全球撒网的打算。但他们的业务做得很好,以至于客户愿意为他们不断大把花钱。
And it is often in the one to two minutes span that you're expected to answer or else you risk losing their interest completely. 且你通常被期待在一两分钟内与对方答复,不然你就错失良机,人家早就转移注意力了。
From this bird's eye view, you can understand that this time span is composed of a sequence of what many on your planet call Grand Cycles. 从这个鸟的眼睛视图中,可以明白,这时间跨度是一个什么样的星球上的许多呼叫大循环序列组成。
If the velocity does not change in the span of one second, the point travels along the length of that vector in one second. 如果在一秒内速度没有发生变化则这个点将在这一秒中之内移动和矢量长度相同的距离。
I suspect that this willingness to risk is in part due to the short expected life span of the humans. 我怀疑这种积极冒险的精神,部分来自人类预期生命跨度之短。
Distributed transactions span two or more servers known as resource managers. 分布式事务跨越两个或多个称为资源管理器的服务器。
Russia did not, however, rush troops to its aid when Ms Otunbayeva asked for them, as the violence in the south span out of control. 俄罗斯没有,但是,繁忙的部队的援助时,奥通巴耶娃女士为他们问,在南部跨度暴力失控。
It has a span of4260 feet. The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be taken into account by its designer. 桥的跨度有4,260英尺。桥梁很长,所以它的设计师不得不考虑地球的形状。
It was funny to see Rebecca go from swearing she was fine to airing all of her emotional problems to the group in the span of one breath. 看丽贝卡信誓旦旦地说她能在很短时间内很好地控制自己的情感问题,是非常有意思的一件事。
There was no difference in life span between the two runner groups, even though one expended more energy. 两个奔跑组的生命跨度并没有多少差别,尽管一组消耗更多能量。
Given the short span of an athlete's prime years, a player has to think in the long term when trying to build legacies. 回顾一个运动员辉煌的年代,必须考虑到那个球员创建传奇的一长段时间。
How much can human life span be extended? 人类寿命可以延长多少?
Even if it's just 30 minutes a day, you'll be surprised at how much progress you'll make in a short span. 即使一天仅看30分钟,你也会惊讶于自己在这么短时间里做出了这么大的进步。
Yawning seems to be involved in the modulation of arousal process across the whole life span. 打呵欠似乎与调整觉醒行为的过程有关,并伴随人的一生。