so close

  • 网络夕阳天使;如此接近;靠近

so closeso close

so close


  2002年 《夕阳天使》(So Close) 合作: 舒淇,莫文蔚,赵薇   2002年 《我的大旧横财》 Make It Big (又名:《走为上策》…


《魔法奇缘》插曲 So close - 听力课堂 ... So close 只差一点 So close 如此接近 And still so far 却始终还有那么远 ...


台湾电影:最新台湾片、经典台湾片大全 - PPTV电影 ... 流浪神狗人 God Man Dog 靠近 So Close 爱的面包魂 The Soul of Bread ...


专辑:黛安娜·罗斯--《爱的心声》_影音娱乐_新浪网 ... 3.Your Love( 你的爱) 4.So Close( 如此靠近) 5.It's My Turn( 轮到我了) ...


... All that I want is to hold you 我最想要的就是把你紧紧抱在怀里 So close 如此的亲密 So close to reaching 如此的接近 ...


so close_百度百科 ... So close 我们 So close 近在咫尺 And still so far 却又远在天涯 ...


曼哈顿奇缘 so... ... for we know we are 因为我们知道我们 So close 如此得靠近 And still so far 却依旧如此的遥远 ...


SO翻译成中文是什么意思... ... So Good 妙极了;太棒;好也;秀丝曼 So Close 夕阳天使;这麽近;如此接近;如此靠近 So la…

And he did not know how much longer he could stand being so close, yet so far away. 他不知道这种近在眼前而远在天边的感觉自己还能忍受多久。
At the retreat She knew my every need and granted me many wishes. I would like to thank Her so much for letting us get so close to Her. 在此次闭关中,她悉知我的每样需求,并慈允我许多愿望,我深深地感谢她让我们能如此地亲近她。
And I just wanna hold you close, I feel your heart so close to mine, and just stay here in this moment for all the rest of time. . . 我只想抱紧你,我感觉你的心离我的心如此之近,而且在剩下的所有时间里一直留在此刻…
Just then dubious, my mobile phone ringing, it is a call from the smoke, I relied on, so close that even a cell phone. Savings do not know. 正说着不三不四的话,我的手机响了,是烟尘打来的,我靠,这么近还打手机,一点也不知道节约。
But still you end up to be so close to the service line and you can hit the shuttle almost the same high as the top of the net. 但还是要靠近发球线,要能在和网同样的高度打到球。
The love between the leading actor and actress is so close yet so far, making it a Chinese version of Casablanca, a powerful tearjerker. 男女主人公在剧中爱得若即若离,催人泪下,上演了一部中国版《卡萨布兰卡》。
The broken veins were all over his face, little ones, but so many, so close, that they made his face look something like marbled rubber. 他的脸上尽是静脉曲张的血管,尽管血管很细,数量却极多,从近距离看,它们使得小伙的脸孔有如大理石花纹的橡胶材料。
Actually, you're expecting her to be terrified to be so close to your teeth. 事实上,你又期望着她应该会被你靠的太近的牙齿所吓到。
"I never imagined in my life that I would be so close to such a creature, " he says in a telephone interview. “我做梦都不曾料到,在我有生之年还会有机会与这么珍稀的动物近距离接触,”他在接受电话采访时表示。
You may be very inspired by this full moon eclipse, because it could turn out to be particularly glamorous falling so close to Neptune. 你可能会很鼓舞,这充分月亮月食,因为它可以变成要特别迷人下降如此接近海王星。
A few races remain so close they are bound to be the subject of painstaking recounts and protracted legal battles . 这句是不是可以译作:有几次的竞选票数仍然很接近,他们注定要痛苦的等待重新计算的结果,并进行拖延的法律斗争。
My wife and two daughters began to say that Arnold and I were so close that he had ome the son that I never had in our family. 我太太和两个女儿都说阿诺德跟我亲密得就像成了我儿子一样,一个我们家一直缺少的角色。
Mr. Barkis sat so close to Peggotty that we were all crowded to one side of the cart. 巴吉斯先生坐得离佩格蒂那么近,我们都挤到车的一边去了。
I think it's going to take her a while to come to terms with the fact that she came so close but didn't get it. 我认为她需要一段时间来接受她如此接近提名却无法获得的现实。
They lived so close to the "city of light" and yet had no way of reaching it. 他们生活在离“光之城”(巴黎别称——译者注)如此之近的地方,却无法到达这座城市。
Sha Sha gold micro-listening, began to close places of the heart, so close places of pain, pain, she appeared on the amount to a cold sweat. 金微傻傻地听着,心脏开始收宿了起来,收宿得那么痛楚,那么痛楚,她额上冒出冷汗来了。
Since Mitch had been so close to Honduras for almost a week, the ground was already saturated with water. 由于米奇如此深入袭击洪都拉斯几乎达一周时间,整个大地都浸在了水中。
The man in the tree comes down. With a smile he asks his friend, "The bear puts its nose so close to your ears. What does it say to you? " 在树上的人下来了,他微笑地对他的朋友说:“熊吧鼻子离你的耳朵那么近,它对你说什么了?”
The dam was completed less than two years ago despite concerns raised at the time about building it so close to a seismic fault line. 尽管当时这座大坝因过于靠近地震带而引起关注,但还是于2年前完工了。
And all the memories, so close to me, just fade away. All this time you were pretending. 那些往日的回忆,依旧历历在目,却渐渐褪色。一直在假装,一直在逃避。
You're so close to the people sleeping next to you that you can feel the hair of their mustache on the side of your head. 你是如此接近的人睡在你旁边,你可以感受到他们的胡子头发的一方你的头。
I'm really glad we've been so close for so long , but i feel like we're both changing and maybe we don't have so much in common any more! 我真的很高兴我们作了这么久的好朋友,但是我觉得我们都在变,也许是我们现在共同点没有那么多了!
I don't like this unit because the view is terrible. Take a look, it is so close to the other old buildings. 我不喜欢这单位,因为观景很差。你看,太接近那些旧式大厦了。
Standing so close to her, I could smell her perfume, I could see the tiny hairs that were growing back in her eyebrows. 站的离她这么近,我闻得见她的香水味,看见了她的眉毛间,新生的微小的细毛。
Jim said it made him all over trembly and feverish to be so close to freedom. 杰姆说,眼看自由就在眼前,他浑身发抖、发热。
Germany or Spain now stand in Holland's way of World Cup success - and Kuyt admits it's an 'incredible feeling' to be so close to glory. 德国或西班牙现在就站在荷兰夺取世界杯的路上,库伊特承认,如此接近这项荣誉,那是种“难以置信的感觉”。
Oh, I must admit that when she first moved so close it was a shock to see her on a daily basis after all these years on my own. 哦,我必须承认,在我独自生活这么多年后她搬到了离我这近的地方,我每天又都能看到她了,这在一开始对我是个冲击。
Today I'm here at my favorite coffee shop. It's so close to my house. And their coffee is so good! 今天我来到最喜欢得咖啡厅。它离我住的地方很近。这儿的咖啡很好喝。
When the other team is working so hard and it is so close to the end of the season, it makes it a tough match. 赛季末中有球队要付出努力,所以这让比赛变得困难。
And then the player of the year call came straight after so it was brilliant for me that the two should come so close together. 然后足球协会致电给我宣布我获得最佳球员,这对我来说简直太完美了,两个电话过来的时间都非常近。