
美 [ˈsinjər]英 [ˈsiːniə(r)]
  • adj.大;级别(或地位)高的;成人的;高级水平的
  • n.上级;上司;较…年长的人;级别(或地位)较高者


senior management,senior manager,senior fellow,senior banker,senior analyst


级别高of high rank

1.~ (to sb)级别(或地位)高的high in rank or status; higher in rank or status than others

体育运动in sport

2.[obn]成人的;高级水平的for adults or people at a more advanced level

年长之人for older people

3.[obn]年纪大的;老年的;年老的for senior citizens(= older people, especially those who have retired from work)


6.[obn](高中或大学)毕业年级的connected with the last year in high school or college

For now, say senior European officials, this is just a precautionary step, to be ready to act quickly should it be needed. 到现在,欧洲高级政府官员说,这仅仅是预防性的一步,为迅速行动做好准备,这些是有必要的。
Well you're right and you know, regular promotions and transfer to senior positions is a good way for a company to reward its people. 真的,你知道,一般的提升对公司来说是一种很好的嘉奖员工的方法。
When she was in her first year in senior high school, I was so worried about her cause it seems that she'll never concentrate on her study. 当她在她的头一年是在高中,我对她的事业是如此担心,似乎她永远不会集中在她的研究。
You need to build a senior team that's able to manage all the critical areas of your business to take it to the next level. 你需要建立一个高级团队来管理所有的关键部门,以使你的事业上升到一个新的水平。
A person familiar with the matter called the vision statement a 'brainstorming document' and said it wasn't presented to senior executives. 一位知情人士把这份原景陈述称为一份“头脑风暴文件”,并说它并没有呈递给谷歌的管理高层。
Yet the quality of information filtering through to senior managers is often inadequate. 然而那些由高端经理过滤过的信息质量通常都不太令人满意。
M: Because, Peter, our senior is going to help and train you until the end of the month. We usually do this with our new staff. 因为我们的资深前辈彼得,将帮助及训练你到这个月底,我们通常会对新员工们这么做。
"I don't have their [senior Chinese military officials'] phone number. I can't pick up the phone and wish them happy birthday, " he said. “我没有他们[中国军队高级军官]的电话号码,我无法拿起电话去祝他们生日快乐,”他说。
I enjoyed the company of a downtown secretary who was 13 years my senior. I got used to waking up in darkness after a few hours' sleep. 从容享受与一个年长我13岁的,来自市中心的职业秘书的相处;也习惯了在少量的睡眠之后在黑暗中醒来。
A senior House Democratic aide said he was 'cautiously optimistic' but put the responsibility on Republicans to come up with more votes. 一位众议院民主党高级助手表示,他对救助计划获得通过持“谨慎的乐观态度”,但认为共和党人有责任促成更多的赞成票。
Several senior scientistshave now said the claim was unrealistic and that the large Himalayanglaciers could not melt in a few decades. 几位资深科学家现在表示,这个断言不切实际,大喜马拉雅山冰川不可能在几十年内融化。
He thought he was being clever when, near the end of his and Colleen's senior year of college, he went after Colleen. 在他和科琳大学四年级快要结束的时候,亨利对科琳展开追求,那会儿他还以为自己怪聪明的。
Zhang Guobao, a senior energy policymaker, has said the new rules might be completed next spring. 高级能源官员张国宝表示,新规可能在明年春天制定完毕。
Now Mr Place, senior, would be described by many as a bad father; and I do not contend that he was a conspicuously good one. 现今,普雷斯先生,一位年长老人,在很多人眼中是一个坏父亲;并且我也不能说他看上去是个好爸爸。
That and the desire to move at pace - something of a buzzword among Sir Ewan's senior team and his headteachers. 这个词和“对与时俱进的渴望”一起,成为了尤恩爵士的高管团队和校长们的时髦用语。
The memos also said he was accompanied everywhere by a "voluptuous blonde, " the senior member of his posse of Ukrainian nurses. 他走到哪里都会带着一个“红发性感美女”,这人是他乌克兰护士队里的高级成员。
As you know, the company was started over forty years ago by Mr. Harris Senior. 该公司始于40多年前,由老哈里斯先生创办。
It was the first time since 2003 she had been allowed to meet Britain's most senior representative in the country. 这是她自2003年以来第一次获准会见英国在该国的最高级代表。
So over the next six months CEO Roger Hardy and his senior team called customers each week to see whether they had any ideas. 因此,接下来的六个月,首席执行官罗杰•哈迪和其高管层每周都给客户打电话,看看他们有何想法。
But a senior official of the former ruling party said the election was likely to be delayed for up to eight weeks. 但是前在朝党的一名高级官员说,这次议会选举很有可能推迟到八周之后。
His father is a senior government official, his mother is the general manager of a large company and he himself. 他的命真好。爸爸是政府高级官员,妈妈是公司的总经理,自己通过了托福考试并获得美国一所大学的奖学金。
M&S said Mr Sweet was one of a "small number of senior people" who are leaving as part of the reduction in head office staff. 玛莎表示,作为总部裁员的一部分,有“少数高管”离职,史睿德是其中之一。
"The idea that Tom Hicks was an innocent party in the Klinsmann saga is a joke, " said the senior figure. 要说希克斯在克林斯曼事件里是无辜的,那可真是个笑话,高层如是说。
"Senior citizens, military veterans and businesses make up the bulk of requests for government information" in the United States, he said. 他说,在美国,“老年公民、退伍军人和工商企业构成要求获得政府信息的主体。”
The purpose of this study was to understand the opinions and the related factors of smoking-free campus of senior high school students. 本研究旨在探讨高中学生对无菸校园意见及其相关因素。
And why should senior staff welcome new ownership if it would jeopardise their own company's informal commitment to its employees? 所以公司高管层为何要损害他们对自己员工的非正式承诺为代价,引入新的收购者呢?
"The risk is disseminated, but trying to re-aggregate it becomes an almost impossible task, " says one senior investment banker. “风险已经被分散了,但想再集中他们已经是一个不可能完成的任务了。”一位业内资深人士如是说。
"We are still trying to figure it out, " a senior American intelligence official said last week. "They could have been doing both. " “我们仍在试图弄明白这一点,”美国的一名高级情报官员上周说,“两者可能都是他们的目的。”
Rob (Price, senior physio) tries to put a bit of fun into it. 罗伯(普莱斯,高级队医)想要在其中增添一些乐趣。
Beijing was voted as the host city of the Olympics in 2008. What do you think of it as a senior official. 北京已被选定为2008年奥运会的举办城市。你一位的高级官员,请问你有何看法?