so what

  • 网络那又怎样;那又怎么样;那又怎么样呢

so whatso what

so what


so what是什么意思? - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... so what: 那又怎样??那又如何??|撒小乐团|那又怎样 so what 那又怎么样! ...


Office English 上班族常用口语 ... 126 Nothing 什么也没有 无 127 So What 那又怎么样 128 You Know 你知道 ...


2011年中考复习资料:副词,中考网_教育城 ... 5. so that 以便。 7. so what 那又怎么样呢。 8. so long as 只要 ...


... RHAPSODY 狂热的语言,狂想的文字 SO WHAT 那又如何 TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE 台独 ...


谁有撒小乐团 (So What)的专辑下载连接啊`?????? 218.21.111.* KUGOO上面都搜不到...百度也是.... 以前的和现在的都没有....`…


新年到新年到~~~_游泳池_历史论坛_新浪网 ... 面超人 spirits 那又怎麽样 so what 战神 mars ...

So what prompted Mr Bush to come out with such a tough response against his erstwhile ally, after six days of dithering? 布什在不知所措了6天之后,发出如此强硬的回应,这究竟是什么原因呢?
So what you re referring to right now, whether I know or not know, refers to my brain. 所以你现在问我知不知道,你是指我的头脑。
So what has a momentous social justice action like this got to do with fundraising? 那么,什么东西能像筹资一样产生巨大的社会正义行动?
So what we're hoping to do -- and that was just a framework to really get everybody thinking about where the professor's head is. 所以我们希望做的是——并且这只是一个框架去真正让人们理解教授的思想。
So what could be considered a minor defect in an automobile could translate into a recipe for disaster for a motorcycle rider. 那么,可以认为是轻微的缺陷汽车可以转化成灾难的摩托车骑手。
No one wants any of these consequences laid on them after trying to get their GED or high school diploma, so what do you do? 不想要任何这些后果览后拉拢其总部或高中文凭所以,你在做什么?
"So what's the point in threatening them with imprisonment if they break the terms of their parole? The threat has no meaning for them. " “那假如他们被告之,要是在假释期间再次违法就会被送回监狱,这样的威胁还有什么用?对他们来说这毫无意义。”
This is so what I've needed, and I'm ready to give the pizza dough a crack. 这正是我所需要的,我已经准备好了给比萨饼面团重重一摔。
Visual inspection is of course already used in some parts of the the world, so what is about this technique that your study's shown? 当然这种可视诊断在世界的很多地方已经开始应用,那对这项技术,您的研究结果有什么发现?
What do you think about this paper - does the design make sense or do you see flaws and if so what are they? 你觉得这篇论文如何-这个实验设计是否有意义,或者你看到缺陷,如果有缺陷是什么样的缺陷?
This season, Arsenal seems to be little changed, so what exactly is a means to let the gunmen out of their immature, to be mature? 本赛季,阿森纳似乎有点脱胎换骨,那么究竟是用了什么手段让枪手们摆脱稚嫩,走向成熟呢?
So, what you see is the flight control system trying to smooth out the taxiway. 因此,你所看到的现象就是飞行控制系统试图‘摆平’滑行道的努力。
So what was the headline on an Associated Press analysis of that breakdown in negotiations? 那么,美联社对谈判决裂新闻分析的标题是什么?
'So what star ah, the stars would not walk it? 'Said the girl. 'Never mind, my own past. 'Bibb said, laughing. ‘明星又怎么样啊,明星不会走路么?’少女说。‘没关系,我自己过去。’比伯笑着说。
So what you are trying to say is. . . . . . , am I right ? 那么你要说的是。。。。。。,我说对了吗?
Depression is often caused by a combination of factors, so what is known as a "downward spiral" effect often occurs. 造成抑郁的因素往往是综合的,所以是“螺旋式下降”。
So, what each one of us can do is to be non-communal: We can cease to be Brahmins, cease to belong to any caste or to any country. 因此,我们个人能做的就是成为非地方自治主义者:我们不再是婆罗门、不属于任何等级或国家。
You were trying to buy stolen goods on the sidewalk. So, what I think is, you deserve to get cheated! 你是要买人行道上的赃物,我认为你活该被骗。
So? What if she looked over here and saw you snogging me? You expect her to leave? 那又如何?如果她看见我们亲嘴,她会走吗?
We have all felt those emotions in these last few days. So what I say to you now, as your queen and as a grandmother, I say from my heart. 我们在过去几天里已经尝遍了这些情绪,所以我在此所言,是以一个女王,一个祖母的身份发自内心。
At first I was hesitant, thinking that we neither drank nor intended to purchase any wine, so what was the point of visiting a winery? 有一天,导游带我们到酒厂参观,起先头脑有些挣扎,心想我们又不喝酒,也不买酒,到酒厂做什么?
So what exactly is the president proposing to help him realize hundreds of billions of dollars a year in savings? 那么,总统到底提出了哪些措施来确保一年上千亿美元的成本收缩呢?
So what might his vision for the world be, if the ZetaTalk message proves correct as it increasingly seems to be? 那么如果齐塔人之声的信息像现在这样越来越被证明是正确的,奥巴马对世界的愿景是什么呢?
So what does all of that tell us about the App Store ecosystem and how developers will fare in and out of it? 那么,这一切关于应用商店体系的事例究竟告诉了我们什么呢?开发商又该如何面对呢?
If it's your neighbor down the street who you see once a year at the holiday party, so what! 如果是你一年才在假日聚会上见一次的邻居不理解,那又怎样?
So what I started to do on my time off was to hitchhike a ride down to the little town of Buxton. 于是我开始在休假时搭便车来到巴克斯登小镇,那是一九七七年四月初的事了。
So what about trying to get the most from allergy medications by taking them at the best time of day? 因此,何不在每天的最佳时刻服用过敏药,以得到最佳效益呢?
I'm at a party in a mansion There's a lot of high fashion, And I'm cooler than I've ever been So what you think about that? 我在党中的豪宅有许多的高级时装,而我凉快,而且我去过以是,你怎么想呢?
So what I've been saying about China comes out of the same model I've been using to make sense of our broader economic problem. 所以我经常谈论,中国是从我过去常常注意到我们更广泛的经济问题中脱颖而出。
So what are their conclusions on where we are a little over a year into the recession? 那么在我们陷入衰退一年多后,他们得出了什么结论?