she is

  • 网络她是;是的;她是一名

she isshe is

she is


人教版五年级上册英语知识点归纳总结_百度知道 ... 3、he's=he is 他是 4、she's=she is 她是 5、it's=it is 它是 ...


夜访吸血鬼_咸菜_新浪博客 ... L:she’s in danger,isn’t she? 她有危险,不是吗? A:she is 是的 L:why? 为什么? ...


小学一年级第二学期英语总复习教案 ... He is a ... 他是一名……(职业) She is a ... 她是一名……(职业) all 都 ...


Unit 3 Looking good,feeling... ... ④—It is cold today. 今天天很冷。 (5)她很会体谅别人She is ________ ________ ______…


经典的电视剧歌曲,经典电视剧歌曲大全 ... Crystal plane 水晶飞机 She Is (玄振轩之歌) Sad Tango 悲伤探戈 ...



英文里的禁忌语与俚语|英语阅读|英语阅读理解 ... feces( 排泄物) She is她在“待产”中。) She is( 她正“怀孕中”。) ...

Hillary says she is happy she stuck out it out with her husband, the 42nd president, through "challenges" in their marriage. 参加2008年美国总统竞选的民主党候选人希拉里•克林顿说,她很高兴能与丈夫克林顿度过婚姻“危机”,一起挺了过来。
I stood up to the door, want to talk to mom an apology, but stopped: let her rest a bit, she is too tired. 我站起身走向门边,想跟妈妈道个歉,但又停住了脚步:让她歇一会儿吧,她太累了。
Maybe she will less contact you when working or playing with friends. But don't care. She is always like this. But she still love you. 当她工作起来时,或者和朋友在一起玩时,会很少给你联系,不要介意,她总是这样,但她是爱你的。
Because she is in and out of the car all day, she needs something that is light and easy to carry. 因为她是在车里一整天,她需要一些轻,便于携带。
Plot is not too much to her, she is introduced in this city kept shuttle, in need of her place to stop, and leave. 剧情里并没有对她过多的介绍,她只是在这个城市里不停穿梭,在需要她的地方停驻、然后离开。
She did, and a sweet quiet thing she is, with never a word to say for herself, like a woman should be. 真是个可爱的文静人儿,她来了,总是不声不响,女人家就该这样嘛。
She has a run in with a few men who are heckling while she is at the bar trying to enjoy the Jazz Singer. 她在酒吧正要享受爵士歌手的演唱时,被几个男人骚扰,随即与他们发生争执。
Please do not be angry with her. She is just a silly little girl. 请不要生她的气,她只是个有点单纯的女孩。
Elizabeth has to live with the fact that she is no longer as charming as she was. 伊丽莎白不得不承认她已经不像过去那样迷人了。
That lady does not seem to mind airing her dirty linen in public. She is talking so loudly on the bus about her quarrel with her husband. 那位太太好像不在意别人知道她的隐私,她居然在公共汽车上大声谈论她在她丈夫之间的争吵。
But the interesting bit was that the fast-moving prices have prompted her to do her sums again: she is moving her production back to Europe. 但是有趣的是,中国价格快速增长促使她重新清醒思考:她正在将生产线迁回欧洲。
As she is about to react, "SKINNER" grabs her around the throat and flings her across the room where she crashes into a glass wall. 当她要做出反应的时候,“斯金纳”抓起她的喉咙,把她扔过房间撞碎了一面玻璃墙。
I can not forget the appearance that she is all over a blood up to now. 我至今不能忘却她浑身是血的样子。
Men create a special category for her in which she is accounted at least partially human, but not really a woman. 男人为她创造了一个特殊的类别,她们至少部分上应被视为人,但不全然是一个女人。
She is due to return to the UK in the next few days but needs a new U. S. work visa for her tour. 她将在随后几天回国,但是需要美国为她的巡回演出的签证做工作。
She sits him down on her lap and she looks at it, but she is feeling that impatience. 她让他坐在她的膝盖上而且看著他,但是她正感受到那个没耐心。
She is not the most beautiful, for the author, her husband, does not make that claim, and yet who can deny that she is the loveliest? 她并非最美丽,因为这书的作者,她的丈夫,并没有这样推崇,但是谁能否认她是最可爱的女人?
And yet Coyne and his wife both have a profile on the site, and the algorithms have determined that she is his No. 1 match. 可是科因和他妻子都在网上有简介,配对规则确定她就是他最般配的人。
Leaves to know that she is no longer the only tree, but she is still a strong adherence. 叶子知道,她不再是树的唯一,但她还在强烈的坚持。
If she did something wrong, she won't hide it from you, but do not ask when she is not in the mood to talk about it. 如果她做错了什么,她不会对你隐瞒,但是如果她不在那个情绪中多谈无益。
She is let out of her protective cage once a year, for a whiff of fresh air. 她每年能从保护罩中出来一次,呼吸一下新鲜空气。
However, even if you do not know her, you still will first see her, to determine she is a girl. 尽管如此,即使你不认识她,你还是会在第一眼看到她时,就判断出她是女生。
And all the people were weeping and crying for her; but he said, Do not be sad, for she is not dead, but sleeping. 众人都为这女儿哀哭捶胸。耶稣说:不要哭。他不是死了,是睡著了。
She is still in the position of a dependent to-day because her mate has refused to consider her as an individual apart from his needs. 今天她们仍处于从属的地位,因为她们的配偶拒绝撇开自己的需要把她们看作独立的个人。
Now that this market is "all but saturated" , she is starting to export. 现在化妆品市场已经“几乎饱和了”,她正在准备将化妆品出口国外。
"I ask her for exactly what I need. If she is unable to provide it, I provide her with a recommendation, " she says. “我会明确向她表明我所需要的东西。如果她无法提供,我就给她提建议,”她说。
Her mother-in-law helps her to take care of her child and she is grateful. 她婆婆帮她照料小孩,她很感激。
I allow her to apply a thick layer of make-up to her face because she is meeting her mother and feels the need for protection. 我允许她在脸上化着浓浓的妆,因为她正与她母亲相见,感到需要采取一些保护措施。
If be not by coincidence she is in fact a woman to clothes up for the words of men's wear, does she don't is dead quite miserably? 如果不是碰巧她其实是女扮男装的话,她岂不是要死的很惨吗?
Make everyone feel as if he or she is important enough to you that you are willing to explain yourself. 使得每个人都感觉到,他或她对您来说是非常重要的,以至于您很愿意向他们解释自己的观点。