
美 [slɑt]英 [slɒt]
  • n.机会;(投放或插入东西的)窄缝
  • v.投放;插入;(被)塞进;(被)装入
  • 网络槽;插槽;狭槽

复数:slots 现在分词:slotting 过去式:slotted



n. v.

1.(投放或插入东西的)窄缝,扁口a long narrow opening, into which you put or fit sth

2.(名单、日程安排或广播节目表中的)位置,时间,机会a position, a time or an opportunity for sb/sth, for example in a list, a programme of events or a series of broadcasts

(slot)是用来接收信号的,但同时他们也是一个普通的类成员函数,就象一个对象不关心有多少个槽链接到了它的某个信号, …



染整专业_百度文库 ... half-life 半衰期 slot ,狭槽 porosity 开孔,多孔性 ...


全新版大学英语第二版综合教程一单词_百度知道 ... attendant▲ 服务员;侍者,随从 slot▲ 狭缝,狭槽 anecdote▲ 趣闻,轶 …


其中的36代表位置(slot),可以理解为安装在主机中所占的位置;64无特别意义,目前所见的IOS都是64;v1042 与 v3551才是 …


...(Slotted ALOHA)法是将 信道分成若干时隙Slot),应答器只能在阅读器规定的同步时隙内发送 其序列号等信息,发送完 …


狭字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 狭隘〖 narrow〗 狭缝〖 slit;slot〗 狭口〖 throat〗 ...


高分急求—大副批注常用英文术语~~~_百度知道 ... 格槽 cell 箱位 slot 跨位 bay ...

A year later I acquired a programmable calculator with a tiny engine that pulled magnetic memory cards through its slot. 1年后,我买了一个可以编程的计算器,可以插进存储卡。
Simply cut a slot in the lid to put change in, and let your child decorate the outside as he or she chooses. 只要在盖子上剪开一个可以放零钱的小口,再让你的孩子随心装饰一下罐子就可以了。
Due to the constraint that only one tag can be identified at a time slot in the system, many relevant researches have been proposed. 此技术受限于只能在同一时间内辨识出一个标签,因此许多相关研究被提出。
Like an addict at a slot machine, China is adding to its hopeless bet, ensuring that its eventual losses will be even heavier. 中国就像一个沉迷赌博的人,不断增加无望的投注,令它的最终损失更加大。
Uniqueness of tokens also results in an additional failure mode when attempting to connect a slot using a token that has already been used. 标记的唯一性也导致了额外的失败模式,如试图用一个已经被使用的标记连接一个插槽。
Obama took advantage of his strong fundraising efforts to pay for a half-hour slot on several major television networks, late Wednesday. 奥巴马利用了他募款的优势,于星期三晚间在几家主要电视频道上播出半个小时的影片。
Then she waited for her withdrawal slip to come out of the slot at the upper right corner of the machine. 然后,她在等待她的提款单出来的插槽在右上角的机器。
Instead, a token is assigned to a mediation flow for a time slot that represents the theoretical execution time of the target Web service. 在这里,令牌在某一时间段被分配给仲裁流,而该时间段表示目标Web服务的理论执行时间。
If a few of the cities in question could manage any of that, the report would slot neatly into the "Encouraging" hole. 如果这些存在问题的城市能够做到以上任何一点,那么这份报告就可谓极好的达到“促进”效果。
To start, slot your foot (big toe up, pinky toe down) into the crack up to the arch of your foot, keeping your knee out to the side. 首先,把脚尖到足弓的部分楔入裂缝中去(大脚趾在上,小指在下),膝盖保持向外。
One of the things I find interestingis that it tells you exactly how much memory is in each memory slot on themotherboard. 这个方法我发现一个好处,就是它会告诉你主板上每一条内存插槽上的内存大小。
How much a slot machine must pay out, called the "hold, " is set by the state. 玩一次老虎机应该输掉多少钱,称之为“保留”,而这是由州政府规定的。
If the name has not been used, a new slot is allocated. 如果该名称尚未使用,则会分配一个新数据槽。
I tell him this interview slot usually goes to the CEOs of big companies like Nissan - whereas Craigslist is worth . . . how much? 我告诉他,这个采访位置通常是留给日产(Nissan)等大公司的首席执行官的——而Craigslist值……多少钱?
The British Olympic Association (BOA) has said that to earn a slot, a team must be capable of "a credible performance" . 英国奥运协会(BOA)声称,队伍要拿得出“有说服力的成绩”才能取得参赛席位;
The sun's heat had warmed the dark post, but not enough. The slot between the hard ice and the wood was too narrow for her body. 太阳的热能使黑色的柱子有了温度,只可惜温度不够,坚硬的冰层和木头之间的空隙不够让她爬上去。
When a swarm pours itself out through the front slot of the hive, the queen bee can only follow. 当蜂群从蜂巢前面狭小的出口涌出时,蜂王只能跟着。
EXAMPLE: The young man took a brief vacation overseas in the slot between the end of university studies and the start of his new career. 这位年轻人利用读完大学和开始新职业之间的空隙到国外休了个短假。
Just as you would write in a paper-based organizer, you can click on any time slot in the Outlook Calendar and begin typing. 就像在纸上安排一样,您可以单击Outlook“日历”中的任何时间段并开始键入。
Nodes can exchange hand-shake signals in contention slot of every transmission frame to transmit simultaneously using spatial multiplexing. 通过在传输帧的竞争时隙交换多个握手信息,使网络中节点能够以空分复用的方式并行传输。
Gary sat me down to let me know that I would finally be getting a bonus and my eyes began to spin like a slot machine. 盖瑞让我坐下,告诉我今年终于能拿到奖金了,我的眼睛直冒星星,就像玩老虎机中了奖一样。
If 'The Hurt Locker' is in the number one slot, it may be placed in either the 'Hey, Did You Know This Was Directed By A Woman? 如果‘拆弹部队’得到第一名,这部影片可能会被问到‘喂,你知道这是一个女人导演的吗?
When the A320 kicked off, there was a slot for me, and I was able to be a part of it. 当空客A320拉开序幕,对我来说有一个槽,而我能成为其中的一部分。
Spanner made a humming noise and a flag came out of a slot in his chest. 扳手了嗡嗡的噪声和一个标志出槽在他的胸部。
Then, at least two of the P received partial data are copied on a time slot so as to obtain at least two copied partial data. 接着,于时域上复制P个已接收部分数据的至少其二,得到至少二复制部分数据。
They are all unexpected only in a probabilistic sense, just as the roulette wheel spinning to any particular slot is unexpected. 只是从概率意义上说,它们才是不可预测的,正如赌盘转到什么位置停下来是不可预测的一样。
These two developments slot nicely into the narrative of declining US power and will no doubt be used to illustrate that very phenomenon. 这两项进展恰到好处地体现了美国国力的下降,并毫无疑问将地被用来说明这一非常现象。
He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot. 他可能得到一出很高兴的声音作出的关键他那几个关键的时候,真正进入了槽的方式。
Finally in this chapter, the parasitical strip and the folded slot have been used to implement the dual band-notched characteristic. 在本章的最后,采用寄生条带和贴片开槽的方法,实现了天线的双阻带特性。
He gazed at me a long time as if I were a slot machine into which he had, without result. 他定了我很久,就象我是一台插入到他同有的机器中的没有结局,吐出一块块镍的机器。