
英 ['sɪdni]
  • n.悉尼;【女名】女子名;【男名】男子名



'Everybody used to say the cost of living in Sydney and Melbourne was much higher, but that's certainly not the case now, ' he said. 他说,过去人人都说悉尼和墨尔本的生活成本比珀斯高得多,但现在情况肯定不是这样了。
After resting in Sydney for a few weeks , Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends, attempts to dissuade him. 在几个星期休息以后在悉尼,奇切斯特更加引起竟管他的朋友,尝试谏阻他。
Mr. Lorry followed Sydney to the outer door, and, touching him on the shoulder as he was going away, caused him to turn. 罗瑞先生跟着西德尼来到外面大门口,在他离开时拍了拍他的肩头,让他转过身来。
The idea was that anyone could do it, whether they were in a small village in France or a city like Sydney. 其实每个人都能做到这件事,无论你在法国的一个小乡村还是在像悉尼这样的大城市。
No doubt, appreciate the view of Sydney is one of the best cruising in the clear water of Sydney Harbor to see the two sides. 无疑,欣赏悉尼的最佳视点之一是游弋于悉尼港的碧水中向两岸眺望。
You were very sound, Sydney, in the matter of those crown witnesses today. Every question told. 你是很精明的,西得尼,对昨天那些官方证人,每个问题都有效果。
as the boat so favoured is usually in a rough plight , and mostly under water , so , sydney had a swamped life of it. 受到这种宠爱的小船总是灾难重重,大部分时间都淹没在水里,因此西德尼只好过着倒霉的日子。
after more than a year and a half of legal wrangling , four female thai elephants are in their new mall amid australian sydney zoo. 经过一年半多的法律纠纷后,四头泰国雌象在澳大利亚悉尼动物园的新家安家落户了。
Sydney Opera House has now become the busiest place in Australia with tourists and visitors coming from all over the world. 歌剧院已成为澳大利亚最热闹的场所,旅游者、观众从早到晚络绎不绝。
Sydney Carton seemed to be a man who did not care about anyone or anything. He was Mr Stryver's assistant. 西得尼·卡登似乎对任何人或任何事都不在乎。他是史太弗先生的助手,
As you know, China increased its participation in Sydney and brought home unparalleled success with 28 gold medals. 大家都知道,中国队积极参与悉尼奥运并捧回了史无前例的28枚金牌。
Jones also offers a revelatory new account of the Sydney Opera house and the character of those involved in its complex construction. 约翰士同样也为人们理解悉尼歌剧院以及其复杂的建设工程中有关人士及其角色提供了一个启示性的视角。
As you know , China increased its participation in Sydney and bought home unparalleled success with 28 gold medals. 大家都知道,中国增加了其在悉尼奥运会的参赛项目并以二十八枚金牌取得空前的胜利。
Australian media said the koala, nicknamed Mick, was found by police and was taken to the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, north of Sydney . 澳洲媒体表示,警方发现这只叫「米克」的无尾熊之后,将牠送到了雪梨北方的麦凯利港无尾熊医院。
Sydney has been the poorest performer of any of the markets, but its future prospects are better than the other states. 悉尼是所有城市中走势最差的,但是它的未来前景要好于其他州。
The global media giant arrived in Cairns Wednesday, one day after more than 300 of her mostly U. S. fans touched down in Sydney. 奥普拉周三到达凯恩斯,一天前逾300位她的忠实美国粉丝已抵达悉尼。
Sort of the equivalent of a 2D Londoner living on the surface of the globe taking a short cut to Sydney via the Earth's core. 就好像生活在地球表面的2维的伦敦人通过地心走捷径到悉尼一样。
Rasmussen told the Sydney Morning Herald in November that "it can be very challenging to be working in a company the size of Google. " Rasmussen在悉尼先锋晨报十一月份的采访中表示,“在像谷歌这么大的公司工作是一件非常有挑战性的事”。
I need to book a flight to Sydney today please. How much is one way ticket? 我要订今天到悉尼的机票。单程票是多少钱?
The architecturally unique Sydney Opera House seemed to the computer to be similar to a hotel in Mississippi as well as a bridge in London. 电脑看来,在建筑师上独树一帜的悉尼歌剧院非常像密西西比的一个酒店,也同样的像是伦敦的一个桥。
However, their marriage took place in a very accessible venue at the Sydney Opera House and was a well-covered event in the media. 但是他们的婚姻发生在一个很方便的场地,并在悉尼歌剧院小康盖事件媒体。
The Foundry said it had had "a little bit of contact" with Disney over the issue, according to Sydney's Daily Telegraph newspaper. 而据悉尼每日电讯报报道,TheFoundry公司称其之前已经就此问题与迪斯尼公司进行过“一点点”接触。
As the sun begins to set on their first day in Sydney, they decide to take a romantic stroll along the beach. 在悉尼的第一天就快过去了,他们打算在海滩上散散步,浪漫一下。
Although Lucie married Charles, Sydney promised her that he would always do anything he could for her to make sure of her happiness. 虽然露西嫁给了查尔斯,但是悉尼还是向露西许诺,为了保证她的幸福,他愿意永远为她做所能做的一切。
Today, I was lucky, novice old man took me to tour Sydney Olympic Park, a beautiful environment did not have to say. 今日我运气好,新手老头带我游悉尼奥林匹克公园,环境优美没得说的。
"A scheduled Qantas flight from Singapore to Sydney has developed mechanical problems and has returned to Singapore, " he said. 他表示,“澳航新加坡至悉尼航班发生机械故障,已返回新加坡。”
I think we should go for two weeks. We could spend a week in Sydney and a week at the Great Barrier Reef, including a few days on the beach. 我想我们应该去两个礼拜.在悉尼玩一个礼拜.去大堡礁玩一个礼拜.这样可以在沙滩上放松几天。
A five-month-old red necked wallaby joey pokes her head out of her mother's pouch at Taronga zoo, Sydney, Australia. 澳大利亚悉尼塔瑞噶野生动物园中,一只五个月大的红颈小袋鼠幼兽将头探出妈妈的口袋中。
I felt that I had to grab these chances now otherwise I would be stuck in Sydney for the rest of my life. 我觉得我现在要抓住这些机会,否则我只能在悉尼度过我的余生。
The team in Sydney is also able to share its microscope with other institutions around the world through a video-sharing network. 在悉尼的这个小组也能通过一个视频分享网络让世界其他研究机构利用他们的高清显微镜。